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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Re: Fwd: Fw: [camnetwork] Open Letter to UN Secretary General

Mishe Lucas Fon,
What is this cradle-robbing picture about?
Or, did I miss something?

On 12/4/13, Mishe Fon <> wrote:
> For crying out loud, Sessekou; don't beat the child and throw him out with
> the bath water. Because you called the guy a few times and had no response
> is no reason for you to kommot all the Tomahawk misiles to destroy him. What
> do you mean you were supporting his candidacy for "Depute" knowing fully
> well that he will not win? Why then were you raising funds for him? So what
> if, like his younger counterpart of the SDF in Wum (who coming from
> Minneapolis, MN, in just three weeks of campaigning, defeated an entrenched
> well funded CPDM hawk), what if our "Internet Akoson, as you call
> him" miraculously won? Would you still be calling him all these dreadful
> names today? Please give the guy a break. It was an experience of a lifetime
> for him and we should be celebrating his youthful exuberance and give him
> necessary advice on the way forward.
> Sessekou Mobutu Ebini, you may have your misgivings NOW about the Southern
> Cameroons, its leaders and their modus operandi BUT the Southern Cameroons
> problem is REAL and will be REALITY until Politicians decide to face it
> squarely. Insulting your perri frère Akoson using the SCNC as the kassingo
> will not make the SC problem miraculously disappear.
> There is more to the Manyu CPDM intrigues, do me I do you shenanigans, back
> stabbing, mean spiritedness...than this unfortunate attack on this young and
> aspiring politician. Why would you ask him what he does for a living or if
> he is still in Yaoundé? That is totally below the belt and uncalled for. You
> are better and too seasoned for this unfortunate outburst on someone who
> could easily be considered your "Political son".
> Mishe Fon
> On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 9:49 PM, Christtmas Ebini
> <> wrote:
> Mr Raymond Akoson
> I see you are writing and responding to your stakeholders, to which group I
> must assume I do not belong. Whatever you want to do with your time is your
> business but I will tell you that I took a chance on you and came out
> disappointed. Before going in for parliamentary elections you should have
> known what you were going up against. To come here and state the obvious
> does not make you exceptional. What would have made you exceptional would
> have been the mark you made or the trail or path you leave behind in spite
> of the odds that were against you. Who are you to even take the posturing
> position that winning a parliamentary seat in the existing Cameroonian
> political culture should be a guarantee on your first try. You come on the
> internet to gain cheap popularity. If you were out gunned financially in a
> local parliamentary in the area of your birth, do you now have the required
> resources to attain independence for Southern Cameroons? Is southern
> cameroon
> independence an easier task? Any Tom Dickinson and Harry can write on the
> internet that they are patriots fighting for Southern cameroon independence.
> Tell us what you are currently doing concretely (apart from the internet
> show off) to free southern cameroon?
> When Hon Paul Ayah came here, we arranged for a meeting with him and the
> North West Fons Council. We listened to him talk and I told him he was
> either very naive or dishonest over his ability to win an election  for the
> presidency Cameroon without working very hard to bring the opposition
> together. To the same group, North West Fond Council, we have received and
> listened to other political opinion personalities such as Mola Njoh Litumbe,
> Dr Chris Fomuyoh, Hon Jean Jacque Ekindi, Professor Asonganyi etc. We do
> this to try to impress on our politicians of the opposition to gather
> strength by working together. I must state here that although the North West
> Fons Council is apolitical and nonpartisan, it has a culture of openness and
> progressiveness to its members in understanding and engaging in serious
> aspects of our nation and community life. As long as Cameroonian so-called
> opposition do not work at gaining critical mass by pulling the numbers and
> the
> population, we will always have people furiously engage in the electoral
> process with no vision or conviction other than taking the gamble to place
> themselves somewhere and when they fail they become righteous preachers of
> the sermon on the mount. What is it that you are discovering after the
> election that you did not know going into the elections?
