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Monday, September 2, 2013

Southern Cameroons Holdings: How to invest on Southern Cameroons Shares/Stocks

Hi Everyone,

For sure, Southern Cameroonians and anyone can freely buy as many individual or group stocks as they may so desire. Shares/Stock prices starts at 1 Euro per Share/Stock.  


Shares/Stock investment method

1.  Open a free individual account with a GXG broker to invest in the stock, the broker we recommend is

2. Those wishing to buy (> 50,000 shares/stocks), contact us and we will place your shares/stocks directly.  Also you will be entitled to a 10% finder's fee commission for this sort of placement.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you've any related questions.

We Shall Overcome

Prince Larry Ayamba
SCYL Spokesman

SCYL Liberation OATH: "The Southern Cameroons Must Win this " War!" - Therefore: I will Work, I will Serve, I will Save, I will Sacrifice, I will Endure, I will Fight Cheerfully, And do my utmost, Even Unto Dealth, As if the issue of the whole Struggle depended on Me Alone. So, HELP ME GOD!"


On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:20 PM, SCYL Communication Department <> wrote:

Dear Southern Cameroonians,


The leadership of the SCYL call on all our people to keep the internal wrangling for power aside and focus on the liberation of our land under a leadership that has proven its worth in the triad front of liberation diplomacy, political activism and economic warfare.


In times like these, we must choose between the status quo characterized by short term reactive programs that perpetuate personality bickering and a long term approach which is systematic and proactive.


For the struggle of our liberation to succeed, we must adopt a progressive comprehensive approach consistent with our goal of creating a state of our own and one which embodies our values. This is the approach which the SCYL leadership has shown for its 18 years of existence. We will continue with our discreet approach that involves discussions with stakeholders of our struggle and other external actors with vested interest in our freedom.


We salute the valiance of our partners in Kilimanjaro Capital LTD and the dedication of Professor Jonathan Levy in ensuring that the interest of our country is effectively served.


In the past 24 months, the SCYL leadership has worked extremely hard in shifting the Southern Cameroons struggle from stop gap interphase policies to a comprehensive approach that delegitimizes the occupation regime and provides a strong platform upon which our people can effectively work to reclaim their land.


The Government of Southern Cameroons (GoSC) under the leadership of Ebenezer Akwanga has effectively placed the Southern Cameroons state within the financial institutions. The Agreement between the GoSC and Kilimanjaro CapitalLtD has been listed into the stock exchange. This provides the financial basis upon which the GoSC can effectively translate its socio-economic and political agenda to end the regime of impunity in our land.


GXG Markets, the Danish authorised small cap exchange, welcomed a rather unique investment fund called Kilimanjaro Capital (GXG: KCAP).

Its business concentrates on 'future contingent natural resource licences' (FCLs), which could potentially give the company the rights to natural resources in the event of a power shift in certain politically disputed territories in Africa. Or as the company itself explains it: "FCL contracts fully vest in the future upon decolonization."

Kilimanjaro Capital has thus far built a portfolio of FCLs with The Republic of Cabina (a disputed territory in Angola that was formerly the Portuguese Congo), the Government of Southern Cameroons (the former British Southern Cameroons, which was annexed by Cameroun in 1972), and the Biafra Government in Exile (which purports to represent the continuation of the Biafra Republic, otherwise known as the Niger Delta region of Nigeria).

It stressed it is working closely with charities for peaceful change in these countries. Kilimanjaro capital is now at the opening price of 1 Euro - no trading will show till next week though as the market slowly begins to recognize the stock.

We call on all business minded Southern Cameroonians to seize this investment opportunity. More procedural information on how to go about this will be brought to you in our subsequent publications.

We Shall Overcome

Prince Larry Ayamba
SCYL Spokesman

SCYL Liberation OATH: "The Southern Cameroons Must Win this " War!" - Therefore: I will Work, I will Serve, I will Save, I will Sacrifice, I will Endure, I will Fight Cheerfully, And do my utmost, Even Unto Dealth, As if the issue of the whole Struggle depended on Me Alone. So, HELP ME GOD!"


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