Taku Moses AYUK Engerish nobi my country talk so why you di wast your time with my English?
I have said it time and again and I will continue to say it. You are the worst person that one can sit and think of for you are a devil pretending to be a savant of God.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Sama Thomas Achoa <> wrote:
Taku Moses Ayok I really use to wonder if you are a Christian for your attitude is worst then that of a pagan.
Taku for your information Nfor Ngalla Nfor is having something to show more than Fossung your god.
Nfor is down there organizing the people and you are there in the USA lying everyday to the Southern Cameroonian people how do you think they can thrust you with all this your lies?
Mr Taku the stupidity which you are expressing here is an unpresidented one for no Christian on tne planet earth can be that hateful toward another Christian like you.
Mr lielie pastor have you ever taken time off to read the the book title Animals Farm? If you haven't please I recommend it to you for it might help a bit.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Taku A. A. Moses <> wrote:
Chief Taku & Brother Sama Thomas,

I am writing to express my sympathy with the innocent villagers that are suffering unnecessary detention in the name of the struggle-SCNC. The pregnant woman will deliver a solid freedom fighter indeed as Moses, Mandela. Fossung, George Achu and Rev.(Papa) Taku. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit from the womb.

The unprecedented meetings that Nfor Nfor is holding all the time and putting the poor natives to unwarranted torments is not unconnected to his covetous plans to raise personal funds for his unauthorized overseas trips. It will be noted that I had told him not to be holding such meetings thereby giving room for the agents of the captors to be inflicting pains to our already suffering masses. What was/is his reason for that meeting that was being held in Kumbo? What was at stake to be solved that needed that meeting to be held? Are you not sure that these meetings are all as a camouflage in the side of NNN as an agent of the man Bia? No meetings held by NNN will be of any importance to bringing down the miracle of our restoration. Ambassador Henry Fossung who is not holding any meetings but is working very evidently to the visible acknowledgement of those unstoppable services or works of his Anointed Pen by the captors-Bia and Mr. France. You do not need to be holding such provocative meetings that have nothing to be seen beneficial to the people or the course. NW natives are also very naive and primitive to have been holding such meetings with Nfor Nfor from when he hijacked the chairmanship to enthrone himself chairman in NW with nothing to show as a testimony of achievement year in year out. Who can be paying school fees for a son and doesn't see his report card for promotion to another class. Such a father is really a drunkard/foul.

Is there any NW Elite who will defend that question for the reason of holding that meeting-can Mankon Sama Thomas or Martin Yembe of Nkambe try to defend or give us the answer? Any meeting in the name of SCNC that NN Ngala will be holding in NW will not be honoured at all by the 2 governments-that of the nation and that of the Gov't of Heaven. Nfor Nfor has no mandate of any of the 2 gov'ts to do what he is doing. Because he has no authority to do what he is doing, the backing of either of the 2 gov'ts is never available to secure the meeting from embarrassment by the enemy-hence why they are always in trouble. NN Ngala has no authority, reasons and security from above to hold those personally motivated, with secret personal reasons to hold such. What was the agenda of the meeting and what will the meeting bring as benefits to the attendees? NN Ngala is a dribbler to his NW primitive villagers as he has every sweet tongue to let them know and also believe that he is working but nothing to show.

Why is Nfor making the NW villagers suffer when their suffering is already too much as a result of their Blackleg Elites both in SCNC and in the gov't of LRDC?. Stop these meetings even when you are poor and needs money. Your conscience is the best judge and your conviction is by the Holy Spirit. Remember the Blood covenant in Wimbom Hall as you were one of the ring leaders to have brought that native doctor.
That covenant will soon be speaking to the covenant breakers except they run to H.Fossung and repent and surrender for the covenant reactions to be stayed. It is already revealed-so be careful as you reason it whether negatively or positively. It is your cup of garri or cow horn of Mbuh raffia palm.

Yours Faithful Freedom Fighter-not with human weapons of MK47 & F16 but with Spiritual weapons.
Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses-alias Daniel to his nation of S.C.


From: Chief Charles A.Taku <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 5:43 PM


This one more egregious violation of the right of Southern Cameroonians to peaceful assembly in their own territory is prelude to potential massive, widespread and systemic violations that will mark the so-called celebration of "re-unification" in Buea.  The intensification and escalation of  of the crack down and massive violations is part and parcel of the purported celebration of the annexation. One thing is sure, these arrests, torture, murders in cold blood which are being meticulously recorded is an attribute of fear. Dictators are the greatest cowards one can imagine. They fear even their own shadows. If that were not the case, how can one explain these systemic criminal proclivities when Biya's agents organized conferences to concede to what the SCNC has been stating for so long, namely that no treaty of union existed between La Republique du Cameroun and Southern Cameroons? The use of brute force and massive violations after that concession can only be criminal leaving those who bear individual and command responsibility for these crimes to criminal prosecutions where ever universal jurisdiction permits.  They and their foot soldiers can run but will never hide.
Chief Charles A.Taku 
From: Sama Thomas Achoa <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 12:31 AM

Thank you Mr Napoleon I have just spoken with Dr Nfor N Nfor via a phone smuggled into their cell this evening and he had briefed me of the difficulties that they are presently under going.
Just as you have said the number of persons arrested are almost 150 with a pregnant woman amongst them with a man of over 80 years old.
It is now left for us who are free to see that this comrades are release from the tortured chambers of LRDC.
May God continue to give them the strength to bear all the torture that they are going through for one day we shall over come.

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Napoleon Kwalar <> wrote:
Dear all,
Reports from Kumbo, 120km from Bamenda indicate that over 120 SCNC activists were arrested at about
2,30 pm yesterday. The activists were having a meeting in a private premises were arrested by a combined contingent of Police and Gendarmes and moved to two different  locations before being brought to separate detention camps at th Police and Gendarmarie stations in Kumbo. Among those arrested include Nfor Ngala NNfor, Acting National Chaiman of th SCNC and Leaders from the various Counties, including 20 women one of whom is heavily pregnant is reportedly in a bad shape.The detainees have been kept in  two small chambers that can allow only for about 30 people. As at now they have not been interrogated nor charged. It is not uncommon for the Yaounde regime to incarcerate members of the SCNC for long periods incommunicado and subject them to all forms of hardships. In Cameroon most detention camps serve as dungeons of human rights abuses and killing.
Bamenda plateau
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