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Monday, February 3, 2014

UB Vice Chancellor has Failed: UB Purported Police Rapes and Security Personnel Death, Constant Strikes etc.

Article written sometime ago on the failure of Navlo. She had it coming.

Dear All,
we have heard unconfirmed and confirmed stories about rapes and death in UB and all types of stories with sycophant pumping their jingoism from both sides of the divide. Reputations have been tarnished, people have been maligned by hired or self appointed traducers, who in the process expose the parvanimity of their own minds.
Students are students. Even if in the recent past, the moon smote them by night or the sun by day, who is the winner?. Even if 100 of them are killed, raped or imprisoned is this a victory for the so called "Auntie Navlo". If she is victorious and scores of students fail their exams because they did not write or end their education because they are in prison, is this not a pyrrhic victory that cannot be celebrated?. Is this a record she will leave when she finally quits as she surely will one day or another?.
In the whole saga, there has been a dearth of critical thinking and sober reflection. Intellectual and managerial myrmidons suddenly became experts and giving unsolicited advice on both sides. With reason elided from their minds, they trawl the writings of one another to look for ambers to fan the internecine fires consuming the school.
In a very thrasonic manner, people elevated themselves to positions of demi gods and pronounced decrees to be followed and judgments on their opponents without stopping for once to realise that for anything they say, there is a countervailing point on the other side.
Without equivocation, the person who stood tall at the beginning of this all was Seagol. He advised Auntie Navlo to negotiate with the student, strike some deal and kill the issue at the beginning but his advice was not heeded. Although he later took sides to try some damage control, his original advice stands the test of time.
Students are students and not managers or administrators by scholarship or experience. Vice Chancellor Navlo is the Manager or administrator. Has she managed or administered so that there is peace and smooth learning in her school?. The answer is No. Is she a failure or has she failed?. The answer is YES.
Having concluded that Vice Chancellor Navlo has failed to manage or administer her school so that there is peace and smooth learning, it falls upon us to understand why she failed. The failure is not in question since there is no peace or smooth learning. So why did Vice Chancellor Navlo fail?. There are many possible reasons including but not limited to the following:
1) She failed because she is a bad administrator or manager
2) She failed because she is a good administrator or manager but has bad students
3) She failed because she is a good administrator or manager but has good students who are manipulated by bad lecturers
4) She failed because she is a good administrator or manager but has bad students manipulated by bad lecturers
5) She failed because she is a good administrator or manager but has good students but mostly from north West and who are manipulated by power brokers from the NW province/diaspora
Acceptance of Justification
Can any justification whatsoever be acceptable for VC Navlo's failure as evidenced by the constant strikes, disruptions, purported killings, abductions, rapes etc in UB?. The answer in a clear NO. Vice Chancellor Navlo must take responsibility for the failures. IT IS A THIN SKULL RULE. SHE CANNOT BLAME THE FAILURES ON BAD STUDENTS, BAD PROVINCE OF ORIGIN OF STUDENTS, BAD LECTURERS, ETC.
Its like in tort, The tortfeasor takes their victims as they see them and the thickness of their skull cannot be a defence. VC Navlo must be capable of maintaining peace and smooth learning even with bad students, students from a bad province, manipulated students, bad lecturers etc. A good manager or administrator can handle all those problems and maintain the peace. These constant excuses are not acceptable anymore.
A Manager that constantly blames the managed for consistent poor results is a poor manager. Tumasang 2013

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