Re: RE: [MTC Global] Status of the State

Thanks to Professor Goelji.

Faith and faith only is the primary requiremet for running the State, Faith means
Political party's faith on the philosophy/preaching adopted/embraced.
Faith of government on people.
In turn, faith of people on government.

Any ISM adopted by the Country secondary. Success depends entirely on the quality
of 3D faith.

On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 18:54:49 +0530 wrote
> More important is faith of people in the Government, its policies, and its
competence to face the prevailing challanges and it is the square responsibility
of any Government to win that faith. Assurances would not help the cause of
economy , or the rupee, or rising prices or gold rush.RegardsVirendra GoelFrom: [] On Behalf Of Madan
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 12:44 PM
To:; padma misra
Cc: Dharmesh Raval; Shivshankar Mishra
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Status of the StateDear Dr Padma,

Eights days ago [Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 9:19 AM] Dharmesh Raval
had added to a thread titled "Real story of #American
#Dollar v/s #Indian #Rupee" this article India's economy | How India got its
funk: India’s economy is in its tightest spot since 1991. Now, as then, the
answer is to be bold

"As well as undermining 1.2 billion people’s hopes of prosperity, failure to
reform dragged down the rupee ..."

Reporting of this kind is way, way too much of a caricature and an extremely
broad brush capturing of realities! In brief, this is the regular 'Economist -
Thrash' that is offered the world when they wish to fill pages - not even a smoke
screen, because the informed are well ahead of the game and define the curves and
bends on the road for the future!- no mention in the article of why the Germans
have pulled back 647 tonnes of gold that was held in USA and France. The details
are everywhere on the web and also several other themes are at links from Rolf
Baron von Hohenhau's web pages ( / "Repatriate our
- the "captaining" of the IMF (International Monetary Fund by the
French since 2007 (IMF Managing Director/Chairman of the Executive Board
( and most certainly for
another four or five years to come - till about 2017/2018 and perhaps even beyond
- this was perhaps the deal made with the US but withoul letting them know that
the Germans will take their gold after the French took control

- the Germans would like very much to be in charge after that - that is after
they have got all their gold out of the USA!

- no mention of the 200 tons of gold the IMF sold India
( - this is partly in
response to your comment about - no mention of the ongoing rush to buy gold in
Dubai ( - currency fleeing the
country. This is sure to inflate the price of gold and make even more money run
after limited metal and provide the effect the

I all this over the past few weeks I have felt like the proverbial kUpa maNDUka
(कूप मणॠडूक) - The Frog That Lived in a Well!I continue to
There are several other dots that need connecting if one has to arrive at the
final answer of the big picture - for instance,

- Somewhere in all this is also the answer to why Rajan is the new RBI Governor.

- After all Raghuram Rajan chief economist of the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) Economic Counselor and Director of Research (chief economist) at the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) from October 2003 to December 2006.and now
Kaushik Basu (born 9 January 1952 is
the World Bank's Chief Economist (October 2012 to perhaps September / October

To benefit the Nation or just a few individuals, all of this is too well
orchestrated - there is no wiggle room for any of those who will not ally with
such plans

The only salvation is if the poor rural Indian - who fortunately make the bulk of
the nation and approx. 2.5 times the size of the population of either Europe or
USA - stays away from being drawn into these schemes involving loans and deals
and swaps and switches and other financial instruments to hoodwink even the
smartest minds..

And only in such abstinence will one find immunity to such global scheming,
conniving and skulduggery of the highest order.

[Whether Rajan is an Indian Citizen or a dual citizen with Indian and American
nationalities is not the real issue - irrelevent. Whether he will provide the
required immunity to the bulk of the nation that lives off the land and will do
for at least three or four generatiosn to come - this is the real issue).

In all this Gandhiji's visions of Swaraj
( and his identification that the
"overall impact of the state on the people is harmful" - "the state a "soulless
machine" which, ultimately, does the greatest harm to mankind" continues to be so
true and is being played out in front of our eyes. Whether we care to see this is
another matter.I quote below from What Swaraj meant to Gandhi ? (by M. P.

"Why did Gandhi take such a position vis-à-vis the state, the capitalists
and the
landlords who were his supporters and the Indian National Congress begs deeper
probing. Although most of his prominent colleagues and contemporaries pinned
their vision of transformation of society and polity on state power Gandhi
cherished a deep-rooted suspicion of the state machinery. He defined the state as
the most organised and concentrated form of violence and called it an impersonal
entity, a soulless machine that satisfied individuality, which lay at the root of
all progress. The raison d'etre of the state is that it is an instrument of
serving the people. But Gandhi feared that in the name of moulding the state into
a suitable instrumentof serving people, the state would abrogate the rights of
the citizens and arrogate to itself the role of grand protector and demand abject
acquiescence from them. This would create a paradoxical situation where the
citizens would be alienated from the state and at the same time enslaved to it
which according to Gandhi was demoralising and dangerous."
I am sure with the schemes in progress this will continue and a century on we
will still be in the same situation - in this relationship between the citizen
and the state.

There is 'rot' in India but the real rot will set in when the farmers stop to
produce and the freedoms the enjoy today, for their labour and toil, is taken
away. As soon as they are deprived of this freedom then the system will collapse
- no amount of gold will feed ones bellies / hunger!
Much love,Madan

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 9:01 PM, padma misra wrote:Dear
Sir,Well shared. A very important point you have raised.But the fundamentals of
indian economy can not be so weak that they suffer the same fate of the asian
tigers.Lets hope for the better...of-course hope alone is not enough.I wonder if
withdrawing money from our reserves will work. I think a sum of 50 billion
dollars should be able to settle things. Panicking wont help.but then it is a
Executive Decision.Thanks and regardsDr. PadmaDr. PadmaOn Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at
8:06 PM, Madan Thangavelu wrote:Dear Sir,Greetings
and thank you for sharing - all of what you have presented is a well orchestrated
ploy by US and Europe - more likely the banks in these two Nations (the
´banksters´) to incapacitate nations.

Please do enlighten us on the benefits the nation stands to gain from having the
previous Chief Economist of the IMF as the new Governor of RBI and Kaushik Basu
as Chief Economist at the World Bank (starting 2012).Does India stand to gain or
is it too late?On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:20 AM, Shivshankar Mishra
wrote:Dear Dr.Dutt,

The enclosed write up may interest the mtc group and start a discourse.
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