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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Re: [camasej] Re: [cameroons_sdf_party] Re: [cameroonianjournalists] Re: [camnetwork] My 2014 Challenge on Southern Cameroons

Dear readers,
My opinion on the onesided debat about the importance of self rule with reference to the Southern Cameroons' issue leaves me wondering aloud if our socalled "intellectuals" are really what Boko Haram call the  ills of western education. Thank God before it was near impossible to know the enemies and traitors of the people until the world wide web  was introduced to open a wider scepter of information. 
If  ingrats like mr. Tagne, ms Joe, and their ilks, whose parents benefited from political asylum from the British Southern Cameroons(1955-1962) during the UPC  maquisade war, that left thousands of innocent people murdered, and voluntary migration for work  would today constitutte the creame of crusaders and supporters of the machinations of colonisation, occupation and annexation of the people and territory that gave their people hope and safety by turning against the peace loving and hospitable people and territory of the British Southern Cameroons.  To my mind they are nothing but intellectually dishonest and pure francophones in Anglophone clothings. Mr. Tagne, as you love Kongsamba your nstive land, so we southern Cameroonians love our land Southern Cameroons.
I will like to ask Tagne, MsJoe, Agbor and all bootleakers, who claim that since Southern Cameroons does not exist, that what were the components that entered into the Union of 1961?
Secondly, what were the  entities created in post WW1 by the military representatives of Britain and France in 1918 in the defeated German Kamerun and confirmed by the League of Nations in 1922 under the Mandated system?
Thirdly, if  British Southern Cameroons never existed, why was there need for a Plebiscite before the Union with French Cameroun on October 1st 1961 and what should become of  her existence after the resurface of the suppressed entity known as Republic of Cameroon in 1984 from East Cameroun?
Fourthly, why should the supressed state of the Southern British Cameroons, formerly known  as West Cameroon during the Federation not be restored after French Cameroun reverted its name of La Republique du Cameroun from East Cameroun?
Fifthly, why was the 1961 Federation abolished in 1972 in the first place and replaced by United Republic of Cameroon, after sureptitiously and unilaterally scraping the multi party system in 1966 during the 1961 arrangement?
Sixthly, can existing political parties and those to be launched in the territory of Southern Cameroons actually change and impact positive change in the territory that has been absent since 1961?
Seventh, @Mr Agbor Augustine, must you leave your house unkept because your neigbours house is untidy? Political parties (more than 150) registered in La Republique du Cameroun can not solve the issue of Southern Cameroons and for your information, the Biya Junta is the only reason that's pushing Southern Cameroonians to the extreme and they will be responsible for any outcome. I remember clearly before the All Anglophone Conference in1993, the indigenes of Anglophone extraction have been calling for a return to legality that was the two state federation, proposed by the Cameroon Anglophone Movement, at the time against the outright secessionist stance of Ambazonia . In 1993, the AAC/SCNC  presented a Bi Federal Constitution to the Enlarged Grande Constitutional Debat/Conference in Yaounde, the Biya junta did not only snob the the anglophone proposal and our followup "Buea Peace initiative" but went ahead to arbiratry arrest, torture, detain and imprison sympatisers of the SCNC, SCYL and  citizens of British Southern Cameroons. If you and others fail to see reason in the fact that La Republique du Cameroun, the occupying  and annexationist entity is against all forms of dialogue and negotiations to amend the failures of the past then like others you may only realised that when you  launch your well founded party, you shall be branded and accused of treason and attempt to seize power from the french kleptocrats.
Good luck for 2014

2014/1/1 Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a <>
Mr Tagne,

Thank God that you understand the history and evolution in the former British Southern Cameroons. That being the case, I have a specific question for you and all others:

Would you be in support of self-rule in the Cameroons after Paul Biya that allows the Cameroons (2 Federated States) to run their own affairs as enjoyed by the inhabitants of BSC from 1954 to 1972 with all the attendant institutions and resources at its disposal except for foreign affairs and the military? 

