Fw: Light on Conspiracies by Ole Dammegard

Ole Dammegård, is a prize winning author, investigator and former journalist,  For some 30 years he has worked hard on exposing some of the biggest conspiracies around the globe, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task.

"I humbly believe that I've managed to more or less solve the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, one of the world's greatest murder mysteries".... says Dammegard

This extensive investigation has revealed incredible links to other big political 'events' like the killing of JFK, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Che Guevara, and Salvador Allende as well as the cold-blooded sinking of m/s Estonia, which has caused an international tidal wave of interest.

"My goal is to prevent the Global Elite from turning this beautiful world into a controlled and horrible place and I am totally dedicated to revealing their agenda, including False Flag-operations all over the world".

His latest book is: "COUP D'ETAT IN SLOW MOTION"


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