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Friday, November 1, 2013

RE: Hon Ayah Insists Enow Tanjong and Igelle Elias, newly elected MP’s, are dishonorable

I find it strange that many Cameroonians still think that biya is up to any good!

Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 13:17:00 +0100
Subject: Re: Hon Ayah Insists Enow Tanjong and Igelle Elias, newly elected MP's, are dishonorable


On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 8:00 PM, Greig Batey <> wrote:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cameroon: Hon Ayah Insists Enow Tanjong and Igelle Elias, newly elected MP's, are dishonorable

After an article in The Recorder Newspaper of October 28, 2013 titled Ex-Governor Tanjong dismisses claim he was elected MP without enrolling as voter, Hon. Ayah Paul (one of Cameroon's career magistrates of Exceptional Class)who is the Secretary-General of People's Action Party (PAP), whose Parliamentary Candidate Akoson Raymond made the allegation that the ex-governor did not register as a voter, has written a strong rejoinder to The Recorder in which  he describes  the above mentioned newly elected MP's as dishonourable. Below is the rejoinder:

Dishonorable Enow Tanjong and Igelle Elias


Hon Ayah Paul
Dishonourable Enow Tanjong and Dishonourable Igelle Elias both of Manyu Constituency have told The Recorder shameless lies about their reprehensible conduct relative to the September 30,2013,parliamentary election – lies that are squarely consistent with the image of CPDM that coincides with profile of a crime syndicate. Few informed observers would take them seriously anyway!
    The point is that when rumours started circulating that Enow Tanjong had not been registered on the electoral rolls, I gave myself the assignment to investigate the matter. It may interest the readers to know that I have been a legal official, carrying out criminal investigation on the ground for years. In my enquiries, I did find out that Enow Tanjong truly had not been registered
     But when CPDM made it public that he was the party's candidate for Upper Bayang (in Manyu Constituency), Enow Tanjong hurriedly had himself registered by the Buea ELECAM Municipal Branch, and a voter's card was issued to him.
     By Cameroon's electoral code, it is not competent of the Buea branch of ELECAM to register anyone or to issue a voter's card for a polling station outside the Buea Municipality, let alone for far-off Fotabe in Upper Baying. 
     Brandishing a voter's card today for Fotabe simply implies one of two instances of criminal conduct. The one case is that the card is a forgery for having been issued by Buea that did not have jurisdiction ratione loci over Fotabe. In the second place, if the card for Fotabe was issued by the Upper Bayang ELECAM Municipal Branch after that of Buea had been issued, it amounted to double registration, contrary to the law. To repeat in summary, both cases are criminal. … Horrible acceding to an honourable office over a threshold where fumes of criminality gyrate!
    As for Dishonourable "Chief" Igelle Elias, it was conspicuous fraud!
My findings are that Igelle went into a fraudulent deal with some treasury staffer in Buea whereby Igelle was given two blank receipts for whatever consideration. When the treasury boss discovered that two treasury receipts were unaccounted for, he raised hell and the fraud filtered to the public. Igelle quickly returned one of the receipts that was still blank and retained the one he had filled in. (The latest information we have is that the one filled in has now been returned to the treasury and that the sum filled in is 2.7 million).
      If Igelle tells The Recorder today that he paid the deposit at Mamfe, that brings out his criminal conduct all the more. If he did pay at Mamfe, it does mean that when Igelle's raw fraud in Buea was discovered and the blank receipt was returned, "smart" Igelle immediately turned to Mamfe for a cover-up.  And if he had paid at Mamfe, what was Igelle's motive for procuring two blank treasury receipts when Igelle as a "stores accountant" knows very well that receipts never issue in blank in financial transactions? What in short was the motive? … The answer is blowing in the wind! 
    Indeed, this time around, Manyu has produced a very rare race of (dis)honourable criminal parliamentarians!
Posted by Christopher Ambe on Wednesday, October 30, 2013

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