Re: [MTC Global] Fwd: Why Swami Paramanandji scores over Dr Param Anand MBBS MD

I do think that people should start taking over responsibility for themselves with a rational mindset - everything else is nothing than escapism! Why should anyone in his/her senses need the dubious crutches of "spirituality", or "religion" altogether? The world would be a much better and peaceful place if we all would trust our own reasoned thinking, and not run away from life.
In a message dated 28-11-2013 12:15:03 India Standard Time, writes:

I think supply of 'GOD MEN' is also based on demand and supply. Man is going through so much of emotional insecurity and uncertainty of future that he is looking for some kind of anchor that he is easily able to identify in a spiritual guru. Neither Guru understands the importance of 'DEEKSHA' nor the one seeking and there are mass 'Deeksha' activities going on all around filling the coffers of these so called spiritual Gurus.


I think we need to differentiate between a 'SAINT' and a 'SPIRITUAL GURU'. I would also like to differentiate between a true spiritual guru and a conman.


In modern times, to become a spiritual guru, you need to have gift of gab, some tantric powers and a strong promotional network. That is what likes of Dr. Param Anand posess.  Finding saints in the modern world is difficult – you can now look for them only in jungles or isolated places.



Virendra Goel


From: [] On Behalf Of Prabhakar Waghodekar
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [MTC Global] Fwd: Why Swami Paramanandji scores over Dr Param Anand MBBS MD


"Duniya Zukati Hai, Zukanewala Chahiye!"

The masses (including intellectuals too) are after certain petty gains, that is but natural.
The persons with some traits can fool the public. There are clear indications pointed out in
scriptures who are real saints and we know a few of them like Ramkrishna Paramhnsa,Dayananda
Sarswati, Dyneshwar, Ramdas, erc. The indicators are something like this:
Lead a poor life, hardly meeting the necessities of life.
Not in possession of wealth, property, etc.
Self-less service.
Free of greed, desire, aspiration, beyond Trigunas.
Not addicted, away from wine, women and wealth.
Lead a short span of life, Adi Shakarcharya, Swami Vivekananda, Dnyaneswar,less interested in
munden world, as soon as purpose (life mission) is fulfilled leave the world, not affected by
praise or criticism, cannot be purchased by money or power or beauty.

Though today's so called saints though they possess some power slack the traits mentioned
above. The results are before us!

Ramdas has advised that lead the munden life properly first and then turn towards spiritual
life. Only a few lucky can skip this step!

On Thu, 28 Nov 2013 05:53:33 +0530 wrote

A good real story by Dr. Sanjay Bedi. As long as people are ignorant,superstitious,
uneducatedand ready to become fool. people like Dr. Pram Anand aliasSwami Paramanand,Ashumal
Harpalani alias Asharam Bapu, Narayan Harplani Narayan Sai and many more will continue making
people fool andexploitthem in all sense i.e. body, mind and money (tan-man-dhan). We all need
to think what is the way out.
Dr. NareshCell: 094250-54361

Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:50:16 +0530
Subject: [MTC Global] Fwd: Why Swami Paramanandji scores over Dr Param Anand MBBS MD

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Date: Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 10:10 PM
Subject: Why Swami Paramanandji scores over Dr Param Anand MBBS MD
To: mlag

Why Swami Paramanand scores over Dr Param Anand MBBS, MD
Qualified doctors trying to practice modern evidence based medicine are at the receiving end
in India for a long time now. They have prolonged, expensive and difficult training courses
followed by equally hard and difficult residency. After trainings they still need to work (be
exploited) in hospitals to gain ‘experience’. Government jobs in civil medical services
are reserved for
those who are “reserved†or who ‘reserve’ their job by underhand means. Very few
actually get these jobs on their own merit and those who do are usually encouraged to leave
under threat of ‘postings’ mafia.

At 35 yrs of age one such ‘young’ doctor opened up his practice in a suburb of Chandigarh.
He used to get very infuriated and agitated on being tried and tested by his prospective
patients. He was asked all the routine questions about Jhara (For jaundice), Dharan
maalish for ‘Gastric’, Gas rising to head , “Taakat†injections by knowledgeable
elders who for lack of anything else to do made it their favourite pastime. His explanations
were dissected among vociferous arguments on his ability in the community park and was subject
and source of a lot of mirth. He was constantly reminded of nobility of his profession which
should not be focused on “money-minting†, hence he was advised that he should see patients
free of cost, check BP without any payment and
give injections advised by other “senior†doctors. After this phase came the phase when,
forced by his bankers whose loan he was defaulting on, he ‘dared’ to charge fee of Rs 100
as his consultation fee to see patients. This is when he suddenly became a monster.

By this time he had already had a patient for whom his advice had been overturned by another â
€˜senior’ doctor and because of it a consumer case had already been filed against him for 2
crore. He however was lucky
he had not also been assaulted nor his clinic damaged. He still remained stubburn and stayed
put. He had to deal with “inspectors†from Estate office, Municipal Corporation, Taxation,
Pollution Control Board, Health Authorities, Appropriate Authorities, Electricity and water
supply department, besides the local SHO, Being fed up by this time he cleared his ECFMG and
applied for visa. Problem arose that now he had to get a NOC from the Govt, give a bond which
took inordinately long time by which the job offer from abroad was also no longer
Having reached his mid forties by this time he was in depression and at crossroads. He went to
haridwar to seek solace at the ashram recommended by one of his patients. Being cynical (as
trained to be) he was not convinced enough by discourses of the Guruji to attain moksh.
However he was impressed by the massive crowds who swore on every word of the Guruji and
declared him to be the ultimate reincarnation of God having cured from stroke, to epilepsy, to
asthma and of
course the ubiquitous cancer. The gentleman sitting adjacent to him told his own story of how
guruji gave him 3 tablets to swallow with ‘gangajal’ for his gall stones and sure enough
within 2 days gall stones passed in the stool and he was cured. Mind churning with confusion
and self doubt he came back and decided to close his clinic against my advice. I did not seen
him for some time after that.

1 year later in Delhi I was surprised to see a bearded saintly man alighting
from his BMW in orange dhoti kurta who looked suspiciously familiar. I inquired about him and
one of persons in the crowd surrounding him contemptuously told me he was the “Swami
Parmanandji †from Rewari who was blessed with magical powers to cure. I was attracted by a
strange familiarity and followed the Swamiji to his disciple’s mansion. After 30 minutes of
‘darshan’ it was announced that swamiji was to retire. I was about to leave when someone
asked me to stay back as swamiji wanted to
have a word with me. Intrigued I went into the swamiji’s room and was given a warm hug by
him. Only then it dawned on me that this was our Dr Param Anand MBBS, MD. To cut the long
story short my friend had left medical practice as a doctor and had started a career as â
€œSwamiji†giving steroid tablets crushed as “Bhasm†for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and
ulcerative colitis. Occasionally he found some crushed Phenobarbitone useful for epilepsy. His
"emulet" for acute viral hepatitis was specially renowned. He was
successful, respected, free from all laws and regulations, and strangely at peace with
himself. I left him after 2 hrs in a pensive, very pensive mood on my way back to my clinic in
Dr Neeraj Nagpal


Medicos Legal Action Group

Ex President IMA Chandigarh


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