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Friday, March 28, 2014


Dr Tumasang, Mr Tchucham.
The name is Tumasang.
Stop spelling his name in French.
If you cannot even spell the name of someone you quote how exactly would you know what he said? This proves to me that if you had read - let alone understood what you were reading - you would not have made the very silly statements you made which warranted my muscled intervention to set the record straight. 
Do me a favour, will you?
Stop making disturbingly inane statements about the Southern Cameroons until you know what you are talking about.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Bonaventure Tchucham <> wrote:

Dear Prophet.
by all respect Sir, you must be in a quite confused state of mind right now! How else would you waste your time preaching to the converted!
You make a fool of yourself when you seriously believe that you're bringing something new to my attention by quoting legal provisions that have been part of my studies!
Dr Ntumazang and Prof. Anyangwe have complained here about some contributors who keep knocking around the bush and turning back on issues already settled! Well, you're doing just that right now!!!!
We'll not start the whole thing anew, will we?
Stop boasting Prophet!
Bonaventure Tchucham

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

Envoyé le : Vendredi 28 mars 2014 16h13

Mr Tchucham,
Permit for post for your edification evidentials of your colonisation s validated by the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights in 2009.
Reason why we now ask your president to withdraw his army and administration from the state of the Southern Cameroons qua Ambazonia. Paragraphs 153 and 168 of the Banjul Ruling.
The submission of Complainants on this point reads:
‘153. For the people of the Southern Cameroons, the francophonity imposed on them and the ubiquity in their territory of the gendarme, sous-préfet, préfet, gouverneur, commandant de légion, brigade de gendarmerie, camp militaire and commissariat de police are living symbols of alien domination and daily remembrancers of their shameful status as a subjugated people, all the more shameful because the colonizing State is a third rate third world country.
168. Evidence of that domination of the people of the Southern Cameroons includes the armed occupation of the territory for over forty years already; the total control of its economy and resources; the imposition of a foreign administration; the imposition of  foreign administrators; the imposition  of an alien law and legal system; the imposition of an alien language in the schools and public administration; the abolition of the Southern Cameroons parliament and government; the confiscation of all means of expression from the people; and the  imposition of direct rule by the colonizing State.’
This evidence of colonial occupation was never challenged by Respondent State. And yet, strangely, the Commission never addressed its mind to this unimpeachable evidence.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
Mr Ngakam, the name is Ntemfac Ofege. NTEMFAC.
Why is it that you bloody francophones cannot spell my name?
Is it a curse?
Please stop spelling my name in French!
However, Mr Ngakam, you have every francophone's problem when it comes to the meaning of Anglophone.
You, sir, you are  francophone also meaning a citizen of La Republique du Cameroun which became independent on January 1, 1960.
I am an anglophone, also meaning a citizen of the Southern Cameroons which became independent on October 1, 1961.
It is a MATTER of a STATE and a NATION
You must have believed the OFFICIA LIE as told you by your CHEF which only goes to prove that you francophones are victims of the Jacobin-Napoleonic dictatorial presidentialist, monarchy government sytem which causes you to believe that 'Le chef a toujours raison' et la verité vient d'en haut...even when the said chef is feeding you a lot of dog shit.
We have been struggling here to teach you the BARE TRUTH about the history of your Cameroun since you are all totally ignorant.
Next, you say that some folks are indeed convicted all over the world for crimes committed.
It is because the democratic system works.
And the Southern Cameroons was in the British School of Democracy from 1922 to 1961.
I asked your brother Mr Tchucham to tell me the 9 items that constitute a democracy.
He could not.
Well one of them is a State of Law..not a state of lawlessness.
If your Camerounese state were a state of law you would have respecte the law by un-occupying the Southern Cameroons from this minute.
A democracy convicts deviats in an institution called the Law Courts.
Tell me, Mr Ngakam, is Cameroun a State of Law?

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
Mr Tchucham, there goes your francophone disingenuity again.
Was La Republique du cameroun, created on March 4, 1916 a Mandate and then a TRUST territory of the United Nations?
Did the French effectively COLONIZE+assimilate+bastardise that territory?
Do the citizens of that territory speak French and do they see themselves as Frenchmen, just as France wanted it?
Did that territory become independent on January 1, 1960 as La Republique du Cameroun?
Are you Tchucham Bonaventure a native of that territory and hence a citizen of that territory and hence a citizen of La Republique du Cameroun?
Do you speak French and are you herein exercising art art of telling lies as typical of the French-francophones?
Was the Southern Cameroons part of your territory when you became independent?
Do I, Ntemfac Ofege, and the rest of the Southern Cameroonians whose territory became independent on October 1, 1960desire that you colonise us and enslave us and attempt to force feed your francofolie nonsense on us?
Now consider your unspeakable hypocrisy:
While maintaining your French-francophone identity and nationality you have the audacity to refuse me from being what I am?
And you consider my history and culture slavery?
Talk of a pot calling the kettle black.
Remove the LOG from your eye, sir, that way you will see the flint in mine better.
You are not around me presently or else I would have given you a great box in your daft ears.

