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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Re: [besongabangdiaspora] Denis Tambe of the "Geometrically Breeding" Infamy and Book Promotion

Dr. Tumasang,
Your education serves no good to your people, because your postings breed hate and discord. Your reaction to Dennis's promotion of a published  academic document is a distraction. There is no justification for you to desuade northwesterners from buying any book on grounds that Dennis Tambe is promoting its sales. Let the content of the book stop your north west brothers from buying the book. Your stated conclusions and reasoning here are so baseless and flagrantly stupid and out of place. One has to question what census or studies have carried out about Anglophone Cameroonians abroad to enable you draw such outrageous and unsupported conclusion that" We also agree that a majority of these Anglophones are North Westerners by population and treasury".  I challenge you to give the source of this conclusion of yours before I can agree with you.
It's clear that you have some issues to settle with Dennis because of his past statements and views but this is the wrong circumstance to make the call. I advice you to take off the  evil-minded and hateful ideas off your shoulders and make peace with yourself and Dennis and finally give  the north west  people a chance to read Senator Mukete's Odyssey reviewed by your brother Prof. Ephraim N Nwafor.

From: Martin Tumasang <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; MWC <>
Cc: Besongabang Forum <>; Besongabang <>; upper-banyang-usa Moderator <>; MECA LONDON <>; Mamfe Centralanders. <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:48 AM
Subject: [besongabangdiaspora] Denis Tambe of the "Geometrically Breeding" Infamy and Book Promotion

Dear All,
We agree that the book on Re-unification being promoted by Denis Tambe will be bought mainly by Cameroonians and particularly by "Anglophone Cameroonians" since the book is in English.
We also agree that the majority of these Anglophones are North Westerners by population and treasury.
We agree that this big population of Anglophones who are mostly North Westerners would be exploited to make as much sales as possible.
We remember with ALARM that this same Denis Tambe promoting the book is infamous for having described North Westerners as "GEOMETRICALLY BREEDING OR PROCREATING".
We note that this North West hating Denis Tambe will for ever be remembered for the above quote and his name shall be immortal on the tongues of both North Westerners and South Westerners for the above quote.
We realise that the above quote is comparable only to the infamous "COME NO GO" quote of Oben Ashu.
We are sincerely concerned as to whether "Raffia Bag Carrying Geometrically Breeding" Northern Westerners would use the population from the geometrical breeding to purchase a product marketed or promoted by the said Denis Tambe.
We strongly recommend that the publishers of the book publish a statement dissociating themselves from the said Denis Tambe and his "GEOMETRICAL BREEDING" views of North Westerners.
We also warn Denis Tambe that such right wing views have economic consequences. He should either apologise and withdraw his views or dissociate himself from the published book because his association with the book is a marketing disaster for the raffia bag hanging constituency who are to buy the book.
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 09:15:20 +0000
Subject: [cameroon_politics] RE: [camnetwork] Book Review by Prof. Ephraim N. NGWAFOR

Dear Messrs Emmanuel Konde and Ekinneh Agbor-Ebai,

We look forward to your no holds barred ebullient reviews.

I agree with you that the reviews of Dr, Munzu and Dr. Ngwafor were respectfully restrained and did not wet our appetites to read Senator (Nhon) Victor Mukete's tour de force historical and political account.

The book is now available in Cameroon at Messapresse and Presbook and should soon go on sale on Amazon.

