Times are very hard these days. Spend your hard earned monies wisely. Let me simply say this as bluntly as I can. BANKERS ARE 419ners...PERIOD. They steal our monies LEGITIMATELY. Dem own TEEP Pass Mark. The Naija song "CHOP MY MONEY" could not have been more timely. God Scratch Matches.
You see this nonsense that is now replacing what you and I know as NKAP called PLASTIC CARDS with fancy names such as: BANK CARDS ( VISA, MASTER, DISCOVER ) or Non BANK CARDS (AMERICAN EXPRESS, VOYAGER) classified into DEBIT and CREDIT;...They tell you: We want to facilitate your life so that you should not be carrying huge chunks of monies in your pocket. Guess what? It is a bunch of baloney.
Let me tell you what a Jewish friend (You know JEWS know what they are talking about when it concerns MONEY). The JEWS own Washington DC and New York in terms of Real Estate and Wall Street. Period. He schooled me with the following basic information, BUT Before we get into that: The guy is as frugal as Warren Buffet who still uses a flip phone; drives a Chevy Impala 2002 and lives in a "Cape Cod" 1985 Single family home for the past twenty something years...But he is OK and is a millionaire. Now his explanation. He tells me: "Mishe Fon, NEVER you use your DEBIT or CREDIT Card to purchase Gas. You know why? Each time you purchase Gas for say $40.00, you will actually pay S43.75. Right there at the Pump, your bill will read $40.00 BUT by the time your bill is actually paid, the $3.75 would have been added. When you swipe your card the "Chip" gives your entire "Information" to various actors called "Processing Agents" (who are all PAID a "Transaction" Fee called TVS (Transaction Verification Services). The final "Banking Information" will only get to your Financial Institution in perhaps 24 hours.
All of these transactions are Legitimate Swindling of poor citizens. By the time you receive your "Bank Statement", you will never understand the whole shebang of words like "Surcharge, AVS(Address Verification Service), BOT(Batch Out Time) and other strange words. Since the amount sometimes is as low as 0.75cents; you simply gloss it over and Move On with your activities. Secondly, that information you just left at the Gas Station can be retrieved easily by a smart IT Savvy crook who just happens to hang around the terminal. He can then pilfer your Info and before you know it, your account will be jeopardized. My advice: Use CASH to purchase anything you want". First of all, why do you have to stand on a line in a Bank to take your own money you gave them for safe keeping? Sometimes, you even have to BEG to get your own Money. WHY? What is wrong with these people? Are they not supposed to be BEGGING US? THESE GUYS (BANKERS) ARE CRAZY.
Imagine the number of transactions we undertake each minute with those Plastic Cards and how our BANKS literally SCREW us in broad day light and we condescendingly accept to be SCREWED. Why would the CEO's of those Multinational Banks not take monthly salaries of hundreds of thousands of dollars and the Government even has the audacity to bail them out when they Invest our Monies in Risky Derivatives and other strange Financial Mirage Transactions. Look at our own Country Cameroon. We cannot even boast of a single indigenous Financial Institution because the FRENCH PEOPLE are SCREWING us with impunity with the connivance of our very own Government. CAMEROON PEOPLE, we need to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and send this French guys back to their country. JEEEEZ. I now understand why many French Banks IN CAMEROON like BICEC, SGBC, PARIBAS, SCB, CREDIT LYONAIS WERE VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED TO THE CAMEROONIAN CONTRAPTION CALLED...TONTINES OR NJANGUIS. They even helped in the demise of the lone indigenous Bank called "CAMBANK". What even happened to all those Civil Servants who stole Monies from that Bank...if they are still alive
Mishe Fon
NB: I am not a BANKER. So Make Wuna No Crucify Me. I am only Thinking Aloud.


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