Re: [MTC Global] (Weekend Big Debate) Providing anything free is a corruption

Every human being has aspirations and desire to improve in life. Aim of the governments is to ensure that all human beings get their due according to their needs and ability. It therefore implies that system must be in place that in normal circumstances all people of the country get same deal without prejudice.
 Single most important factor for development is education. Education costs money and when the people  at large cannot afford it, government must create scholarships which can be provided to aspiring students based on proper selection. As level of education gets higher, more students must opt for education on loan although scholarships must continue but at reduced scale  strictly base on merit.

Free electricity and water  make little sense in normal circumstances. If necessary charges may be enhanced for higher consumption. If after 60 years of independence we have not been able to provide basic necessities, it implies that some thing is seriously wrong with our governance. The issue must be addressed on priority.

Giving free food, money, electricity etc can be done only in emergency like earth quakes, floods etc.All other categories of assistance promised can be termed as bribe. 



On Friday, 3 January 2014, 12:12, Ramesh Vemuganti <> wrote:
I do not understand why anything should be offered free - education, services, health care, goods, money. In a nation of 121 crores, if you are giving anything free to 30 crores, the burden is falling on other 30 crores, who are toiling & struggling, day in & day out.  For what?? To feed others. It is not justified.

Free culture breeds complacency, self damaging, a lethargic culture. Security is the mother of danger. 

When will the politicians & leaders understand that the only way of improving the lives of common man is to ensure their economic prosperity - to create work, educate them, provide new knowledge, make them understand application of this knowledge, impart skills, train the right way, employ them & make them work hard & slog. Nothing else works, will cause more damage.


Ramesh Vemuganti

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:23 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta <> wrote:
Dear Esteemed MTCians,
Question can be very well raised:

Promising/providing free water and electricity are also a form of corruption........

Happy Morning.
Happy Knowledge Sharing.
Kindest Regards.
Prof. Bholanath Dutta
President- MTC Global
Cell: +91 96323 18178

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