[MTC Global]

Dear Colleagues                                                                                                                      29th April, 2014

As our beloved nation is about to USHER IN a change of guard at the center, let us look forward to our future with renewed hope, reenginnered energies , revitalized enthusiasm & remodeled living.

In this context, I like this astounding statement which speaks of a fierce truth.

"I'm open to everything. When you start to criticize the times you live in, your time is over."
Karl Lagerfeld

It is a dynamite for people who dwell in constant criticism of people & things around - colleagues, family members, places, systems, technologies. methods, tools, cultures, ideas, thoughts, others. Some ungrateful people make nasty comments on Parents & elders too. 

Some criticism & commenting on others work, behaviour, knowledge gap, undesirable traits -  is fair enough. But if it is a habit, this is what Weak People indulge in. And if one makes it a profession, he becomes less relevant in the present day world.  That is the reason intellectuals do not contribute to anything positive in several walks of life.They only walk alone - no one wants to touch , invite, include, go near THEM. Eternal loners.

The message is clear. If we need to bring a change, we should stop commenting, chiding, criticizing  & being cynical of OTHERS. Accept the things as they are - in the Institution, House, office, Society, Organizations, Nations.We need to apply a STOP BUTTON - to criticizing our Political leaders, Govt officers & Public Representative.

We have to become Open & that is termed as Change. Accept the indifferent behaviour of boss, mediocre capabilities of children, lack of knowledge / skills in our collleagues, lamenting office assistant/ driver/ servant maid/ security guard/common citizen, demanding indignant customer, nagging parents. Take them in the stride & move on. Develop tact . Dont criticize. Strategically, solve the issues , sequentially & reach the desirable targets. Then the world becomes an oyster & several possibilities unfold. Like a job seeker finds so many prospective organizations to get a job, a businessman finds several opportunities to make money, a professional delivers at an amazing level , an entrepreneur discovers commecial successful innovative ideas, products & services.

An Open person gives, gives & gives - which attracts a plethora of things & people he wishes to & ultimately emerges a Winner.

Embracing the world in all its dimensions & looking at it from different perspectives is the direction of progress. Unarguably, health ailments also disappear for people who are open & do not comment on others & their work.


Ramesh Vemuganti

MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate
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