Re: [Shesa USA] Re: [cameroon_politics] Graves allegations de corruption

Personality is a level of deified reality i.e. divinity functioning in
humanity. Man is a spirit, he lives in a body and he has a soul. The
spirit of man is the essential man – the INNERMAN. The spirit of man
comes directly from God. Beyond looking like God, and having a
specific and unique personality, the Lord God gave man of his spirit
as well. Psalms 82: 6. 6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are
children of the most High. 1Jo 4:4 Ye are of God, little children,
and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he
that is in the world. You are of God and the spirit of God lives in
The spirit of God is; wisdom+knowledge+understanding+counsel+stamina
or power of good health+righteousness or moral rectitude+love or the
love of God. Your divinity is measured by how many of these seven
spirits you wield because the seven spirits come along with 9 gifts
for you to bear 9 fruits. The gifts of the spirit of God are:
tongues+interpretation of tongues+prophecy+faith+healing+miracles+word
of knowledge+word of wisdom+discernment.
There are 03 levels of personality. 1 Pre-personal 2. Personal 3
Super-personal. The pre-personal level of man is that stage of man
when he or she was created by God in his memory before he or she was
formed in his or her mother's womb. The Lord God foreknew-created -
you before he formed-made your mother's womb. Jeremiah 1: 5 Before I
formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out
of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the
The personal level of man is the existing man. Extant man is
evolutionary. The existing man can be in morontia i.e. the baby-phase
ignorant unbelieving man who acts as if he or she is a lizard; the
mid-wayer capable of connecting to God and orchestrating and operating
some form of divinity in spirit of and despite his or her humanity.
The super-personal man is divinity itself in humanity. It is possible
for man to be divinity itself. It is also possible for a man to be a
total moron, functioning in morontia, only slightly better than a
lizard. This spirit can be regenerated, born again or freed from sin
and death. Once regenerated, the spirit of man is undie-able and
unkill-able. Can you kill a spirit? Only God can kill a spirit and he
will not kill a spirit he fist loved even when that spirit was in sin,
and sinful and deserved death.
BIBLE CONVERSATION 24. PERSONALITY. Friends, see something. A lizard
gives birth to lizards with the personality of lizards. A dog gives
birth to dogs with the personality of dogs. You are not a dog, lizard,
are you? Why then doth thou behave like a slothful, slimy, grimy, ugly
monster lizard? You are not a dog are you? Why then do thou behave
like a dog? Especially in matters of sex. A God can only engender
Gods, after his image and his likeness or with his character? And, Ps
82:6, I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the
most High. Do you know that you are the child of a MIGHTY God? A
Kingly God? And that you are a prince or a princess, as the case may
be? Wake up! You are not a lizard! Neither are you a dog! Wake up!
Arise! Head up, chin up, chest out, walk tall and proud. You are
going somewhere! Sin and challenges have nothing to do with it!
Knowing who you are is all that matters for them you will believe in
yourself and then you will overcome. It gets even better. See what the
Lord God, himself, your heavenly father thinks of you. 1Pe 2:9 But ye
are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a
peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath
called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. YOU ARE 1.
Chosen 2. Royal 3. Priest 4. HOLY 5. Especial or peculiar or mighty!
Not what you will be! What you are! What YOU IS! You are a
PERSONALITY! YOU are a SOMEBODY! You are so important to God that he
will give his best, his all, his very own son to save you! My WORD, I
am very important to God. You are too. If You believe!
4 STEPS to God

BIBLE CONVERSATION 25. PERSONALITY. When the tree and the fish is
more intelligent than the Man: The tree is a tree because it is a
tree. The fish is a fish because it is a fish. See the difference
between the tree and the fish and the man. See why a tree is wiser
than you. Genesis 1: 11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass,
the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his
kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 And
the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind:
and God saw that it was good. Pay attention! The EARTH made the trees
and the grass….not God directly. He told the earth to produce the
tree. The tree knows its father ie the earth. Reason why the tree
stays PLANTED and ROOTED in the earth for its all. Genesis 1:20. 20
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving
creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the
open firmament of heaven. 21 And God created great whales, and every
living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth
abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind:
and God saw that it was good. The whales came from the waters! Reason
why that baleine stays in the water. And you? Hear what the Father
told the son and the Holy Spirit about you – an EXECUTIVE DECISION
involving the godhead. Genesis 1: 26 And God said, Let us make man in
our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,
and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth. Let us make man to look like us and to have our
character and let him have DOMINION! Let him be the KING! Hey, I am a
king! You too! That is the essential you – a PERSONALITY! Not after
the order of man but after the ORDER of God! Wake up! Arise! Head up,
chin up, chest out, walk tall and proud. You are going somewhere!
