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Monday, September 2, 2013

Re: [ACEsthetics] Syria-ND

Okay, pardon this ramble.  I am harkened back to a protest chant of 1968 – us hippies vs. the establishment: "The Whole World is Watching."  Well, the whole world just doesn't give a shit anymore.  Without a coalition, Obama made a very shrewd political move: put it on Congress, which has failed to act on anything important (except getting the air traffic controllers back to work so the politicians could leave DC for Easter) in recent memory.
What happens if we oust one regime from power, only to supplant it with another tyrannical regime? 
I think that Obama's remarks about our democracy being a government of by and for the people no longer holds today.  There are too many outside forces acting upon our legislators.  Therefore, the President needs a mandate of the electorate, and not the elected.  The UN is powerless, and NATO as well.  Let the Obama Option be like the Monroe Doctrine – let's spend our money on OUR hungry, and not try to buy friends.
Unless we can get Mr. Phelps (of Mission Impossible) to deactivate the stores of chemical weapons, no lessons will be learned by Syrians, only further hatred of Uncle Sam, and his Knesset Cousins.  Oust Assad, who takes his place? 
The US role as police force du mondiale needs to be limited to helping the civilized world.  The Arab civil war has been going on for centuries, and we're not going to do anything to stop it.  The UN General Assembly with adversarial veto power will never result in any sort of global mandate.  We need to take care of feeding our own, and making our nation greater.  Our TR's "Big Stick" doesn't scare anyone who puts so little value in the meaning of life.
Steve Markus
The Centre for Dentistry at Haddon
209 White Horse Pike
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 1:14 PM
Subject: [ACEsthetics] Syria-ND
Hey, I haven't followed this very closely but I am puzzled, not that we want there to be retribution for chemical weapons use (if it is in fact, true) but that Obama wants to act unilaterally.  Haven't we learned yet that this unilateral (U.S. policing the world) thinking doesn't work!!  Why don't we turn this over to NATO and the U.N.. 

We always act like we are in charge of everything.

any thoughts?  Am I not clued into what is really going on?

Bob S. Perkins D.D.S.
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