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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Re: Re: [MTC Global] Demographic Dividend-A boon or bane

Dear All,

Demographic Dividend: A Boon or Bane?

This is a question that needs a little bit deeper diving.
1. Diversity is the main built in characteristic of the Nature. The Nature
has it so designed that the Nature's cycle will keep on rolling for infinite
duration. This needs sustainability, reproduction and continuation of Nature's
play with suitable demographic diversity.
2. To achieve the cycle of reproduction the Nature has given some instincts
like mother loves her kids, feed them in initial stages on her milk. So is also
for man.
3. Man is the weakest link but endowed with intellect. Man designs his own
systems like schools, railways, hospitals, employment (other creatures get their
food through natural means/provisions). This has risen what is called civil
4. Depending upon the demographic diversity man can reap the dividends, the
dividends that will help human race to survive on the earth.
5. Naturally, every generation is expected to carry out certain chores
through the available means using them optimally so that the followings take
place (tasks):
• Reproduce the healthy children.
• Offer them good education and training.
• Make them responsible so that challenges can be faced by them
• Pass on the wisdom to the young ones.
• Make these young capable to start for the next generation and continue
the cycle.
6. This is what is expected from man.
7. But man leads artificial life, full of greediness, desire of dominance,
etc. Demographic dividend sometimes appears to be then a bane. Demographic and
regional diversity imbibe certain man-made traits in man like terrorism, etc.
8. But Nature balances such bane appropriately so the Her cycle is
9. If it is so and if we proclaim to belong to civil society demographic
dividends can be only boon. Hence rather than pushing the future of my kids into
darkness (due to my follies, greediness, lust) man endeavors for bright future of
his kids.

Turn therefore demographic dividend into a boon.




On Sun, 29 Sep 2013 18:44:31 +0530 wrote
>Dear Sir, I read somewhere that a parent who leaves behind his child in debt is
in reality his enemy. I believe that the least the earlier generation should do
is not to leave any debt for the next generation to serve. This would mean that
the next generation should have an un-encumbered future to begin their lives.
Only a responsible behavior that recognizes the discharge of our duties to the
best possible extent will ensure that. Whenever we seek any rights for ourselves,
we also have to acknowledge the attached duties. One can exercise these rights
only while discharging one's duties.
I feel it is the responsibility of all members of the civil society to create and
sustain the demographic dividend by putting all able hands to work.
Best Regards,





Sat, 28 Sep 2013 11:44:23 +0530 wrote
> Is it the responsibility of the youth alone that they do not veer from the
righteous path?Should we pass the entire onus values upon parents and teachers?Or
should this responsibility rest on all of us who are part of civil society.Let's
reflect upon ths issue.Have a nice weekendDrAJagan Mohan Reddy

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