4 STEPS to God

BIBLE CONVERSATION 26. PERSONALITY. If the Lord God made you to look
like him and to behave like him, do you know this God? Do you know
what he looks like and how he behaves? This is the entire dilemma of
our evolutionary existence as man in this time continuum. For God is
ETERNITY while we are in TIME and, My God, marching with solid,
resolute steps to ETERNITY! God is DIVINE and DIVINITY. Divinity is
creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and goodness; correlated in
personality as love, mercy, and ministry; disclosed on impersonal
levels as justice, power, and sovereignty. If a lizard has the fulsome
personality of a lizard then it is possible for you, the child of God,
to have the personality of God – by impartation and empowerment! By
regeneration. By being born-again. By BEING in CHRIST! 2Co 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things
are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Note, not by being
in Jesus! In Christ, I said. The Lord Jesus is the Christ but the Lord
Jesus is not the ONLY Christ! The Jesus himself said you can do more
than he did. Meaning you are also a savior! Think about it, you are a
god and a savior unto many. You save many people every day and you can
do more. Right now I am saving many by this post alone. You can do
even more than me! See the Bible. Ne 9:27 Therefore thou deliveredst
them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time
of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest them from
heaven; and according to thy manifold mercies thou gavest them
saviours, who saved them out of the hand of their enemies. Ob 1:21
And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau;
and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S. SAVIOURS! Wake up! Arise! Head
up, chin up, chest out, walk tall and proud. You are going somewhere!
4 STEPS to God

BIBLE CONVERSATION 27. PERSONALITY. Divinity in humanity. The God
that is possible in man despite man's humanity. Until some of us would
see God as a Man we would never come to understand how he sees us, who
we are to him and the marvelous plan he has for us. And, where we are
going. See this. POWERFUL and LETHAL! 1Jo 3:2 Beloved, now are we the
sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know
that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him
as he is. If the Lord God himself made you to look like him and to
behave like him and if he says you shall be like him, wouldn't it be
very important to you to find out what he looks like and how he
behaves? Who exactly is that God that I look like and that I am
supposed to behave like? Truth be told: our level of comprehension,
our language CANNOT encompass God. Because our comprehension and our
language cannot describe ETERNITY. Picture this, can you describe a
spirit? Can you fathom a spirit? What if there had been no God?
Mediate on this and you will fall into a void – a blackhole! The Lord
God found it really tricky to get a MAN called Moses to katalambano or
grasp or comprehend or fathom the fullness of God. All he could manage
was: Ex 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said,
Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me
unto you. The I AM? The I AM THAT I AM!!! This is saying something
without talking! Mediate on this and you will fall into a void. Words
fail us when we try to describe the God we are speeding to. But Adam
Clark made this brilliant attempt: Many attempts have been made to
define the term GOD: as to the word itself, it is pure Anglo-Saxon,
and among our ancestors signified, not only the Divine Being, now
commonly designated by the word, but also good; as in their
apprehensions it appeared that God and good were correlative terms;
and when they thought or spoke of him, they were doubtless led from
the word itself to consider him as THE GOOD BEING, a fountain of
infinite benevolence and beneficence towards his creatures. A general
definition of this great First Cause, as far as human words dare
attempt one, may be thus given: The eternal, independent, and
self-existent Being: the Being whose purposes and actions spring from
himself, without foreign motive or influence: he who is absolute in
dominion; the most pure, the most simple, and most spiritual of all
essences; infinitely benevolent, beneficent, true, and holy: the cause
of all being, the upholder of all things; infinitely happy, because
infinitely perfect; and eternally self-sufficient, needing nothing
that he has made: illimitable in his immensity, inconceivable in his
mode of existence, and indescribable in his essence; known fully only
to himself, because an infinite mind can be fully apprehended only by
itself. In a word, a Being who, from his infinite wisdom, cannot err
or be deceived; and who, from his infinite goodness, can do nothing
but what is eternally just, right, and kind. Reader, such is the God
of the Bible; but how widely different from the God of most human
creeds and apprehensions!
