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Saturday, February 1, 2014


Enjoy African hospitality at this No-Man's Land of Nkongsamba Cameroon. The predominant population of this erstwhile booming but now dying into oblivion city  are mostly Bamilekes and Mbos. Quartier 6 & 7 even boast of a whole Bangangte chefferie. As far as "Prostitution" goes, the fierce competition is between the Bamouns, the Coffee Bang-Fehs and the Nyanguis. The Nkongsamba Nyangui (Nkane) kwata is mainly inhabited by Bameta women. New entrants into this competitive trade are the unwanted aggressive Bassa women, Dchang talkative girls and strangely enough, even Bangwa, Bali and Wum girls are seeking entry level positions. Now back to the demographic distribution. Bamenda people constitute the second largest segment of the population of Nkongsamba. When you arrive quartier Manengouba, you simply need to say "Akyrieh Please" to understand that Barebo people are the best Cameroon users of Munkwata Cutlass. You would think you were in Mungyen-Mbou, Ngie-Ngwo or Werekoum. All you need to understand is; Where there is Organized Plantation (CDC, SOCAPALM, PAMOL, MBANGA, TOLE, MBANDJOCK, NKOTENG, KRIBI and NKONG) where grass has to be "tchappia-ed", just start to tok Bameta kontri tok...bicos Bameta dem sabi TCHAPPIA. Because of civilization, their women have also started to enter the "Cutting Grass and Cutting Mbanga" profession with some even speaking fluent Mbouda Ntongtou French.

Nkongsamba is a very interesting city. The best part of "Nkong" as it is fondly called, is an area called "Quartier FAMLA".  That is where most modern day Cameroon FEYMEN are groomed; starting with their patron, Le Roi Bamileke Donatien Kouagne. Nkong has two of the best Nite Clubs in Cameroon. The city has named streets and numbered houses. It has a picturesque scenic mountain view that will attract Tourists and even Cameroonians on vacation. The land is very fertile for various agricultural produce. NKONG is the "Carrefour" or Junction Town for heavily populated cities like Bafoussam, Bamenda, Loum, Kumba, Tombel, Penja, Bafang, Kekem, and many others...UNFORTUNATELY, the town has been neglected to decaying proportions. That is why, it is very WRONG for these crazy CPDM administrators to allow this good city to crumble into decrepitude, crime and prostitution.
Place devant le marché central

Place devant le marché central de Nkongsamba 

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