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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Re: [ACEsthetics] Gun Ownership

Bruce, Steve was mainly talking about the "culture" of guns, not just the ownership. Many countries have high gun ownership, but none wrap the ownership of guns with "the flag" and patriotism.

From: Bruce Finnigan <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2013 9:12 AM
To: Steve Hendry <>, Jeff Rodgers <>
Cc: Guy Moorman <>, Bob Perkins <>, "Dean V. Hutto" <>, ACE <>
Subject: [ACEsthetics] Gun Ownership

Contrary to your perception that only American's have a lot of guns (94 guns per 100 people), Switzerland and Finland seem to like them too (45 per 100 people). Canada is in the world rankings too, although not on the same scale as the U.S. (30 per 100 people). It certainly doesn't sound like Canada is disinterested in firearms when almost 1 in 3 have them, does it?

From: Steve Hendry <>
To: Jeff Rodgers <>
Cc: Guy Moorman <>; Bruce Finnigan <>; Bob Perkins <>; Dean V. Hutto <>; ACE <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [ACEsthetics] Larry Ellison on NSA and privacy. I totally agree with his angle.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Jeff Rodgers <> wrote:
Your response shows that I am clearly not communicating with you very well.  I could not possibly care less if you agree or disagree with what you perceive as 'American gun culture.'  

Well, you're giving it a lot of attention fro not caring.... 

I think it's fair to call the communication failure mutual. Far be it from me to curb your right to guns; I only point out that it's one of the fundamental differences between Canadians and Americans - other than the quasi-Canadian subset of Americans to which you compare us.   Vive le difference.


Please understand…I am libertarian.

I am well familiar with Libertarianism - a very popular persuasion in the U.S, and a fairly rare species in Canada (another difference!)

The statement that someone who is part of American gun culture, or is okay with it, must be a 'nutjob' or 'batshit crazy' shows your intolerance for those around you.

I have apologized for the "nutjob" descriptor.  I have to stick with the opinion that the American gun culture ) is batshit crazy.  Love the sinner, but hate the crazy, as they say.

It's not an anti-American thing.  If the Belgians or the French had a cowboy mentality of packing pistols to the mall, I'd think it crazy of them too.  But it happens to be a uniquely American thing, even though not all Americans are subscribers.

If it helps, I think lots of other things are batshit crazy. Like believing in an invisible man in the sky with a Mexican name and super powers.  Or liking Justin Bieber.

 The same same sort of intolerance you are telling us the average American has for gays and drugs.

I am just stating reality. The intolerance is inferred.

Consider the gay thing.  My country has no restrictions on gay marriage, no politicians campaigning on a homophobic platform, no big angst over gays in our military. The premier of my province is a lesbian. Your has all of those. If it feels like intolerance have these differences pointed out, I can't help you.

Same with drugs. Consider how vast your prison population is (number one in the world!) and how high a percentage of them are there for minor drug infractions.

And for the record…I am completely okay with you thinking it's crazy.  It's your right to.  And its your right to vocalize it (or type it in this case).  Have at it.  Just have the intellectual integrity to acknowledge when you are doing the same thing.

I don't equate acknowledging different values with intolerance.   If you think the facts are wrong, you can correct me.


ps.  I will let you have the last word.  I won't post anymore on this thread on the forum.  You know as always I am happy to continue the discussion privately though.  As much as we disagree I always like our debates.  I still have no problem buying you a drink if we ever meet.  And so you know…even my gay friends make fun of the drinks I like.  Sparkletinis rule!

We are cool dude. I like a good argument as long as its civil.

Sparkletinis do sound a bit gay - we must try some!  :-) 

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