4 STEPS to God

BIBLE CONVERSATION 29. PERSONALITY. Divinity in humanity. Personality
has nothing to do with the carnal worldly sons and daughters, of the
children of their father the devil, occupying time and space in the
world. You are a personality as far as the Lord God is concerned and
this is what matters. For, while the Lord God may not know the
president, or the Mr Minister or the Most Reverend Archbishop Father
Mayor Pastor Pope Prophet So and So, he knows your name and he calls
you by name. The personality of man is neither body, mind, nor spirit;
neither is it the soul. Personality is the one changeless reality in
an otherwise ever-changing MAN. Personality unifies all factors of
individuality. You are unique! There is only one you in the entire
universe! Your personality was given to you by the Lord God in
coaction with the Lord Jesus without whom there is nothing that was
made that was made and the Holy SPIRIT. Your personality will survive
after the body has returned to dust. Your personality energies of
matter or body, mind, and spirit, and survives with the survival of
the morontial soul. You are a personality and then some. 1Pe 2:9 But
ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a
peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath
called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Ro 8:11 But if
the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead – God - dwell in
you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your
mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Do you desire the
SPIRIT of God? Then do this;
4 STEPS to God

BIBLE CONVERSATION 30. PERSONALITY. Personality is never spontaneous;
neither is in complete at birth. It is evolutive for, after creating
you, the Lord God is in the process of MAKING you in his image and
after his likeness. The God in you working for you with you and as
you. if only you'd perceive it in your INNER MAN OR WOMAN and then
grab or katalambano it forever. If you do, you will WALK ON WATER! God
is a Spirit. A spirit is ageless hence Ancient of Days. It is
beginingless hence the Alpha and the Omega. He is endless, timeless,
and spaceless. He created you, right, after his image and after his
nature or character. Therefore the REAL you, your INNER MAN is like
unto God. That is why the Lord God himself makes this lethal
proclamation about you. Psalms 82:6. 6 I have said, Ye are gods; and
all of you are children of the Most High. And if you do not know this,
you will die as an ordinary prince. The child of a KING-God is a
prince, of course but don't be an ordinary prince. Be extra-ordinary;
be discovery. Be a WANDA! Your personality is an especial gift from
God in Christ Jesus but it is NEVER complete nor perfected. It grows
from the morontial or childhood and then the spiritual awareness to
the attainment of finality. Php 1:6 Being confident of this very
thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it
until the day of Jesus Christ.
4 STEPS to God
divinity - manifests in HIGHER LIFE. Superior
wisdom+knowledge+understanding+counsel+stamina+righteousness+love of
God and man. Divinity is creature comprehensible as truth, beauty, and
goodness; correlated in personality as love, mercy, and ministry;
disclosed on impersonal levels as justice, power, and sovereignty.
Divinity may be perfect — complete as in God; it may be imperfect as
in us but evolving as we gather more and more knowledge about who we
really are, or it may be relative, neither perfect nor imperfect, as
in the soul-mind of man which lives on certain levels of
existential-experiential relationship: garbage in and garbage out
because you determine what your mind holds. In fine, personality is
never complete but it grows. Our walk/work towards perfection and God
is anchored on this lethal promise: 1Jo 3:2 Beloved, now are we the
sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know
that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him
as he is.
4 STEPS to God

On 12/4/13, Pa Fru Ndeh <> wrote:
> Father, Lord Almighty, help Ntemfac Chwere O'Bouh F'egue.
> Ntemfac, you are NOT a Minister of God.  You're probably a lay preacher.
> You have NOT acquired the scruples and teachings of what it takes to
> Minister God's word to God's people.  You have rather appropriated God's
> titles to your self-aggrandising self.  It is helping to sustain your alter
> ego.  Your delivery of the word is horrible.  Stop preaching what you do not
> even know .
> The authorities of Cameroon really need to shutdown whatever synagogue you
> and any followers you are deceiving are gathering to worhsip in.
> Blessed Be Cameroon
> Pa Fru Ndeh
> ________________________________
> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
> To:
> Cc: ambasbay <>; camasej group all members
> <>; africanworldforum
> <>; afoakom <>;
> Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 11:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Graves allegations de corruption
> Kenneth John Begheni Ndeh:
> You really do need help.
> And very badly too.
> I am a Christian: Period.
> I am also a MINISTER of MY GOD as a PROPHETS.
> Prophets edify+they exhort+they comfort the people of God.
> They also HEW others to be like unto them.
> Then they do foretell and they do forth-tell.
> Now, for your edification, Christianity is not a RELIGION
> Christianity is a RELATIONSHIP between the Lord God and they that
> believe in and on him.
> They that believe in and on the Lord God are called BELIEVERS or
> Christians or CHRISTS ON EARTH.
