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Wednesday, March 5, 2014


 Dear BB,
I have chosen never to address  March 8 directly each year. It is not for fear of being branded a coward, which you know I am not.
 Left to you and me, we would have joined the world at large  to celebrate 'women's day" . Whether that anniversary in the manner and context it is celebrated under colonial rule truly places the dignity of our women at the center of the preoccupation of the organizers demands profound reflection.
In any case, this may not yet be the time to do so. 
 Nevertheless, there is increasing disturbing evidence that this celebration which should carry symbolic weight has been abused and transformed under certain circumstances to celebrate values that taunt the blessings of womanhood; the blessed temple of humanity. It is increasingly abused in some circumstances to worship the god -president whom  sycophants have presented as seriously disputing the supremacy of God Almighty over His creation.
 In every single year over a period of three decades, the occasions to worship the false god increased. 8 March which is universally reserved for the honor of women has been wrongly appropriated  as one of them. Lately, he added February 20, although  he already occupied every minute and second of  the lives of some 20 million individuals living under the sun.
 Coming back to this unresolved matter, why did the invisible spirit of death  chose March 8 to snatch the Obasinjong Warrior when I was in Accra by the tomb of the Osageyfo celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Independence of Ghana about which we discussed in detail prior to my departure?
 Could it be because you wandered to a strange land beyond the reach of the vigilant watch of our ancestors?  How shall we characterize that spot on  the Douala- Yoaunde Grave way" far from home?.
What ever the case, dear BB, we shall honor our pledge to honor you. I was unable to do so, due to the dishonor to which those who evinced every effort to bring you down took control of your remains and I could not in conscience give tacit blessings to such abuse. You know, I would never ever.
I shall honor you and honor in the manner you would have approved.
  In ever green memory and fondly remembered by your friend and ideological brother in the spirit of freedom and justice,
 Chief Charles A. Taku

Why we laugh at politicians and give them names (to Chief Charles Achaleke Taku, UN Attorney)

By Bate Besong

In our 'White Collar Delinquent's Democracy'
Where the monopoly of power is
the birthright of those
who get it by crook
and the state apparatus is
and instrument of  personal vendetta;
elections are won
under the ogogoro of
Monsieur Chirac's distillery
Many southern Cameroonians have been misled by
their opinion;
their wrong ideas have warped
their  judgement
They want to count the raindrops or
the sand along
Victoria beach
They refuse to change, to be converted.
Tadpole armies and their Brigadier Generals will
realize the self-appointed
Commanders-in-chief are nothing
more than the works of human hands
Everything made by racketeers of power
will decay and perish, along
with the thieves who made it.
The people who build the world are the ones
who do not follow the example so the kokoro insect
feeding fat
under the leaf of
the vegetable
Wounds can be
bandaged and insults can
be forgiven,
but if you betray a
confidence it is hopeless just
as thieves will suffer disgrace freelance mutants
of power will suffer severe condemnation
The lord Mayors of the Ewondos died and all he then
possessed are flies worms and maggots
Injustice, arrogance and wealth cause federations
to fall from
power and others then rise to take
their place
The Sultan of ''Go-if-you-don't like it-here'' is despised
while he is on the throne think
how much Ahmadou Ahidjo's corpse will be flogged
in it's Re-unification Qui-or-
Yes caskets; Where thieves will wander in and help
No one should ask why things are as they are
These questions will be answered at the right time.


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