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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Prophet T.B. Joshua and Dr. Joyce Banda Lose Elections in Malawi!!!

Massa Boni Wewe
T.B Joshua is a FRAUD. Period. End of story. Most people who go to these charlatans have something to hide. Why do these "Fake Prophets" always need MONEY for any divine whatever to take place?
Where does asking for all these monies fit into so-called prayers? How do you pray for someone to get rich by asking the same broke-arse person to give you the little he/she has in their pockets?

What happened to his "Predictions" on the Malaysian Missing Aircraft? Show me one single Born Again "Preacher" whose sermon does not have some element of "WUNA COME GEEP ME MONEY TO BUILD "GOD's CHURCH". Which God are they talking about? The God that makes a "Prophet" come to his own church in a Private Jet, moving around with "armed" Body Guards, sleeping with other people's wives and other "parishioners" in the guise of casting out demons? Nigerians learnt all of these tricks from Big Brother USA Pastors who have transformed religiosity into a gargantuan Money making machine.

You can be edified by reading TD Jakes interview with CBS News where he says "The theatrics I perform at the pulpit is a "Business Tactic to attract and bring in more OPM's" (OMP=Other People's Money). No more no less. The man does not hide his own. He says; "Church Na Business. We are in the business of selling an illusion to our "faithful's".  Abi na by force? Did I put gun 4 dem head to join my church?
This is nothing but a sophisticated 419 - Religious version. Go to Cameroon today and see the number of "Self-proclaimed" Pastors that are opening Churches...even inside their rooms.

From: "boniface wewe [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Prophet T.B. Joshua and Dr. Joyce Banda Lose Elections in Malawi!!!

Thanks Dr. Ayuk for your contribution.We may not see eye to eye on the matter but every side of the coin enriches debate.To Mrs. Banda,T.B.Joshua was God hence she took the monthly pilgrimages to SCOAN with'Mukuta bags of money while poor women suffered in the countryside.As if this was not enough, she would shed crocodile's tears by pretending to be a rural woman who could relate to them.See her visiting a native doctor and violating one of the cardinal rules of Nguni shrines-taking off your shoes!!!
   As you know already-John Fru Ndi visited this TB Joshua and gave him Cameroon flag to pray for democracy and his triumphant entrance to Etoudi palace!
 I bet you could be lynched by T.B.Joshua followers for saying that he is not God!
I disagree with your stance on the role of women in Africa.They are not second class citizens subservient to men and it is time for a change!

On Saturday, May 31, 2014 4:34 PM, "Jesusman [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

 Ngonyama of Brooklyn,
I greet you! I will touch two things in this thread: Mrs. Banda's Pictures (her person and personality) and her loss of the presidency (her leadership).
Those pictures show a very humble woman. She is an epitome of womanhood! In the African tradition, especially in East and South Africa, it is culturally normative for a woman to kneel before a man. Mrs. Banda was showing that she was not bigger than the culture. She carried water on her head to encourage the people to do same while waiting for development. When she visited a family and the family was squatting, she did same. It is "becoming all things to all men so that we can win them (I Cor 9:19-22)." While waiting to improve the healthcare, she showed a lot of empathy to those in despicable conditions. She was a woman with a big heart; a woman who truly cared about people. A woman whom other women should emulate. She carried water on her head to show the people that a leader is a servant and not an oppressor who towers and bosses his people around.
There is a big confusion here about Mrs. Banda as a person and Mrs. Banda as a president.  Sometimes you have a good student who is a bad person, and other times you have a bad person who is a good student or even both. Other times you can have a bad student who is a bad person too. She is a good person but a bad president because she could not control her myrmidons and aficionados. When you are a leader, your subalterns sometimes do things that you have no clue, even though it will fall back on you. The Money-Gate was one of them. Take for example, you heard the recent case in Cameroon where the money for Boko Haram was tracked to the presidency. Do you think that the president was abreast?
Secondly, permit that I look into why she will lose elections despite visiting T.B. Joshua. Perhaps it behooves this reminder; God does not answer every prayer positively or according to our desires. Her quest to retain the presidency, albeit after her poor performance could be the reason. Jesus prayed for the cup to pass him, but it was not God's will (Mt 26:39; Lk 22:42). Paul prayed to be healed, but he was not healed (2 Cor 12:7-10), despite the fact that aprons and handkerchiefs that touched him were healing sick people (Acts 19:12). Furthermore, T.B. Joshua is not God who has all the powers to decide who rules where. Those who believe he has such powers are deceiving themselves.
Therefore, it should not surprise you why TB Joshua prayed and nothing happened. You may want to reread the Bible again.
Until then, Mrs. Banda is a very good person but a bad president.
St Arrey of Ntenako.
"This world is phony: if my enemies heard that I have killed a lion even with my bare hands, they will gossip that I killed a mere squirrel, but when they hear that their friend has used 4 days to catch a tilapia, they broadcast to the world that he caught a shark." (Hamilton Ayuk).
 "Only a man cursed to die a violent death challenges a male buffalo to a fight." (Hamilton Ayuk)
"Idle people write, idler people read, and idlest people read and whine that idle people are taking their time." (Hamilton Ayuk)
"When a people have suffered for too long, they will drink fairytales on fairylands with insatiable gullibility." (Hamilton Ayuk)

"He who speaks out before the system kicks him out has a clean conscience, but he who speaks out only after the system has kicked him out, has  vengeance for conscience." Hamilton Ayuk.