> This RELATIONSHIP between the LORD God and the Believer, comes with
> its benefits and the most important is that the BELIEVER has LIFE and
> LIVES LIFE abundantly.
> This LIFE is called ZOE or ETERNAL LIFE.
> Christians also operate HIGHER LIFE!
> Higher Life means unspeakable
> wisdom+knowledge+understanding+counsel+stamina+righteousness+the LOVE
> AS you can see
> Reason why I give you and Lucas Fon etc a headache whenever I find you
> guys loitering.
> Do you DESIRE to be a CHRISTIAN?
> Then do this:
> Do you desire the SPIRIT of God? Then do this;
> 4 STEPS to God
> On 12/4/13, Pa Fru Ndeh <> wrote:
>> Dear Ntemfac O'Bouh F'egue,
>> You have some very serious problems sir.
>> First off, this email is about corruption and fake school certificates.
>> In your rather twisted mindset, you're talking about two state Maybachs.
>> That discussion about two state cars, Maybachs, is meant for another
>> thread.
>> As Americans say -> JUST CHILL!
>> A few months ago, you asserted that I was a Rosicrucian or at a minimum,
>> the
>> son
>> of a Rosicrucian, since in your atypic African styled thinking, what the
>> father is,
>> so is the son.  I guess Bill Gates father was a  computer scientist.
>> Today, I am no longer a Rosicrucian, but a Freemason.  And then you claim
>> that the next Prime Minister of Cameroon shall be Peter Agbor Tabi of the
>> Imperial Order.  Those are hissing noises, and a fallacious claim on your
>> journalistic part.  Very like how at least 95% of all you journalists
>> have
>> these
>> prognostics completely off target.  Who is the pathological liar????
>> You're becoming to steeped into religion, which is not a bad thing
>> though,
>> but your interpretations of the reality around you leaves a whole lot to
>> be
>> desired.
>> I need help, and commission is there, for you.  All cars in Cameroon:
>> 1) BMW X3, 2007, 66000 miles -> 18million
>> 2) Toyota Landcruiser, 1995 -> 7.5million
>> 3) Nissan Maxima etc...  ha ha ha ha
>> You take your pick.  Maybach is not my level at least for now.
>> If you cannot buy, help me get a buyer, Sir.
>> Blessed Be Cameroon
>> Pa Fru Ndeh
>> ________________________________
>> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
>> To:
>> Cc: ambasbay <>; camasej group all members
>> <>; africanworldforum
>> <>; afoakom <>;
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2013 7:16 AM
>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Graves allegations de corruption
>> I meant a psychopath, a psycopathic and psycopathetic pathologicial liar.
>> Hahahahahahahahahhahaa!!!!!
>> I guess your message has gone across to thy real paymasters BUT:
>> Your dross is showing.
>> Your AC/DC is also showing.
>> Or is it a form of BPD which allows a prominent member of the
>> Santa-Ndzong permissive and pernicious cabal to be SDF by night and
>> CPDM by day?
>> Only you would fail to consider that spending circa FCFA
>> in 72H for a Bridge Cornerstone event with circa 720.000.000 into two
>> cars is the ultimate corruption
>> Hence the Corruption Culture in Cameroun.
>> Feel free to thrive in the vast kingdom of delusive Camerounese
>> hypocrites ie folks who still fail to see that the fish starts getting
>> its rot from the head.
>> By the way, you do always come across as a psychopath and
>> psycopathetic pathologicial liar.
>> Proof of that?
>> See your nonsense as posted.
>> PS
>> Do leave the Ministry out of this, will you?
>> That is not your level.
>> Hey, I hear that your next likely next PM will not be a mere
>> Free-Mason like you. He will be an extreme satanist ie a
>> Rosicrucian!!!!
>> Wow!!
>>> On 12/3/13, Pa Fru Ndeh <> wrote:
>>>> Dear Ntemfac O'Bouh F'egue,
>>>> Rumour has it that Ahidjo would have chosen your namesake Obouh Fegue
>>>> of
>>>> SNEC over your man you love to hate Biya in 1982.  Can u confirm the
>>>> rumour?
>>>> When you were away, there was some tranquility.  Now you are back from
>>>> some
>>>> retreat after your illegal church was re-opened and are making noise
>>>> again.
>>>> When was the last time the state of Cameroon bought a new car or new
>>>> cars for the President of the Republic?  Those are state cars my
>>>> friend,
>>>> contrary to your lumpen logic of believing that they are Paul Biya's
>>>> personal cars.  Have you not seen the President ride in mercedes benz
>>>> cars
>>>> from the 1970's?  Those are cars from his "illustrious predecessor".
