[MTC Global] [HQ] Documentary Films @ Educational Purpose


Strategic Associations:

MTC Global and JS Entertainment


To create state-of-the-art documentary films exclusively for education. Major thrust area is Management Education.


There is a huge gap. We do not have good educational movies written and directed solely for this purpose. We generally refer to commercial movies and draw various management lessons.

Story line:

Encourage MTCians to come out with original ideas. One paragraph story line. Due credit will be given to the source in the movie.


There will be learning objectives and outcome for each movie to facilitate learning.

Partnership: Open to any College / organisation / Individual. Benefits for sponsorship & partnership

n  Due credit will be given to the individual. If individual wishes s/he can be given a suitable role in the film.

n  Shooting can be done in the partner college. Even the same college students/ faculty / management will get suitable role. This would be a great branding exercise on behalf of the college.


Request interested MTCians / Organisation / College to support this initiative. It would definitely yield expected results

Please write mail to Prof. Bholanath Dutta [ president@mtcglobal.org ] or call +91 96323 18178



Educate, Empower, Elevate

Prof. Bholanath Dutta

Founder, Convener & President

MTC Global & Knowledge Cafe

Participant: United Nations Global Compact

ISO 9001:2008 Organization

www.mtcglobal.org /www.knowledgecafe.org

Cell: +91 96323 18178

Email: president@knowledgecafe.org




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