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Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I thought that this Bastard called Moses Ayuk was long gone to Eternity so he was still alive.
Look you agent of the devil keep your Satanistic mouth out of the Southern Cameroons struggle. 
You this Bastard who do you think you are? Foolish man if you know you are man enough get your bags and baggegist and meet Nfor N Nfor down there you Satan

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 1:30 PM, 'Taku A. A. Moses' via ambasbay <> wrote:
Nfor N. Nfor,
Your mail is fantastic to the readers and the concerned. whatever the enemy is doing to blackmial us, it will not stand for God is the one who knows all the secret of the matter. They have been trying to do all in their life of lies-telling about our SCNC but to no avail. The only 2 persons that have been sincerely blackmailed in the records of the International community are-Nfor Nfor and Ebong including Justice Mbu. That is why Ebong and Mbu are all in perfect and permanent silence. La Rep.tried to blackmail Ambassador Fossung but to no avail because they know his record more than Bia's government can offer to blackmail. You remember you wrote a very powerful document sometime that I congratulated you by mail and promised to take it directly to the secretariat of the UN. I did and will always want to let you know what happens to your mails as they are never attended to them at all. The reasons for the blackmail is not unconnected to their activities
 with you both in soiling your hands with solft contaminated monies at various instances to quench the SCNC activities but to no avail. You all could not deliver the needed goods or results to them and they resolved to blackmailing you both to the international community and also to Heaven who sees in the secret of the night. They tried that method of theirs with Ambassador Fossung and they failed and they decided to take away his life. But the International community shouted STOP thru the red Presidential phone calls daily for his release in 2005 Jan.

As a servant of God, I am empowered/privileged to enter into any office as Desmond Tutu to obtain info at any time or put up a plea at times. Your write up is highly appreciated and will be sent to some truthful oriented quarters that be. God bless you as a team player but known or called to be on the rerserve bench of the Team and not to be on a line-up selection of the 22 players by the coach-Jesus. Amen.

Yours sincere freedom fighter-Rev.(Papa) Taku-Ayuk Moses: alias Daniel/DM Tutu to his nation and people of S.C.
On Mon, 6/30/14, Bri Soucam <> wrote:

 To: "Ambazonia National Group" <>, "FREE AMBAZONIANS" <>, "Southern Cameroon" <>, "Ambasbay" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, ""
 <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, "" <>
 Date: Monday, June 30, 2014, 5:05 AM


 Since failing to kill the SCNC at birth in 1993 or at tender
 age, la
 Republique du Cameroun has over the years resorted to
 dubious diabolic
 tactics of giving the dog a bad name in order to hang it

 In June 2012 Prime Minister Philemon Yang while in London
 released a
 bomb shell that the SCNC has dealings with the dreaded
 extremist organisation, Boko Haram. In our response dated
 27th June
 2012 to the baseless accusation captioned "NO SCNC-NO
 carefully painting the ideological differences between the
 SCNC and
 Boko Haram, we declared, "There is no means by which this
 terror group
 can infiltrate into British Southern Cameroons territory
 other than
 via la Republique du Cameroun territory. Note should equally
 be taken
 of the fact that British Southern Cameroons is under la
 Republique du
 Cameroun military occupation thus security which is in
 the  hands of
 the occupier is intense: infiltrators, if any, could only be
 in with their tacit approval."

 We call on the international community to take judicious
 note of our
 position for la Republique du Cameroun's persistent false
 alarm could
 be a signal for some evil plan to annihilate the nonviolent
 movement to perpetrate annexation and colonial occupation.

 On record many faithful British Southern Cameroonians have
 life-threatening detentions, some tortured to death in
 camps, others have been victims of extra-judicial
 executions, while
 others have been maimed and many have been forced into
 self-exile just
 with the calculated aim of killing the legitimate struggle
 reducing British Southern Cameroons into a permanent annexed
 colony of
 la Republique du Cameroun.