>>>> Similarly, the new PAAAWCE President in about five years or less, shall
>>>> ride
>>>> in the Maybachs of today.  All of this is GROUND TRANSPORTATION.  Your
>>>> nation-state of Cameroon is INCAPABLE of affording a NEW(NEUF) airplane
>>>> for
>>>> the President, whereas in Nigeria, it is Governors who buy airplanes.
>>>> If
>>>> you have access to President Paul Biya, ask him to contact me, in my
>>>> capacity as a former employee of British Aerospace PLC, if he needs a
>>>> NEW(NEUF) airplane.
>>>> Blessed Be Cameroon
>>>> Pa Fru Ndeh
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Ofege Ntemfac <>
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc: ambasbay <>; camasej group all members
>>>> <>; africanworldforum
>>>> <>; afoakom <>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 12:05 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Graves allegations de corruption [1
>>>> Attachment]
>>>> RIGHT?
>>>> AT CIRCA 380.000.000FCFA+ APIECE, RIGHT?
>>>> BUT MAN NO RE NOH!!!!
>>>> On 12/3/13, guy simon ngakam <> wrote:
>>>>> Bonjour à tous.
>>>>> Dear Ndeh, je ne sais pas pourquoi tu es surpris. Lorsque sur 2500
>>>>> personnes
>>>>> recrutées on retrouve plus de 600 avec des faux diplômes, c'est un
>>>>> indice
>>>>> sérieux. Si seul le PAN compte 12 proches connus comme détenteurs d
>>>>> faux
>>>>> parchemin, (on ignore le nombre de ceux qui ont échappé à la vigilance
>>>>> de
>>>>> l'enquêteur), prenez le nombre de ministres(près de 60) et multipliez
>>>>> par
>>>>> 12. tu seras surpris davantage. si on élargit la liste aux chefs de
>>>>> cabinets, aux directeurs, gouverneurs, préfets et autres, il est
>>>>> probable
>>>>> qu'il y ait plus de porteurs de faux parchemins au Cameroun que de
>>>>> militants, encore que même ceux qui présentent l'examen utilisent des
>>>>> stratagèmes pour réussir absolument.
>>>>> voilà le Cameroun des grandes réalisations, soutenu par Niat, Belinga,
>>>>> John
>>>>> Be Ndeh et autres!
>>>>> Guy Simon Ngakam.
>>>>> De : Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>
>>>>> À : ""
>>>>> <>;
>>>>> "" <>
>>>>> Envoyé le : Mardi 3 décembre 2013 8h10
>>>>> Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Graves allegations de corruption
>>>>> Waoh!!!
>>>>> Lord Have Mercy ....
>>>>> Blessed Be CameroonPa Fru Ndeh
>>>>> From: Herbert Boh <>
>>>>> To:;
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 10:59 AM
>>>>> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Graves allegations de corruption
>>>>> On this Whistle Blower Day not only whistles but even horns are
>>>>> blasting
>>>>> to
>>>>> decry the Speaker of the National Assembly of Cameroon. Read below:
>>>>> «Yaoundé, le 20 Nov 2013Monsieur HAMADOU OUMATEElite de
>>>>> l'Arrondissement
>>>>> de
>>>>> TOKOMBERE Tél 77125836AMonsieur CAVAYE YEGUIE DJIBRIL YaoundéObjet:
>>>>> Dénonciation des faux diplômes détenus par les enfants de
>>>>> MonsieurCAVAYE
>>>>> YEGUIE DJIBRIL, Intégrés dans certains Corps de l'EtatMonsieur,Lors du
>>>>> dernier comice agro pastoral qui s'est tenu à Ebolowa du 17 au
>>>>> 22Janvier
>>>>> 2011, le Président de la République Chef de l'Etat, Son
>>>>> ExcellenceMonsieur
>>>>> Paul BIYA en visitant votre stand vous a exhorté à mener unelutte sans
>>>>> merci
>>>>> contre la corruption et par-delà aux diverses déviancesqui n'honorent
>>>>> pas
>>>>> notre pays.C'est dans la dynamique du Chef de l'Etat que je viens
>>>>> dénoncer
>>>>> lesdétenteurs de faux diplômes écumant les couloirs de notre
>>>>> administration.Il s'agit des enfants d'une grande personnalité de ce
>>>>> pays
>>>>> qui disaitpourtant qu'il est un homme d'honneur et de dignité dans une
>>>>> interviewqu'il accorda au grand quotidien.1- Monsieur HASSAN Yeguie:
>>>>> Il
>>>>> est
>>>>>  Chef du Centre vétérinaire de Bogo dansle Diamaré à Maroua. Celui-ci
>>>>> a
>>>>> quitté l'école publique de Mada pendantl'année scolaire 1987/1988 en
>>>>> classe
>>>>> du cours moyen deuxième année (CmII).Il avait comme unique diplôme son
>>>>> acte
>>>>> de naissance. Il était trop âgépour faire l'entrée en sixième (6ème).