> I have never met you. All I know about you was your information through the
> internet Many of us have been very saddened over Mr Biya's alienation of the
> Cameroonian youths from the table of political decision making. Our outrage
> was further intensified with the creation of another unnecessary sector of
> government called the Senate and the appointment of old men of 90+ years to
> that organ in total disregard of available and qualified young citizens who
> could effectively serve and develop our country. I had no interest in
> supporting PAP but noticing that you are a young man whom we can encourage,
> embolden and validate and thus embolden and encourage other youths to rally
> and oppose the evil political machinery, I rallied support for you. This to
> me was significant, not necessarily for you to become a parliamentarian, but
> for the fact that we had began to plant a new political seed that we were
> going to work hard and watch  grow. The significance of this
> is the fact that the people I rallied were Manyu people of different
> political persuasions, some even apolitical and some who have not agreed on
> anything but they made contributions because they bought the plan and vision
> I presented to them and were also angry over the marginalization of our
> youths in the political process of our country. I talked to you many times
> on the phone that our interest was not over you winning the elections but
> start with you on a new.path of energizing and engaging young people who can
> be good political leaders.
> After the elections you put out threats to president Paul Biya that he will
> have to face severe consequences if you did not become a parliamentarian. I
> advised you not to make public threats you cannot carry out. Next you wrote
> how you  were going home to southern cameroon when the supreme court
> declared the final results of the election. I am sure you must already be a
> big official in your new republic of southern cameroon since you already
> seem to be already serving as the mouthpiece of southern cameroons. Next you
> wrote another open letter to president PaulBiya asking him to account to you
> on the election campaign money. I am sure he has sent you the full financial
> statements per your request. Now you are on an international diplomatic
> mission with an open letter to the united nations I am sure the Secretary
> General will be contacting you soon.
> Now let me ask you a few questions:
> 1. Do you still live in Yaounde? If you do when are you going back home?
> 2. Are you an active member of scnc, cam, or Ambazonia?  If you are, did you
> write your open letter as the leader of any of those groups or their
> spokesperson? Can any member of those groups  individually engage a
> diplomatic offensive? If you are not a member of any of these groups, have
> you formed your very own group to attain independence for Southern
> cameroons?
> 3. What are you doing now or have done in the past to free southern
> cameroon? Do you any strategies and plans for Southern cameroon
> independence?
> 4. To assure that your writing on the internet is not worthless empty
> grandstanding for cheap and naked popularity, please share with us the
> activities you have in place in Manyu and other areas of the group in
> cameroon for the independence of southern cameroon?
> 5. Are you going to free southern cameroons through open letters on the
> internet?
> 6. How much money did you raise for the campaign and how did you spend it?
> 7. How do you get to your village Bakebe? Are you going to tell the Manyu
> people to join you in the fight for Southern cameroons independence? If they
> could not vote for you for parliament, will they follow you HOME?
> Getting independence for Southern cameroon is not about writing on the
> internet. It is about understanding what the problem really is, effectively
> engaging in a well thought out process and getting the commitment of a
> significant majority of people from both the northwest and southwest. If
> you cannot engage in any process that effectively  brings the people of the
> south west and northwest to agree to politically accept that they want
> independence and will together work towards that goal, then please spare us
> the empty internet activism that we have been subjected to for so long. You
> may just as well be an addition to the political toxins of
> You were calling and texting me everyday with urgent request for money but
> as soon as the elections were over, you will not even answer my calls. When
> you wanted money from me I was Sessekou Ebini but now that you are the
> president of the republic of southern cameroon, I am Mr Ebini. Good for you
> and good luck with the independence of southern cameroon. When can we get
> our passports?
> Christmas Ebini
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Fw: [camnetwork] Open Letter to UN Secretary General
> From: noel ebini <>
> To: Christmas Ebini
> <>,,noelebini
> <>
> CC:
> On Monday, December 2, 2013 9:27 AM, Jean-Bosco Tagne <>
> wrote:
> Do you understand then why SDF is today only a shadow of himself after many
> saying to be happy that this evil biya paul regime stole the victory of
> Cameroonians in 1992 presidential election?