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Ofege Ntemfac <> wrote:
Mr Tchucham,
If you say my questions indeed deprive from 1st YEAR LAW and if you indeed say you completed 1st year Law some years ago then clearly 1st year law never went through you and you never understood a thing about what you are supposed to have completed. You may have a certificate but the certificate clearly does not have you. This can also explain why you cling to a resonatingly DEAD, finished, du passé and du passif concept like the UPC which - feeble and futile efforts to challenge French neocolonialism aside - has nothing to offer the contemporaneous. You see, Mr Tchucham, you are a French assilated. French assimilation runs in your blood as well as in the blood of the other members of yyour Camerounese State. You cannot fight against your very on blood. Prove me wrong and I will hail you but I bet that you cannot prove me wrong.
Reason why you cannot answer any of my questions.
Not even one.
Let me show you something from your very own input.
You wrote:
Tu écris: "Apres 50 ans j' aurais aime voir une gerance type british au Cameroun"

D'abord, je ne sait pas ce que c'est qu'une "gerance type british": 
- indirect rule de type colonial?
- promotion impérialiste de l'enrichement sur le dos d'autres peuples?
Quoi qu'il en soit je te prie de remarquer le "British type of gerance" est probablement le même que le "french type" when it comes to Africa. 
S'il en est ainsi, alors tu es bien servi car c'est précisement ce "type" qui est installé à Yaoundé!

There is a subtle disingenuity in your comparism of the Colonial British Indirect and the French Direct Rule.  The French Direct Rule set out to contrive and invent and make LITTLE FRENCHMEN out of the colonized in Francophone Africa.  It was a total brainwashing operation whose legacy is the kyrie of frogy demagogues and hypocrites that we have in the Camerounese State which hypocrites and demagogues are as corrupt as they come. These demagogues only pay lipservice to change but we all know that they feed and feed upon the very system they claim to change in the dark. Take Chief Mila Asoute, for example, how much change can you possibly expect from that 'Little Frenchman' and 'Colon' who is this day IN DENIAL about there very history of Cameroun especially its relationship with the State of the Southern-West Cameroun? These demagogues are not corrupt out of volition but it is because the Jacobin-Napoleonic State erected a STRONGMAN dictatorial presidentialist monarchy and corrupt and corruptible system where truth is said to be at the centre of power and everybody is on the take. If you frencophones are not on the take how dare you deny the Statehood of the Southern Cameroons?
The British Indirect Rule was not out the transform the colonised folks into Britishers. The British system set out to establish  STRONG DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS from the bottom to the top while at the same time preserving the local cultures and mores of the colonised peoples. The British Mandate set out to build strong democratic institutions and to lead teh colonised folks to 'Emancipation' or Independence. Not invent little bastardized Frenchmen running around the tropics and practising corruption and the generalised pollution of the human species.
It is the Mother of all Hypocricies to hear a brainwashed bastardized francophone, one who is as French and as assimilated as a frog's legs, charge that by demanding the Restoration of the State, Southern Cameroonians are trying to be BRITISH!!! 
The British Indirect Rule was not about making Southern Cameroonians British, you see. It was about building strong democratic institutions which institutions have this day been wasted by Jacobin-Napoleonic francophone COLONIZATION!

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Bonaventure Tchucham <> wrote:
My only true Prophet,

in your closing you have these funny questions:
why is the Napoleonic Jacobin system so scared of giving POWER to a Southern Cameroonian 
- Why is your system scared shitless of giving any of your ministeres de souverainité to a Southern Cameroonian? 

when you put those questions began with just to so pitifully hoping for your oppressor to GIVE you POWER, I wonder if you "challenge me just for the purpose of boasting???