>>>>> Son
>>>>> père lui avait conseillé àl'époque de faire l'enseignement technique
>>>>> —CETIC). Il avait refusé etétait resté à la maison, jusqu'à ce que 12
>>>>> ans
>>>>> plus tard, le Brevetd'Etudes de Premier cycle (BEPC) lui tombe sur la
>>>>> tête
>>>>> comme un miracle.Ce diplôme lui avait été composé en 1999 au lycée de
>>>>> Meni
>>>>> par le gendarmeJacques TOUZA. Il est actuellement en service à la
>>>>> légion
>>>>> de
>>>>> l'Ouest àBafoussam.2- MARIAMOU Yeguie: Elle est inspectrice de police
>>>>> affectée récemment auService Régionale de la surveillance du
>>>>> Territoire
>>>>> du
>>>>> Littoral à Douala.Cette dame dont le mur est contigu, a fait ses
>>>>> études
>>>>> à
>>>>> l'Ecole publiquede Mada jusqu'à
>>>>>  l'obtention du Certificat d'Etudes Primaires etElémentaires (CEPE)
>>>>> vers
>>>>> les
>>>>> années 1987/1988 sans avoir été inscrite enclasse de sixième (6ème).
>>>>> Elle
>>>>> est restée à la maison, jusqu'à son mariageen 1990 à Maroua.Après
>>>>> avoir
>>>>> abandonné son service, la compagnie 'Cameroon Insurance',Agence de
>>>>> Maroua,
>>>>> qu'elle avait jugé aléatoire, on l'a subitementretrouvée en 2001 au
>>>>> centre
>>>>> d'Instruction et d'Application (CIAP) deMutengene, comme élève
>>>>> inspectrice
>>>>> de police avec son faux brevet d'Etudesde premier cycle (BEPC), alors
>>>>> qu'elle n'a jamais effleuré la classe desixième3- Madame HADIDJA BAH
>>>>> Yeguie:
>>>>> Elle est l'épouse de Monsieur ALADJIMAMOUDOU, Sous-Directeur de
>>>>> l'Assemblée
>>>>> Nationale, gendre de Monsieur le(PAN).Elle exerce au Centre
>>>>> Divisionnaire
>>>>> des Impôts de Yaoundé Vè commecontrôleur des Impôts à sa sortie de
>>>>> l'ENAM
>>>>> en
>>>>> 2010. Madame HADIDJA Bah,elle qui avait abandonné ses études
>>>>> secondaires,
>>>>> pendant l'année scolaire1998/1999 en
>>>>>  classe de 6 ème, au lycée de Tokombéré pour faiblesse notoireet
>>>>> incapacité
>>>>> intellectuel¬le. Elle n'a donc pas le Brevet d'Etudes depremier Cycle
>>>>> (BEPC), ni Probatoire encore moins le Baccalauréat del'enseignement
>>>>> secondaire général.Elle est entrée à l'ENAM Cycle B, avec le faux
>>>>> Baccalauréat Tchadien, aucompte de l'année académique 2009/2010.4-
>>>>> Monsieur
>>>>> SAIDOU Yeguie: Il est contrôleur des prix à la DélégationRégionale du
>>>>> Commerce à Maroua. Il a abandonné les études en classe dequatrième
>>>>> (4ème)
>>>>> pendant l'année scolaire 2003/2004 au lycée deMayo-Galga. Il venait
>>>>> «d'être
>>>>> admis» avec son faux Brevet d'Etudes depremier cycle (BEPC) au
>>>>> concours
>>>>> des
>>>>> contrôleurs de prix, organisé par leMinistère de la Fonction Publique
>>>>> et
>>>>> de
>>>>> la Réforme Administrative(MINTOPRA) en 2008.5- Monsieur YOUSSOUFA
>>>>> Yeguie:
>>>>> Il
>>>>> est gendarme en service à la Brigadeterre de Kousseri. Il a quitté
>>>>> l'école
>>>>> publique de Mada en Classe de coursmoyen deuxième
>>>>>  année (C MII) vers les années 2000. Il n'a jamais mis pieddans un
>>>>> établissement secondaire. Après avoir fait un saut à la
>>>>> SectionArtisanale
>>>>> rurale (SAR) de Mora, on l'a subitement retrouvé en 2004 avecson faux
>>>>> Brevet
>>>>> d'Etudes de Premier cycle (BEPC) au Centre de formation deDjoum comme
>>>>> élève