Herein are the fundamentals of the self-determination (self-rule) demands of the BSC people. If yes, then we are closer than you think. However, if no, we can all see why the current construct of LRC will never move forward as one unit no matter how long it takes because we do not believe in the same objectives/goals.

Again I will borrow from the Good News bible which tells us "Can two walk together except they agree?" 

Sent by Mukwo-okwo Ntu'a

On 1 Jan 2014, at 05:42, Jean-Bosco Tagne <> wrote:


Dear Dr. Atang,

Thanks so much for this mail and I wanted to respectfully get back to you before 2014. May 2014 be a year of better understanding between the united son of our beloved country call Cameroon wether it is South, West, Est or North.

To come back to your mail, I can reassure you that I am aware of all the point you put below and would like you to know that no matter what our beloved country was one till the British and the French set us apart. I do not believe being from the British and/or French protectorat will change that fact.

You wrote in 3 that "The Southern Cameroons was represented by elected officials/representatives in the Nigerian Eastern House of Assembly in Enugu.  Some of the democratically elected members include Dr. Foncha, Mr. J. T Ndze, Rev. Kangsen, etc.  Chief Mukete and Mr, S. T. Muna were Federal Ministers in the Federal Republic of Nigerian Government.  Dr. Endeley was in Medical School in Lagos Nigeria at that time." and I am worry that such Elected officials who could consciously get out of the Nigeria Eastern house of Assembly were easily manipulate by "Francofou" as stipulate by my friend Boh Herbert. I find it hard because you have to wake up early and dump a Nigerian to be absorbe that easily by a Cameroonian particularly a postal worker who knew little about politics. 

I find it hard to accept that someone who was "self-rule" with all his branches of government could just refuse his "self-rule" as define by my elder brother Boh Herbert to be a slave of "Francofou". Don't tell me that the Foncha, Endeley, Juah, Mukete,Muna, Kangsen etc you site were empty heads who deliberately refused to self-rule your so call "SC". Dr. Atang please do not insult these very intelligent Cameroonians who were able to say no to the BIG Nigeria.

Dr. Atang, I did not know that a voting-plebicite will turn out being an occupation. I can't comprehend  this contradiction from your 11 points. May be it is my poor understanding of the English langage but what I want you to know is that this bla bla about "SC-WC-EC-NC" have been setting us behind for the past 50 years. We hear less about our brothers who gained their independence with Nigeria and as you can see they are doing better while this EVIL man call paul biya is turning us up site down day in day out. Let us get him out and fix our country.

Dr. Atang, you have a lot to do by taking a good fight with the like of Achidi Achu, John B Ndeh, Agbor Tabi, Ngole Ngole, Musonge, even Inoni etc before taking to the "francofou".

Dr. Atang we need to get biya out and work on changing the course of our beloved country. We can't run away from that with EMPTY retoric Doc. If you believe that your "SC" independence is the way to go to get biya out before reorganizing our beloved country please convince people like me first but I doubt it.

Again happy 2014 to you and your beloved family.


On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 10:57 PM, Dr. Christopher Atang <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Tagne:
I read, with great interest, your write-up on "My 2014 Challenge on Southern Cameroons."  I will not sit back and let misinformation go around uncorrected.  In the write-up, you stated, and I quote:

"I never recognized any "southern Cameroon" because none exist but the Cameroons made up of one under French Administration (from Yaounde to Dla, Nkongsamba my beautiful native town, Bafoussam etc) and the other under British Administration made up of Kumba, Buea, Limbe, Bamenda etc By the way I got this from your UN document.o yes "SC" is non existence as MsJoe rightly put it."

I will attempt to respectfully explain some pertinent issues (emanating from your statement) that pertains to the Southern Cameroons in very simple and straight forward terms. 

1.  Two English speaking Cameroons existed when the wind of change was blowing across the continent of Africa in the late 1950s - the Northern Cameroons and Southern Cameroons.

2.  Northern Cameroons voted in a UN supervised plebiscite to gain her independence by joining Nigeria, while the  Southern Cameroons voted to ATTAIN INDEPENDENCE by joining French Cameroon - independence that the Southern Cameroons has never enjoyed!!!

