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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mandela Estate - Trust Funds.

Please take note that Nelson Mandela left an estate bigger than $4 million. Some assets are tied up in trust funds with potential spendthrift children, grandchildren and great-grand children as beneficiaries. 

Tokyo Sexwale (businessman) and George Bezos (lawyer) are trustees for the largest trust fund.  Two of Mandela's daughters are already in court in South Africa against the two trustees trying to get their hands on the trust capital.
  Courts are the final arbiters on trust matters

A trust fund can be set up under Cameroon's civil law for a maximum duration of thirty years (renewable)   Such a fund would be managed by a trustee institution called 'Fiduciaire'.  I intend to set up a Fiduciaire company in Cameroon to help families and institutions protect wealth over generations.

Mukefor Dennis Besong Tambe
Wealth Manager and Estate Planner.

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