>>>>> gendarme.Malgré la révocation en 2009 de 102 élèves gendarmes
>>>>> détenteurs
>>>>> de
>>>>> fauxdiplômes, Monsieur YOUSSOUFA, une fois de plus, est passé à
>>>>> travers
>>>>> lesmailles du filet.6- Madame MALOUMA NZIE Martine: Elle est l'épouse
>>>>> de
>>>>> Monsieur BOUBASIMALA, Garde du corps et neveu de Monsieur le PAN. Elle
>>>>> s'était inscriteen 2009 à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Maroua en
>>>>> Sciences
>>>>> de l'Education.Rappelons que Madame MALOUMA NZIE Martine n'a jamais
>>>>> flairé
>>>>> le seuil dusecondaire.Elle avait d'abord acheté le faux brevet d'Etude
>>>>> de
>>>>> premier cycle (BEPC)avec lequel elle s'était présentée en 1997 sans
>>>>> succès,
>>>>> au concours durecrutement des greffiers-adjoints au
>>>>>  centre d'Ecrit du lycée deNkoldongo. Ensuite, le Baccalauréat factice
>>>>> tchadien en 2004. Enfin, lefaux Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS).
>>>>> L'un
>>>>> des faux derniersparchemins qui lui aura permis maladroitement de
>>>>> s'inscrire
>>>>> en 2009, àl'Ecole normale supérieure de Maroua, en sciences de
>>>>> l'Education.La déception de cette tricheuse invétérée, son échec
>>>>> constaté
>>>>> lors de lasortie des élèves professeurs de cette école de formation en
>>>>> mars
>>>>> 2012dissipe le moindre doute sur sa supercherie flagrante et
>>>>> grotesque.Elle
>>>>> vient pourtant d'être recrutée et nommée chargée d'études assistanteà
>>>>> l'Assemblée Nationale avec ses faux diplôme au vue et au su de tout
>>>>> lemonde
>>>>> comme si elle voulait être démasquée.7- IBRAHIM NDJIDDA: Il est le
>>>>> neveu
>>>>> de
>>>>> Monsieur le Président del'Assemblée Nationale. Il exerce actuellement
>>>>> à
>>>>> l'Aéroport de MarouaSalack, comme Inspecteur de police. En mémoire,
>>>>> monsieur
>>>>> Ibrahim Ndjidda aété renvoyé du lycée Bilingue de
>>>>>  Maroua, en classe de Cinquième (5ème)pour mauvaise prestation en
>>>>> classe
>>>>> et
>>>>> insuffisance disciplinaire. Il estsans Brevet d'Etudes de Premier
>>>>> cycle
>>>>> (BEPC). Malheureusement, ce neveu deMonsieur CAVAYE YEGUIE DJIBRIL qui
>>>>> est
>>>>> entré au CIAP de Moutegené pourêtre Gardien de la paix en 2001 avec
>>>>> son
>>>>> Diplôme de CEPE, est ressorti en2002 conne Inspecteur de Police avec
>>>>> son
>>>>> faux BEPC.8- Madame FADIMATOU BAKARY: Elle est l'épouse de monsieur
>>>>> TIKIRE,fils de Monsieur le Président de l'Assemblée Nationale. Elle
>>>>> exerce
>>>>> commeChef de bureau à l'Assemblée Nationale depuis sa sortie de l'ENAM
>>>>> en
>>>>> 2008comme Contrôleur de Trésor.Née le 04/06/1983 à Garoua, Madame
>>>>> Fadimatou
>>>>> Bakary qui a fait un crochetau lycée Technique Commercial de
>>>>> Ngaoundéré
>>>>> pour
>>>>> pouvoir berner le public,sans succès. Recrutée en 2004 à l'Assemblée
>>>>> Nationale avec son fauxbaccalauréat Tchadien G2 — NMG2, comme
>>>>> contractuelle
>>>>> d'administration,puis recommandée à l'ENAM cycle
>>>>>  B, Section Trésor, au compte de l'annéeacadémique 2007/2008 Mme
>>>>> est nommée Chef de bureau en 2009 avecson faux parchemin.9- ABDOUL
>>>>> AZIZ:
>>>>> Il
>>>>> est le fils de la confidente de Monsieur le Présidentde l'Assemblée
>>>>> Nationale. Il exerce comme Chef du bureau à l'AssembléeNationale.