> Same will be happy you did not succeed to be in parliament because our
> beloved country is one and indivisible. Those are the reasons this satan is
> still at the helm of our country and counting...
> Good luck Akoson with your "certain point 4". I am surprise you did not tell
> your master fund raiser Ebini...
> Tagne
> Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 2, 2013, at 7:57 AM, "Akoson A. Raymond" <>
> wrote:
>>Rev. Awasom asked a very pertinent question which Mr. Ebini and Dr. Jean
>> Bosco seem to line behind:
>>'...Had you been picked by Paul biya to represent your party in parliament
>> which is la republique would you have written this letter?...' [SIC]. S
> response: An unrepentant YES! I'd sent the appendix to my manifesto dubbed
> 'Why
> I am Running for Parliament' to a few senior friends who all advised me to
> rethink a certain point 4. Point 4 was one
> of the objectives why I ran 'to press for the immediate resolution of the
> Southern Cameroons problem'. They cited strategy and tact as their reason.
> I
> saw with them and respected their wise counsel. In fact, had I been accepted
> to become MP after PAP victory, and had I
> ever mounted the rostrum of the National Assembly chamber, my first speech
> would've centered on that, PERIOD!
>>I think my
> stance on the Southern Cameroons/La Republique concubinage has never
> changed.
> If there's a foundational problem with the union, it would shame my
> conscience
> should I go to that Glass House and pretend like others. The union MUST be
> rendered LEGAL and made more perfect if Southern Cameroonians so accept to
> continue. This has ALWAYS been my stance and would've been more pronounced
> as
> an MP. Let's face facts – this is the undiluted truth of the Southern
> Cameroons
> issue, pure and simple! Have we all forgotten so soon all those articles I
> have
> been writing and forwarding on these arguments? My recent write-ups go to
> continue and not some new stance after election. Even at rallies, we talk
> about it. I remember a 2012 rally at Kumba where AYAH addressed in great
> detail to a question posed on the union to the satisfaction of the crowd.
>>Mr. Christmas Ebini is a great patriot who went extra miles to ganner
>> support on my behalf. I'd made adequate presence on the field to be
>> victorious. Big bro, civil servants from Bertoua, Yaounde, Edea, Douala,
>> Maroau, Garoua, Limbe, Buea, Kumba, Bamenda etc with SUV cars and billions
>> went to Upper Bayang to fight a small boy. Enow Tanjong alone and Akoson
>> on the field ... just two of them. Guess what would have happened? My
>> campaign was heavily under funded to fight them and their machinery. Even
>> in Mbinjong, the minister bribed all villagers (I have facts) but they
>> still voted PAP. ELECAM and CPDM doctored the results and bribed my
>> polling agents to the tune of up to 700.000 frs. What did you want me to
>> do in such a case? I was ALONE with a few agents I only struggled to
>> compensate for transport fares.
>>I thank all those who reacted to my Open Letter to the UN Sec. Gen.
>>"…Time has come, I believe, for our leaders to start training the youths to
>> take over the baton. Effective, efficient and rigorous training does not
>> constitute issuing subservient roles; rather, it involves sitting side by
>> side on the round table for law, policy and decision making and thorough
>> brainstorming on the normative values that undergird progressive issues.
>> Ayah Paul of PAP takes great pleasure in working with the youths. I am
>> proud to work with him..." Akoson A. Raymond.
>>On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:12 PM, Howard Njeck <>
>> wrote:
>>what an Encouraging statement, young Cameroonians like Raymond need
>> inspiration, encouragement and support. These kind of encouragement comes
>> from People Who are intellectually savvy
>>This CPDM bullies should bury Their anger and frustration and allow young
>> people to make mistake and learn from them.
>>Biya's failure is as a result of never venturing for any thing in his
>> youth,"his world view is very limited", so do this his angry internet
>> bullies.
>>"The successful man Will benefit from His mistakes and
>>try again in a different way. "
>>-  Dale Carnegie.
>>Some are even blaming Their weakness On Their own children, what a shame
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