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Monday, March 3, 2014

The Allotey-Solomon Family With Late Ablert Allotey Back In The Day

Albert Allotey was a Tokoto Ashanti Big fan. Click on the link below and visualize him dancing on the floor. Oh!! boy ! Albert Allotey,  could move on the dance floor. Will surely miss him. Scroll down first then click on the link below
Back Row: From L>R Mabowa, Emma, Mama, Ebenye & Toti
Front Row: From L>R Emmanuel AKA(Sango Mot'a Muenya), Neeni & Albert
Back Row:From L>R Mama, Emma, Mabowa,Toti, & Ebenya
Front Row:From L>R Etonde, Esie, Tete, Neeni, Mot'a Muenya, Mary & Albert
From left > right, standing: Toks, Quao, Epupa, Emma, Ebenye & Sally.
Sitting: Sango, Ablert, Sango Mot'a Muenya, Toti, Neeni & Mabowa.
                                              Albert Allotey
In The 80's In New City:L>R Neeni, Akuche(aka)sangoMot'a Muenya, Toti, Toks, Albert & Emma
Back Row:From L>R Mama, Emma, Mabowa,Toti, & Ebenya
Front Row:From L>R Etonde, Esie, Tete, Neeni, Mot'a Muenya, Mary & Albert
This was taken at Neeni, Toti & Albert's SEND OFF PARTY way back in the early 80's.
After their send off party, they joined Sister Emma & Sango Mot'a Muenya In Wash. DC
                                              Albert Allotey
Back Row: From L>R Mabowa, Emma, Mama, Ebenye & Toti
Front Row: From L>R Sango Mot'a Muenya, Neeni & Albert

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