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Sunday, November 3, 2013


Prince NDEDI EYANGO as predicted has "crushed" his opponents in a Landslide victory to become the next CEO of the scandal embedded, intrigued infested, dubious SOCAM. While the work ahead will be no easy task, I have full faith and confidence in the man Prince Ndedi Eyango since he believes in his own doctrine of "You Must Calculer" B4 you "Swaa". These are the kinds of "Managers" with Practical World Experience, mismanaged and moribund Parastatals like SOCAM and many others in Cameroon, need. Congrats to PCA Ndedi.
I dare repeat for those who want to forget that NDEDI spent the better part of his adult artist life here in Silver Spring Maryland USA (1993 - 2009) and I can vouch for his credibility not only because he is my personal friend but because of his honesty, hard work and generosity. He is also a Show-Man Extraordinaire. He is the owner of his own Musical company (PREYA MUSIC). In 2012, the Minister of Culture in Cameroon crowned Mr Eyango as the best Male Artist of the year with his outstanding CD "Appel Moi". Prince Eyango has had other Musical successes with such gyrating and waist winding "Balle a Terre" REAL Makossa tubes like : Soul Botingo; You Go Pay; Si Tu Me Mens or Si Tu Sors, Je Sors aussi, and of course his hall of fame specialty "You Must Calculer" and "Salut Les Maries". 
Monsieur le PeDeGe, je vous souhaite bonne chance et reussite pour le travail d,assainissement a l,Institution completement pourrie que tu herite. Mais je vous connais capable pour redresser cette situation et rendre la fierte a tous nos artistes qui ont eu confiance en vous. Ne tombez pas dans la facilite du pourvoir. Travail comme vous le faites quand vous voulez avoir un disque d,or...c,est a dire, nuit et jour et dans la transparence totale. Vous n,etes pas PCA aujourd'hui pour les artistes Douala, Ewondo (Betis), Bamilekes, Anglophones, Wadjos etc. Vous representez tout simplement "Les Artistes Camerounais"....Un Point, UN Trait.
I am going to pop your famous "Moet" when I see you in Yaoundé. More grease to your elbows.

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