Best regards,

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 14:28:28 -0800
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Book Review by Prof. Ephraim N. NGWAFOR

From the title of the book, it appears it is a self-eulogizing exercise, but I still look forward to reviewing the book when it is eventually published. It however strikes me as disingenuous the excerpt of the book review below:

"Senator Mukete refuses to walk in the ugly path of destructive selfishness and does not even perceive himself as a hero. Instead, his book situates the other actors of the reunification story – Victor Anomah Ngu, Ebai Mbiwan, Jacob Achidi Kisob, S.T. Muna, N.N. Mbile, John N. Foncha, R.J.K. Dibonge, S.A. George (who Nfon Mukete thinks is "undoubtedly one of the heroes of the reunification struggle, as he devoted most of his time to the nationalist cause"), and so passing on the message that leadership is a team sport. However Nfon V.E. Mukete regards himself as an actor, an active participant, involved in the reunification chronicle. My Odyssey, is not only laced with historical facts, but it is substantiated with documentary evidence of his involvement and participation in Cameroon's reunification story. "

I believe Prof. Ngwafor was not thinking of Pa (read Senator) Mukete's age when he was writing this review. The man is past senility (some say he is 101 years old). Only in a gerontocracy can the word "team" be construed to mean hanging-on like a vampire until death. At 100+ tears and counting, it is inconceivable that Chief, Senator Mukete is still writing his story.

Assuming arguendo, that by some combination of circumstance, Anglophones achieve "independence" it will be anyone's guess if Senator Mukete will add an epilogue to his story. My advice to Pa Mukete is to quit the stage while there are people in the audience. 
Pa Mukete like Mbombo Njoya (Sports Minister in 1964), Achidi Achu, Nkwain and other gerontocrats, including Paul Biya should stand down and stand tall; or they will be pulled down forcefully by Cameroonian youths who have been left no choice.


On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 10:52 AM, Dennis Tambe <> wrote:
Book Review by Prof. Ephraim N. NGWAFOR

Senator (Nfon) V.E. Mukete's My Odyssey: The Story of Cameroon's Reunification is an intriguing, historical narrative that combines the personal, individual account of one man's life and the one nation's destiny. Nfon Mukete's account leading up to reunification weaves together the social and political sequence of events – the risks, aspirations, the possibilities of individual commitment and national triumph. The Senator's story, like the ancient Greek legends, places him in the arena of the struggle for reunification.

Senator Mukete refuses to walk in the ugly path of destructive selfishness and does not even perceive himself as a hero. Instead, his book situates the other actors of the reunification story – Victor Anomah Ngu, Ebai Mbiwan, Jacob Achidi Kisob, S.T. Muna, N.N. Mbile, John N. Foncha, R.J.K. Dibonge, S.A. George (who Nfon Mukete thinks is "undoubtedly one of the heroes of the reunification struggle, as he devoted most of his time to the nationalist cause"), and so passing on the message that leadership is a team sport. However Nfon V.E. Mukete regards himself as an actor, an active participant, involved in the reunification chronicle. My Odyssey, is not only laced with historical facts, but it is substantiated with documentary evidence of his involvement and participation in Cameroon's reunification story.

One can rightly posit the contention that inadvertently, his studies, experiences and stay in Nigeria, and his student days in the UK prepared him for involvement in this noble assignment. The true mettle of a man
is tested when you can recognize where he stands in times of challenge,
adversity and controversy. In a society where moral principles have lost their enigmatic lustre only the good-hearted make the grade. Small wonder that the name V.E. Mukete never found itself in the notes on the various Commissions of Inquiry in West Cameroon, meant to examine matters of embezzlement of public funds. Senator Mukete's success story is founded on his belief that one cannot reach good ends through evil means and that well conceived actions should always take precedence over accolades.


Sometimes Nfon V.E. Mukete's My Odyssey, like a work of fiction, creates moments of suspense in the reader . Each statement, each claim, each assertion that Senator Mukete makes in My Odyssey is validated by either a letter or some other historical document. Unlike some Cameroonian historical books that largely rely on hearsay and doubtful historical material, Senator V.E. Mukete's My Odyssey is a monumental historical pacesetter that utilizes first hand historical documents that trace one man's journey (like the ten year homeward journey of the Greek hero, Odysseus, King of Ithaca, after the Trojan War) on the arduous passage of the agonizing odyssey of authentic nationhood. The uniform thread in this story is real.

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