On Saturday, May 31, 2014 12:28 PM, "boniface wewe [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

Excuse my typos aNyango as I hastily posted my comments during a very short break.
On Sat, 5/31/14, boniface wewe [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Prophet T.B. Joshua and Dr. Joyce Banda Lose Elections in Malawi!!!
To: "" <>, "" <>
Date: Saturday, May 31, 2014, 3:00 PM


Thanks for the addendum
aNyango! I am still mesmerized by your ability to
substantiate facts with pictures!!I till laugh at the one in
which you exposed a weeping Sassou Nguesso and my Pah-Mugabe
swallowing a birthday cake with a python's
appetite-Lol!Good Looking as our urban kids say
'Thanks' in Brooklyn.NB: I consult and
document sangomas strictly from a therepeutic
viewpoint/stance and not that of Mama Banda who thinks
Mungang?otomokpo and Prophets can clicnh the presidency for

On Saturday, May 31,
2014 2:52 PM, "Samira Ed i
<> wrote:


Thank you, My dear
Ngonyama,I can't tell you how glad I
am to see the back of that foolish old pretender, Madam
Joyce Banda. She's still crying foul over the electoral
rigging in which she came a distant third, but she has many
questions to answer about corruption which has dodged her
short time in office.  This is a woman whose ascent the
world celebrated, but at the end of the day, she failed to
deliver and worse, she's got some desperate
anachronistic personal mannerisms which are very troubling
incongruent to the position she occupied.

The woman dragged all the female
struggles on continent Africa back by a good few decades.
She's a professional pretender!! Failing to make a mark
in her country with sound policies and development, she went
about courting this pseudo piety of a deeply church woman.
Meanwhile, the ace up her sleeves or should I say, the
talisman hidden in her headscarf, must be a totem from her
favourite MOG. She's
been sneaking off to consult with that huckster in Lagos,
TB Joshua, in hopes that this hollering charlatan will pull
a rabbit out of a hat, and perform an electoral
miracle for her. 
Instead of improving social
amenities;  pipe borne water electricity, improve roads,
what does she do? The woman buys a new bucket, and takes her
paparazzi with her to the village and hoists it on her head,
perpetuating that image of the suffering African woman. What
was that jazz all about? Her worst traits are those
of a
servile subsevience, and
obsequious recumbence, pretentiously pious old churchist,
who prostrates herself submissively in front of her
colleagues, taking her menial place on her knees in front
of men.  The image is embarrassing.  Another phoney
African leader.
See pictures.aNyango

is Madam
president, kneeling in front of her fellow
of Tanzania and Zuma. A stupid woman. Soon, I'll hear
people telling meabout
"her kneeling culture." Fuck that!
is this jazz? Rubbish
her here!! Meanwhile her security apparatus are sitting on
sofas in
full picture I've seen.Here
again is Madam President. Instead of improving the
she goes into the villages to prostrate herself on a
she went to
this village in a bulletproof SUV.

On Saturday, May 31, 2014 7:16 PM,
"boniface wewe
[camnetwork]" <>


A couple years ago,
"Prophet" T.B Joshua boasted that he had predicted
the death of President Bingu Wa Mutharika of Malawi.The Vice
President-Joyce Banda was catapulted to the presidency of
Malawi.History would reckon that Joyce Banda took more than
fifteen trips or monthly trips to Lagos to see and seek
spiritual counseling from Joshua Temitope Balogun!She too
and her henchmen and coterie of advisrs could not resist the
curse of African leaders:"UNPRECEDENTED EATING"
.People embezzled cash and transported them in "Mukuta
Bags" in the trunks of their cars in what was dubbed
'Cashgate Scandal'.Mama Banda swore that she knew
nothing about it.During the presidential elections this
month, she claimed the votes were
rigged with the computers hacked by the president elect
-Peter Mutharika's camp
and then proceeded to nullify the elections but was
overruled by Malawi courts!Today, she has conceeded and
wished the people of Malawi well while congratulating the
victor-President Elect Peter Mutharika!I commend her for doing the
impossible in Africa-conceeding and giving up
power!I do have one
lingering question:"How and why did the Prophet's
"Otomokpo cum prayers let her down?"How many
Mukuta Bags of cash did our most holy prophet
receive?Didn't Pascal Lissouba of Congo and Andre
Kolingba of Central African Republic take pilgrimages to
Joshu'a church with a quest to regaining power but ended
up dying like chicken and broke after donations?Happy weekend! Ngonyama

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