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Sunday, October 27, 2013

No Single Individual or Group Should or can Claim Credit for the "IMPROVED" Services at Cameroon Embassy in Washington DC

Very many factors may have contributed to the "so-called" improved services at the Cameroon Embassy in Washington DC. Flash back and read some of our exchanges when the Embassy was still located at its natural habitat on Massachusetts Avenue...then Fast Forward to the Wisconsin Avenue temporary address and the subsequent debacle and unfortunate international drama with Harvard Business (the Landlord) that led to the "Expulsion cum Negotiations" to the present equally "temporary" location of our Embassy. I am very certain, the Ambassador must have called his "Troops" to Order in the light of all these "Developments" and the results of such meetings may be the outcome we are all witnessing today. To God be the glory.
As Mr Samuel King Etonge aptly inferred, one of the drivers of this "Successful" outcome may have been the very successful "ACCDF Town Hall Meeting" whose resolutions were copied to the Presidency, the Prime Minister's Office, the National Assembly, the Ambassador himself and other interested parties. No one, not even the Embassy should claim credit as this was a collective Fight for the benefit of all of us. It is simply disingenuous on anyone to claim personal credit. Imagine a scenario where we had succumbed to the natural "Nay-sayers and the Conspiracy Theorists Mongers? We would still be doing the "He Said, She Said Blame Game". If as rightly observed, the Customer Service element has improved, them we should "FIGHT" to eventually obtain "Dual Nationality" and other important matters affecting our well being. That is how reasonable people "FIGHT".
Mishe Fon wrote:
Some of my friends who are even on Camnet asked me: Mishe, Na meeting for wetin? You see dat Ewondo peepoo 4 dat Embassy like peepoo wey dem want change tomorrow"? Those guys at the Embassy have a strange mindset that is not in sync with regular human species. (No more no less).
Why am I giving you all these personal details and tid bits? Because; while the discussions and deliberations held at the recent ACCDF Town Hall Meeting were very fruitful, enriching, cordial and positive; truth be told, the attendance was a total failure. The Cultural Groups which make up the raison d,etre of the ACCDF Mission Statement were conspicuously "not present". Yes the calibre of attendees was the right dose for a discussion of that importance (Dr. Muki, Mr. Celestin Bedzigui, Dr. Foretia, Mrs. Ayuk Parker, Ms. Amisa Asima, Dr. Tebit, Shey Ebini Christmas, Ms Justine Mbianda, Mr. Richard Mbakop, Mr. Andre Eken, yours truly Mishe Fon, Dr. Enongene (just to name a few) and a host of other dignitaries). What happened to the Cultural Groups or their representatives? Where were all the grandiloquent Cameroonians with their constant jeremiads and expostulations who had "bitterly complained" about....Poor Customer Services, Visa formality simplification, lack of Expedite Services for Passport and Visa services, transformation of Cameroon Embassy chancellerie into a CPDM Sub-Section, lack of "real bilingualism" in Embassy communications, opening of Consular Services in Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Boston and/or New York; Issuance of Consular ID Cards, review of bilateral trade agreements with USA, equitable distribution of scholarship awards etc etc.
The ACCDF did its due dilligence; sending out invitations in a timely manner via all the most modern communications tools available: Email, Phone-Calls, word of mouth, Facebook, Tweeter(I no sure for dat one because dat Repes and Remes dem for ACCDF dem no sabi tweet...can you imagine Mishe Fon tweeting?)...ANYWAYS; back to the Attendance palaver:
Given the hue and cry and generalized complaints by Cameroonians and many others; that precipitated the Town Hall Meeting, I was actually surprised at the poor attendance.
1)    Are Cameroonians actually serious that their Embassy is a mess?
2)    Do Cameroonians even read this nonsense we write daily on the Internet?
3)    Where is the anger and frustration? Do you want Nigerians or other Africans to be ANGRY for Cameroonians?
4)    Are we Cameroonians shame proof...or all of us are expecting "Monkey Work Baboon Chop"?
Even a few regular staunch ACCDF so-called Board Members were "avoidably not Present". Naturally, not a single CPDM activist was seen in the vicinity of the Town Hall meeting. All of them took "Sissongo" turning off their cell phones so that "make dem no go report for massa Ambassador say dem been see dem for dat place".
Mishe Fon
N.B: This is a personal opinion and in no way reflects the official position of the ACCDF which will be published ASAP.
The very unstable Jonathan Fru  Awasom wrote:
OPEN MEMO TO SHEY EBINI CHRISTMAS ON HIS ENDLESS PERSECUTIONS / FEAR FACTOR: Mr. Ebini, WHAT ABOUT ORGANIZING AN INTERNET TOWN HALL MEETING AND TO YOU DJ ERIC Stop Ranting and Face the Music . ACCDF is a bunch of Cameroonian American citizens who have no business with Cameroon issues. ACCDF is A "CHILDREN OF VAMPIRES" KINGDOM.  ACCDF is a fraudulent and corrupt group of killers AND MERCHANTS OF EVIL the more reason why We Cameroonians Should and must BOYCOTT The ACCDF/EMBASSY so-called Town Hall  Meeting…. Jonathan  Awasom 
Date: Monday, March 19, 2012, 5:36 PM
From the Desk of Dr. Jesusman Ayuk Prince Hamilton

