Mr (A)wuruwuru Atogho (Kontri Clothes)
What is really your business with Kribi peepoo? Can you swim? Is there even a small river in your "Bamburuwi Njikwa" village? Famous musician Eko Roosevelt from Lolodorf-Kribi is my very good friend and paddyman and used to tell me stories about Batanga and Moukouk people. He said, nine out of every ten Kribi girls are "Mammie-Watas"...i.e all the chicks you see in Kribi Nite Clubs are mermaids. Another friend of mine (not me) caught one beautiful long-legged wopseusse in the famous "Parigo Nite Club" in down town Kribi. As usual, B4 action, he went to take a deserved shower but to his greatest surprise, on returning to his bed, he saw but a "Mukanjo" shaking inside his blanket. That is when he called me for help. I immediately took out my "Roman Catholic Rosary" and started "Holy Maria, Mother 4 God, Pray God 4 we Bad Peepoo, Pray God to not punish my friend as the man too much like woman. Holy Maria please turn that Mukanjo 4 my friend ih bed back into a natural beautiful woman like you so that my friend can have a good nite's enjoyment...Amen....In the Name....
Anyways, back to you Mr aWuruwuru Kontri clothes. See me a Bamendrous man like you. Your village is underdeveloped. No SONEL, No SNEC, No Nothing, You cry all your "CryDies" during "Rainy Season" in Abakwa tongship; bicos "Road No Dey 4 ya Kontri". Your very own children, uncles, aunties, sistas, brodas, deuxieme bureau, Njumbas are all in America and London. How do I know? Bicos they are all my friends. You cannot be singing the praise of Kribi more than Kribi people themselves. Other than during Campaign period, can you honestly tell this august assembly how many times you've been to your village for the past five years? Now you claim to be selling houses in Kribi. Wandas meet-up Nyanga boy. I lef you for my kombi Eko Roosevelt ih hands to "composer you".
Bon Dimanche mon type.
Mishe Fon
On Sunday, October 20, 2013 9:27 AM, Divine Rhyme <> wrote:
Mr. Atogho, What about the road to Njikwa, your village which is just less than 40 km from Bamenda and impassable after every rainfall? What about the Ring Road Mr. Biya promised supervising personally? How km of road has your government tarred in West Cameroon since 1972? What is so difficult constructing Kumba-Mamfe road? How come Kribi leaped to the forefront of road and port construction when government had been claiming Kumba-Mamfe and the Limbe deep seaport would be done - and this was more than 15 years ago? Shameless boot-lickers. Whatever personal, benefit you will derive from this which is obviously at the expense of your kinsmen will stick in your throat somehow, someday- and you might never be able to vomit it out.
On Sunday, October 20, 2013 2:17 PM, Awuro Atogho <> wrote:
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