3.  The Southern Cameroons was represented by elected officials/representatives in the Nigerian Eastern House of Assembly in Enugu.  Some of the democratically elected members include Dr. Foncha, Mr. J. T Ndze, Rev. Kangsen, etc.  Chief Mukete and Mr, S. T. Muna were Federal Ministers in the Federal Republic of Nigerian Government.  Dr. Endeley was in Medical School in Lagos Nigeria at that time.

4.  In order to enjoy their well deserved autonomy, the elected officials staged a walked out of the Eastern House of Assembly in what was historically known as "declaring benevolent neutrality" in the early part of 1954. 

5.  The Richardson Constitution of London granted autonomy to Southern Cameroons (in the later part of 1954), following the walk-out from the Eastern House of Assembly by the Southern Cameroons delegation.  This autonomy enabled the Southern Cameroons to form a democratically elected government (with a Prime Minister and members of Government (Ministers or Secretaries of state).

6.  All branches of Government and different Ministries were in operation in the Southern Cameroons.  (Note that at this time, marquizards were harassing and ransacking the French Cameroons territory, forcing some French Camerounians to flee and seek refuge in the Southern Cameroons territory where they were well received by Southern Cameroonians.

7.  The Southern Cameroons Government was headed by a Prime Minister and Head of Government.  A House of Assembly and a House of Chiefs were fully operational to streamline the laws in the state of the Southern Cameroons.  The Southern Cameroons Government Public Service Commission ensured equal opportunity employment in government ministries and departments throughout the state of the Southern Cameroons.

8.  The people of Southern Cameroons voted massively to join French Cameroun with the understanding that she would attain independence.  Instead of gaining independence, brutal gendarmes and police were engaged to harass the peace-loving English speaking people of the Southern Cameroons through 'cale-cale' and other primitive and brutal means.

9.  After the plebiscite, a Constitutional Conference was summoned in Foumban to streamline the Federal Status of the Federal Republic of Cameroun.  This conference yielded NO RESULTS perhaps because the French advisors of Ahidjo were scared of the 'equal status' accorded to both federated states in a federal constitution, and feared that English norms and values would be preferred to French autocratic and archaic rule.  The results of the Foumban Conference would have been the authentic document finalizing the unification of the two Cameroons.  As you know, there is no document indicating that the Southern Cameroons has been united with the French Cameroons since 1961.  Therefore the occupation of Southern Cameroons territory is illegal.

10.  Since the annexation of the State of Southern Cameroons by La Republique du Cameroun, the Southern Cameroons territory and people have been grossly marginalized and neglected.  Travel from Kumba to Mamfe to appreciate the degree of the neglect.  French speaking administrators are imposed on English speaking people of the Southern Cameroons.

11.The Southern Cameroons was one country until the policy of 'divide and rule' was put in place by Yaoundé to instigate the people of the Northwest and Southwest to knock their heads together for the benefit of the neo-colonialists in Yaounde.   Fortunately, only a few Southern Cameroonians have fallen prey to this diabolical ploy and ignorantly regard either the Northwest or the Southwest people as their enemies, as their oil and other natural resources are being drained to enrich the coffers of French Cameroon treasury in Yaounde.  Fortunately, the two provinces have more in common that unites them than what is supposed to tear them apart.

So Mr. Tagne, from the eleven (11) points raised above, you can see that, really there is a Southern Cameroons (spelled with a capital S).  For your information, there are very many other justifications in support of the demands of people seeking complete emancipation from the pangs of neglect, fraud, cleptocracy, and gross marginalization.  I may share them with you if you raise questions that I can provide answers for you.

Finally, instead of being insolent and insulting others, let us seize the opportunity to learn the historical evolution of the Southern Cameroons (or any country) before making public definitive statements.  I sincerely wish you God's blessings for the New Year (2014).  We hope that the genuine wishes of the people of the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia will be hearkened to by the appropriate authorities before it is too late!!!
Dr. Atang.

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