We are dealing with politics here, and they (the ACCDF) have earlier said they are not involved with politics. They should mind their Cultural and Development Agenda or what ever they claim they are doing and let the groups that have established Primafacie that they want to deal with political agendas do so. The ACCDF has not been mandated by Cameroonians and cannot solve the myriad of problems of the Cameroon Embassy. They claim to be apolitical, thus they cannot represent Cameroonians in the Diaspora as it will be overstretching its bounds.
We of the Diaspora are united. These ACCDF people who fight us are parasitic turncoats whose focus is to pick the crumbs from the Biya's lunchbox.
CAMDIAC is the only political branch that can do that. The acronym of ACCDF tells it all.  Secondly, the ACCDF has character issues as it has commingled and is completely in bed with the Embassy and too much money has changed hands; thus, it has lost its credibility. For ACCDF to go beyond Culture and Development, it must restructure itself and redefine its purpose.
Jude Eze Okafor wrote:
Jesus(my)man Ayuk,
You are above this mortuary philosophy. My friend, not everything is dead. We still have living things, if not organisms, then men and women of impeccable integrity and character who have unbegrenzed
trust in God for a hopeful tomorrow. Be the wiseman you've opted to claim  yourself  to be  and stop this your fufu and eru-no-kanda village and foolish idea.  Restaurants nova finish for town, if you no know know now…Seagol
JesusMan wrote:
We are pleased to see you the ACCDF parasitic turncoats who wine and dine with the oppressors yet pretend to be with us the oppressed people of Cameroon now confess of the failure of that futile venture; Cameroon Embassy; meant to satisfy mainly your hamaritia.
Dr Peter Igwacho wrote:
We are a peace loving nation and any non-peaceful alternative is off the hook.  We learn from experience and as you rightfully quoted the demise of the SDF, and such other organizations fighting to alleviate the quality of life of Cameroonians. In addition to that, you might still want to know that there are Ministers within the system who suffer the same fate, who go in and out and will tell you they only see Popol on TV like you and me. I suggested for this ACCDF organization to write directly to the Presidency with such grievances but they decided to go their own route. Whatever the case, they will definitely arrive there. 
Well without taking much of your reading time, in diplomacy (peaceful negotiations) before you get on the table you should have a genuine grievance, which you want your adversary to listen to and from a point of strength (strategic engagement).Like in conflict resolution, differences are part of life and if approached carefully, could really strengthen relations and build stronger communities.
See, most arms of the Government, Diplomatic Mission and even the Cameroon Parliament receive directives from the Presidency. No one dares take any initiative to open up to such avenues like the case of the unfortunate DO in Muyuka who registered the SDF Party. The government does not want this. Everything seem to rely on self interest, OR, just sounding his master's voice. So, we should just behave as lovers of conformism? From your write up, you clearly divulged and never mentioned a situation where the government had shown this kind of skill in redressing its problems. 
Stay blessed, long time no see !!!
FEN AKA Divine Rhymme wrote:
The way I see it, those who run the ACCDF in DC do not strike me as people unaware of the difficult relations Cameroonians have with their Embassy. As an old timer in the DC area, the stories current residents tell about that Embassy and its relations with Cameroonian compatriots are all too familiar.
I think any  Cameroonian organization bent on attempting to improve relations with the Embassy and its abysmal services needs some proof to show they have exhausted all possible means to do so. So after trying with proofs to involve the Embassy in Cameroonian affairs unsuccessfully the ACCDF can legitimately adopt any measure it deems necessary to redress the matter. But I think they must be able to proof that they have exhausted every legitimate means to come to terms with the Embassy. Could it be that critics of this ACCDF initiative believe that every possible avenue has been exhausted and it was time to try another method? Unfortunately nobody has suggested an alternative approach in addressing the matter. Every mass action needs some form of legitimacy. Opponents of the ACCDF initiative have not proven that they could be more legitimate than the ACCDF itself. Otherwise a counter ACCDF initiative could have been organised through which that legitimacy could be established. Even so, I think this counter move could have carried out an anti ACCDF move to denounce their current line of thinking. I am not by any means supporting the ACCDF initiative. All I am suggesting is that any opposition to it should prove that they carry more weight than the ACCDF.
But regardless, no matter what the situation is, according to standard operating procedure any legitimate organization   must show proof to have exhausted every peaceful means to resolve an issue before embarking on any not so peaceful alternative.
Dr. Peter Igwacho Wrote:
Ashia ACCDF Day Dreamers
Jesusman Ayuk Hamilton wrote:
How can they (ACCDF) be independent when they are funded by the Embassy? By the; the embassy didn't need to be there because they had schooled the leaders during the planning meeting. My sources tell me that the ambassador made a soliloquy that left every mendicant in the hall. They left like fowls that had been browbeaten by the rain.
DJ Eric wrote:
As I had predicted, the meeting started at 4:30 pm. I was already on my way to New Jersey. As a tidbit, nobody from the embassy was there. That was what the ACCDF intended though. They will now take these complaints and suggestions and submit to the embassy for follow up. I don't know how the conspiracy theorists will spin this, but I will say this again. The ACCDF is completely independent of Cameroon government business.


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