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Friday, August 2, 2013

Open Letter to the Governor of North West

We forward herewith a letter of appeal to the Governor of North West Region in connection with the detained SCNC activists detained in Kumbo, Bui since 27th July, 2013.  It will be recalled that at the time of sending this message, we are reliably informed that these detainees are being asked to pay a total sum of eight hundred and thirty thousands francs CFA (about US $1660) before they are released.  How long shall we remain under the yoke of slavery, intimidation and subjugation in the hands of La Republique du Cameroun?

Southern  Cameroons national council (SCNC)
Motto:                the force of argument, not the argument of force
National capital:  Buea                           Southern Cameroons
P. O. Box 429 Bamenda                                                  Tel:  (237) 77 87 48 78    
E-mail:                                         Tel:  (237) 74 82 55 62
Website:                          Tel:  (237) 93 64 77 06

31st July, 2013
To:   his excellncy,
          the governor,
          north west region
On behalf of the peace loving people of the British-Southern Cameroons in general and the SCNC in particular, we write to complain to your high office as chief executive officer of the region, on the unlawful arrest and detention of some eighty–three (83) citizens of British Southern Cameroons, while they were assembling in Kumbo for their National Council meeting.
            May it please you Sir, to be reminded that article 179 of the Banjul People and Human Rights Commission's ruling, recognizes The Southern Cameroonians as a "People", hence the very ruling recommended constructive dialogue between the government of la Republique du Cameroun (your government) and Southern Cameroons; which has been ignored by your government. Sir, it should be recalled that la Republique du Cameroun is a signatory to the African Commission for People and Human Rights (ACHPR). 
            By this appeal Sir, we wish to call on you and you and your high office to cause the immediate and unconditional release of these 83 detained Southern Cameroonians who have been in detention since 27th July 31, 2013.
            While anticipating your timely action, as it will go a long way demonstrating your government's respect for democratic values, the rule of law, and the respect for human rights and freedoms; accept sir, the esteem of our regards to you and your collaborators.
                                                            Yours Truly:
            ____________________                                            ____________________
1)     Rev. Ntumngia Timothy:                                           2)  Mr. Kumka Simon
(LGA Chairman-Bafut SCNC)                                 (LGA Chairman-Tubah SCNC)
  3)       Mr. Shey A. Sembe
                        (Strategic Policy Adviser-SCYL)
              4)      Evangelist Ngwa A. N.
                        Secretary General- SCNC
CC: United Nations Secretary General
       African Commission for People and Human Rights
       President, United States of America
       The Chairman - African Union
       President, La Replublique du Cameroun
       US Embassy-Yaounde
       French Embassy- Yaounde
       British Embassy- Yaounde
       German Embassy- Yaounde
       The Regional Secretary, National Security-North West  
       The Senior Divisional Officer, Bui Division
       The Arch Bishop of Bamenda  
       The President, Cameroon Baptist Convention
       The Moderator's Representative-North West
       All County/LGA Chairmen, Southern Cameroons
Above for your information and necessary assistance please

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