Re: From dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp

On Monday, September 30, 2013 3:13:44 PM UTC+2, scylpress wrote:
Dr Gene Sharpe wrote:

In recent years various dictatorships — of both internal and external origin — have collapsed or stumbled when confronted by defiant, mobilized people. Often seen as firmly entrenched and impregnable, some of these dictatorships proved unable to withstand the concerted political, economic, and social defiance of the people.


Since 1980 dictatorships have collapsed before the predominantly nonviolent defiance of people in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Slovenia, Madagascar, Mali, Bolivia, and the Philippines. Nonviolent resistance has furthered the movement toward democratization in Nepal, Zambia, South Korea, Chile, Argentina, Haiti, Brazil, Uruguay, Malawi, Thailand, Bulgaria, Hungary, Nigeria, and various parts of the former Soviet Union (playing a significant role in the defeat of the August 1991 attempted hard-line coup d'état).

In addition, mass political defiance has occurred in China, Burma, and Tibet in recent years.


Although those struggles have not brought an end to the ruling dictatorships or occupations, they have exposed the brutal nature of those repressive regimes to the world community and have provided the populations with valuable experience with this form of struggle.

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Enjoy it reading and lets put it into action

We Shall Overcome

Prince Larry Ayamba
SCYL Spokesman

SCYL Liberation OATH: "The Southern Cameroons Must Win this " War!" - Therefore: I will Work, I will Serve, I will Save, I will Sacrifice, I will Endure, I will Fight Cheerfully, And do my utmost, Even Unto Dealth, As if the issue of the whole Struggle depended on Me Alone. So, HELP ME GOD!"


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