>>>>> Monsieur
>>>>> Abdoul Aziz est recruté en 2002 avec son fauxBaccalauréat Tchadien
>>>>> comme
>>>>> contractuel d'Administration, Catégorie auSecrétariat Général de
>>>>> l'Assemblée
>>>>> Nationale. On l'a recommandé en2004/2005 à l'Ecole des sciences
>>>>> techniques
>>>>> de l'Information et de laCommunication (ESTIC); Filière documentation.
>>>>> Mais
>>>>> il a abandonné, parcequ'il n'avait pas de niveau. Il est nommé Chef du
>>>>> Bureau en 2010 et exerceactuellement avec son faux parchemin sans être
>>>>> inquiété.10- Madame HAWA GOGO Yeguie: Elle exerce au rectorat de
>>>>> l'Université deMaroua depuis 2009. On sait que madame HAWA GOHO Yeguie
>>>>> a
>>>>> présenté en 2007puis en 2008 sans succès, le probatoire de
>>>>>  l'enseignement secondairegénéral au lycée de Tokombérée. Elle est
>>>>> recrutée
>>>>> en 2009 avec le fauxbaccalauréat tchadien, comme contractuelle
>>>>> d'administration au rectorat del'Université de Maroua.11- Monsieur
>>>>> Daniel: Il est le neveu de Monsieur le Président del'Assemblée
>>>>> National.
>>>>> Le
>>>>> Maréchal des Logis Chef qui garde le domicile duPAN à Maroua a été
>>>>> aperçu
>>>>> récemment en 2012 en train d'effectuer un stageau Camp YAYAP pour
>>>>> devenir
>>>>> adjudant. De son vrai nom, ce gendarmes'appelle Monsieur NENET. Il n'a
>>>>> jamais effleuré la classe de cours moyendeuxième année (CMII).Le vrai
>>>>> Maguilké Daniel, légitime propriétaire du Certificat d'Etudesprimaires
>>>>> élémentaires (CEPE) ayant servi au neveu de Monsieur lePrésident de
>>>>> l'Assemblée Nationale pour intégrer les rangs de lagendarmerie
>>>>> Nationale,
>>>>> se
>>>>> trouve à Tokombéré, chef-lieu d'Arrondissement.Ce dernier avait
>>>>> d'ailleurs
>>>>> débarqué à Yaoundé en 2002, pour rentrer enpossession de son
>>>>>  diplôme et donc, de son identité sans succès. Desconciliateurs à
>>>>> l'époque
>>>>> chargés de régler à l'amiable leurs conflitsprivés ont obligé le vrai
>>>>> Maguilké Daniel de battre en retraite.12- Madame HADIDJA Yeguie dit
>>>>> NDOUKSA:
>>>>> Elle exerce à la communauté Urbainede Maroua depuis 2010. Cette dame,
>>>>> à
>>>>> l'époque, avait abandonné vers lesannées 1985, ses études à l'école
>>>>> publique
>>>>> de MADA, en classe de coursélémentaires deuxième année (CEII) au
>>>>> profit
>>>>> du
>>>>> mariage. Après plus de 25ans de répit, elle s'est retrouvée en 2010, à
>>>>> la
>>>>> communauté urbaine deMaroua. Exerçant avec quel parchemin ? Quelque
>>>>> soit
>>>>> le
>>>>> diplôme avec lequelelle travaille, il ne peut être que factice.13-
>>>>> YEGUIE: Elle a fait l'ENAM Cycle 'B' avec le FauxBaccalauréat
>>>>> Tchadien.En
>>>>> dépit des indices graves qui pèsent sur les suspects, il
>>>>> seraitsouhaitable
>>>>> d'ouvrir une enquête afin de dissiper le moindre doute,
>>>>> laresponsabilité
>>>>> et
>>>>> la culpabilité de ces crapules
>>>>>  immoraux qui exercentsans foi ni loi en toute impunité.HAMADOU OUMATE
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> --
>>>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>>>> a thing makes it happen.
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>    (Yahoo! ID required)
>>> --
>>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>>> a thing makes it happen.
>> --
>> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
>> a thing makes it happen.
>> ------------------------------------
> --
> The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
> a thing makes it happen.
> ------------------------------------


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in
a thing makes it happen.

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