RE: [MTC Global] Demographic Dividend-A boon or bane

My belief is that a child is born as a crystal clear brain and heart. Whatever he becomes as he grows is imbibed from the environment around and the social and family interactions. So I would say that society and the environment are equally responsible but Parents and Teachers being two individuals in a child’s life who have direct influence on what he becomes in life. They have to even save the child from the undesirable face of the society and educate him to differentiate between right and wrong.


Virendra Goel


From: [] On Behalf Of kiran paranjpe
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [MTC Global] Demographic Dividend-A boon or bane


Dear Sir, I read somewhere that a parent who leaves behind his child in debt is in reality his enemy. I believe that the least the earlier generation should do is not to leave any debt for the next generation to serve. This would mean that the next generation should have an un-encumbered future to begin their lives.
Only a responsible behavior that recognizes the discharge of our duties to the best possible extent will ensure that. Whenever we seek any rights for ourselves, we also have to acknowledge the attached duties. One can exercise these rights only while discharging one's duties.
I feel it is the responsibility of all members of the civil society to create and sustain the demographic dividend by putting all able hands to work.
Best Regards,

Sat, 28 Sep 2013 11:44:23 +0530 wrote
> Is it the responsibility of the youth alone that they do not veer from the righteous path?Should we pass the entire onus values upon parents and teachers?Or should this responsibility rest on all of us who are part of civil society.Let's reflect upon ths issue.Have a nice weekendDrAJagan Mohan Reddy

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