By the way, your questions are just good enough for the education of a 1rst year university Law student!
I have completed it more than two decades ago, so let's see what your coming "many TOMES" will teach me more!
As for now, I acknowledge my total ignorance and am knocking at your door for enlightenment! Deal?!
Bonaventure Tchucham

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

De : Ofege Ntemfac <>
À : cameroon_politics <>
Cc : CAMNETWORK list <>; ambasbay <>; camasej group all members <>; afoakom <>; "" <>; "" <>; Cameroon Review <>; africanworldforum <>; Campros Group <>
Envoyé le : Jeudi 27 mars 2014 18h49


M. Tchucham,
1. How much do you know about political structures and their functions or the structural functionalism of government systems?
2. Lincolnian democracy or polyarchy has 9 elements to identify it. Can you name them? Next, if you can, tell me what the ultimate goal of democracy is. Do you know the difference between the presence of a government system founded on polyarchy and the management of a government system founded on democracy? Do you know the difference between a leader and a manager?
3. Can you name the 10 leading democracies in the world? Do you understand the relationship between democratic governance and Human Development Index?
4. Do you know the fundamental difference between the ancient French symbol : Liberté Egalité Fraternité and the current Jacobin-Napoleonic-Neo-colonial constrcut of the French state? Do you know why and how the UNWRITTEN British Constitution confers on citizens worldwide - including the citizens of the SouthernCameroons - a pattern of mores, a culture, a WAY OF LIFE, a behaviour, an attitude and and a manner of managing the common wealth that is very different from what obtains in all francophone contraptions?
Deal with these first, if you can, I may be back for a COURS MAGISTRAL in many TOMES!
How barbaric!!!!
This is where I disagree with Kenneth JEAN Begheni Ndeh. The Jacobin-Napoleonic francophone system in the Camerounese state is so polluted and corrupted and corruptible that the very best Southern Cameroonian will have to disrupt it critically to make any impact. We all know that the majoritarian francophones cannot stand that kind of change in their system. Hence parachuting a Southern Cameroonian to the top will only be robbing Peter to pay Paul. I am saying, that we now know that Fru Ndi would have fared even worse than Biya. I stand to be corrected on this.
Counteriwise, why is the Napoleonic Jacobin system so scared of giving POWER to a Southern Cameroonian that it makes a Motaze the actual Prime Minister while Yang is only a figure head? Why is your system scared shitless of giving any of your ministeres de souverainité to a Southern Cameroonian?
Of course you know the answer.

2014-03-27 17:15 GMT+01:00 Bonaventure Tchucham <>:
"wonders shall never end", ma femme dit ce mot là tout le temps (lol)
Tu écris: "Apres 50 ans j' aurais aime voir une gerance type british au Cameroun"

D'abord, je ne sait pas ce que c'est qu'une "gerance type british": 
- indirect rule de type colonial?
- promotion impérialiste de l'enrichement sur le dos d'autres peuples?
Quoi qu'il en soit je te prie de remarquer le "British type of gerance" est probablement le même que le "french type" when it comes to Africa. 
S'il en est ainsi, alors tu es bien servi car c'est précisement ce "type" qui est installé à Yaoundé!

By the way, et là c'est à Pa Fru que je m'adresse, car toi tu as résolu très clairement le problème identitaire en te prononcant pour le Cameroun plutôt que pour un "type" citoyen que Pa Fru présente toujours, mais qu'il n'a pas encore défini. Alors, Pa Fru, avant de demander aux gens de "voter", dit, ce serait quoi une  "gouvernance Anglophone"? Y a-t-il donc une "gouvernance Francophone" dont celle-là serait l'alternative ou l'opposé? Eh, bien, je voudrais la voir, cette "gouvernance Francophone"! Show it to me please??!!!
Bonaventure Tchucham

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

De : "" <>
À : "" <>
Envoyé le : Jeudi 27 mars 2014 15h03

Pa fru; je donne ma replique meme comme ta question n est pas a moi.

Si c' est la volonte du peuple; where is the problem?

Moi personellement je voterai pour tout camerounais quelque soit sa province d origine ou sa tribu qui peut nous presenter un projet de societe fiable et convainquant.

Apres 50 ans j' aurais aime voir une gerance type british au Cameroun.

Ca pourra peut etre faire avancer les choses.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

From: Pa Fru Ndeh <PaFruNdeh@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 06:55:19 -0700 (PDT)
To: Cameroon Politics<>


Chers Journalistes L'oncle Jean-Vincent Tchienehom, Jean-Baptiste Sipa, Christophe Bobiokono, Alex Gustave Azebaze, Michel Moussaut Moussala:

Je vous demande directement si vous supporter l'idee d'une Presidence ANGLOPHONE apres Biya.
Blessed Be Cameroon
Pa Fru Ndeh


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