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Monday, July 7, 2014


The Sun
Oladimeji not a pastor but cultist -Bola Akin-John
Our Reporter
6July 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Oladimeji not a pastor but cultist -Bola Akin-John
Rev Francis Bola Akin-John is not only a cleric but also the Executive Director, Church Growth Ministry International, an institute that trains pastors and church workers.
Describing Prophet Oladimeji as a confusionist and ignorant, Akin-John said it was the prophet's inadequate knowledge about the Bible that made him not to realize that there was a training school for ministers of God in the Bible.
"Oladimeji should be ignored. He is a confusionist and an illiterate. It was ignorance that made him ask whether great prophets like Elijah, Moses, Joshua and others attended Bible School, but he should be enlightened that contrary to his views, we have School of the Prophets in the Bible." He spoke further with TUNDE THOMAS. Below is an excerpt from the interview:
As a Christian leader, and theologian who runs an institute that trains pastors and Christian workers, how would you react to claims by Pastor Oladimeji that there is biblical justification for his membership of Ogboni fraternity, and also being a minister of God?
That pastor is a satanic pastor. He is an agent of darkness. Oladimeji should repent now or he will languish in hell fire. Although as he claimed there are some pastors who looked for power of darkness in order to attain fame and wealth. But this is not to generalise that all pastors engaged in this nefarious act.
As for Prophet Oladimeji who claimed to be a member of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church, most members of C & S Church are involved in what I will refer to as rituals which Oladimeji claimed that Bible support. In some of these white garment churches they practice what Oladimeji claimed in the interview. They still carry out sacrifice of animals and other forms of blood rituals.
But these practices are devilish, and those involved including Oladimeji are not true disciples of Jesus Christ but that of the devil. Most of these white garment churches to which Prophet Oladimeji and Prophetess Eritosin belong are occultic churches. They are cults.
It is also true that some so-called pastors whom God didn't call but called themselves can't wait upon the Lord for growth and development of their ministries. They can't wait for the spirit of the Lord to lead them. They don't build their churches on the Bible, rather they build it on money, and when doing this they have to seek occultic power for it to be possible for them to acquire wealth and fame.
Today, it is sad that many of the so-called churches we have are not church of Christ. Many pastors today have to run to babalawos and other juju priests where they will give them eyes of cat and dog to eat in order for them to see vision.
In the churches where you have such pastors or General Overseers presiding, in their sermons, they don't talk about sin, they don't talk about salvation. There, anything goes. They only talk about how to make money. You see the pastors talking about how to have money, everything is about special anointing oil, special soap, special bath and so on. They only talk about things of this world. Unfortunately, this type of pastors and churches are now in large numbers in orthodox and pentecostal churches.
In our society today, many people believe that one of the quickest ways to make money is to start a church, and they give such churches fanciful names. In these churches, they preach strange doctrines but it is unfortunate that gullible Nigerians are attending these fake and satanic churches.
In any church where you find these strange doctrines taking place like in the church of the Ogboni pastor, such churches are not churches of Jesus Christ.
But the Ogboni pastor was citing biblical references to support his actions?
(Cuts in) That pastor is a deceiver. Oladimeji is an agent of satan, and you know that, satan himself quoted the Bible.
All the sacrifices and killings of animals that Prophet Oladimeji referred to are only in the old testament, the new testament supersedes that. You don't need to shed any blood to atone for your sin or save your life except the blood of Jesus Christ. Any teaching or practice out of this is heresy. It is false teaching, and anybody engaged in doing such will go to hell. Oladimeji and his co-travellers in his satanic ministry will go to hell except they repent now.
The blood of Jesus Christ has set us free. Oladimeji is just twisting the Bible to suit his own selfish ends.
What is your take on the prophet's claim that neither the Bible school nor seminary makes a man good minister of God citing the example of Elijah, Moses, Joshua and even Jesus Christ who he claimed didn't attend Bible school or seminary?
I pray that genuine spirit of God will enter Prophet Oladimeji. I believe strange spirits are dwelling inside him. The spirit of anti-Christ have made his heart and mind its abode, if not why would he condemn training for pastors and prophets? When you are not trained, how can you develop? He condemned Bible School, and Seminary, then how can he know the truth?
When you ask church members to bring or buy special soap, duck, goat, pigeons and others, that is practice of cultism. Any preacher reading the seven book of Moses, the lost book of Eden is involved in cultism.
The Bible made it clear that any individual preaching strange doctrines, or any other teaching different from the ones sanctioned by the Bible, the scripture said let such a person be cursed. The Bible further in the book of Revelation warned that anybody that adds or omits any verse from the Bible or tries to twist it to suit his own purpose that such a person's name will be removed from the book of life. What this therefore means is that Prophet Oladimeji's name will be removed from the Book of Life.
It is unfortunate that Oladimeji is using the Bible to justify his wicked acts. Let genuine Christians be vigilant. Evil men purporting to be saints are on the prowl. We are now in perilous times. What true children of God should know is that in the Bible you will see passages that you can quote to justify your evil ways, that will take you to hell while at the same time, you will also see ones that will justify your good acts that will take you to heaven.
Once you say the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the Cross is not enough to save, heal and cure people, then you are not a true child of God.
How then would you react to the prophet's description of Jesus Christ as his Personal Lord and Saviour?
What does light have to do with darkness? Everybody knows that Ogboni fraternity is a cult. Prophet Oladimeji and others like him are taking advantage of the economic depression to exploit gullible Nigerians. This is very unfortunate.
While making justification that what they do is not evil, the Ogbonis claim among others that armed robbers don't attack or rob their place of worship while men of the underworld rob churches at will, what do you have to say on this?
The truth is this, the church has lost respect. The church has been polluted. So many pastors today belong to cults. So many Christians are not living Godly lives, so why won't armed robbers invade churches?
Jesus Christ says we are the salt of the earth, but that once salt loses its taste or savour, men will trample upon it. My own take is that those of us that are believers should pray for revival in the church. The church is in dire need of revival of holiness and righteousness so that the church will get back its lost respect.
The pulpit today is being mounted by 419ners and other dubious characters. Church leaders also now fraternize with politicians, and therefore many preachers can't preach the truth again - the lust for money has taken over the church, we need a revival in the church.

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