 Seeing that the struggle for restoration is getting ever
 stronger both
 at home and internationally, la Republique du Cameroun and
 its agents
 are now determined to link the SCNC with Boko Haram, an
 fundamentalist organisation that has gone wild with terrible
 acts of
 impunities in parts of Northeastern Nigeria. Like its
 fundamentalist organisations such as Al Shabaab in other
 parts of
 Africa, it is an evil organisation whose agenda is anchored
 neither on
 municipal nor international law.

 But this is not the case with the SCNC which is open,
 respects and
 operates within the tenets of UN Charter and international
 and challenges la Republique du Cameroun to do same.

 The persistent and systematic campaign carried both at home
 and abroad
 by la Republique du Cameroun government and lackeys to
 tarnish the
 good name of the SCNC instead of respecting the ruling of
 the African
 Commission on Communication 266/2003 and respecting the wise
 of eminent personalities confirms the expansionist and
 colonial agenda
 of the government.

 The recent anti-SCNC campaign carried out in Donga Mantung
 under the
 guise of security meetings where the proconsul, Mr. Ngone
 Bernard called on the population to have nothing to do with
 the SCNC
 which linked with Boko Haram as agents of war to distabilise
 country is a terrible diabolic machination of an evil mind.
 To drive
 home the message that Yaounde's eyes are on Donga

 Mantung, he had to call the leader of the SCNC by name.
 Warning the
 population sternly he said those who fail to report SCNC
 and activists do so at their own risk.

 However he got the appropriate response.

 While this sadistic campaign was on in Donga Mantung, my
 (Division) of origin, in Bamenda where I live, a Gendarmerie
 post has
 just been opened in the Ntabessi neighbourhood, three houses
 mine. This is unprecedented for even in the Diamare and Mayo
 Divisions of the Far North Region where Cameroun Boko Haram
 has been
 operating, Gendarmerie Posts do not exist in the Quartiers.
 This is
 intimidation par excellence which will yield no fruit for
 the occupier
 of our land.

 Yaounde has done everything humanly possible to have the
 community, including the African Commission on Human and
 Rights label the SCNC as a terrorist group but failed.

 President Paul Biya of la Republique du Cameroun has with
 refused to respect the Ruling of the African Commission on
 Communication 266/2003 approved by the AU Summit in Libya in
 July 2009
 for Constructive Dialogue under the Good Offices of the
 Commission to resolve the political conflict between British
 Cameroons and his country, la Republique du Cameroun. His
 argument is that SCNC is illegal. At the African Commission
 in Banjul,
 his Minister who embarrassingly raised this lame argument
 was asked if
 he ever heard of terrorists seeking legal redress.
 Humiliated he had
 no answer to give.

 But citizens of the two Cameroons and the international
 community are
 witness to the fact that President Paul Biya, wishing to
 create an
 impression to his mentors that he is a man of peace, 
 has sponsored
 negotiations with Cameroun Boko Haram for the release of
 foreigners, the most recent being the three clergy, namely,
 Bussiere, Fathers Gianantonio and Giampaolo, who kidnapped
 on April 4,
 were released on June 1 to Cameroun authorities and some top
 of the defence forces. From the Far North Region they were
 flown to
 Yaounde amidst tight security.

 The question that readily comes to mind is, According to
 Paul Biya, Is Boko Haram a legal organisation?

 Secondly, why does President Paul Biya love and care about
 for the safety and security of foreigners more than peace,
 good neighbourliness of the two Cameroons and promotion of
 and African unity and prosperity?

 We are not here in the least holding that these harmless
 should have been abandoned to rot in the hands of Boko
 terrorists. Far from it! As much as they get what they want,
 liquid cash, to fuel their horrendous atrocities against the
 what is irrefutable is that Boko Haram is Satan's hell that
 visited us here and now and must be fought to a finish, not
 liquid cash but by diligently identifying and nipping it at

 To the agents in Yaounde who split their hair in abortive
 efforts to
 link the SCNC with Boko Haram, may we remind them in general
 and the
 Donga Mantung proconsul in particular that;

 a)    Boko Haram is operating in Far North
 Region of la Republique du
 Cameroun but there is no SCNC there.
 b)    Boko Haram hoisted their flag in
 Blagochi Palace, Mayo Tsanaga
 Division, Far North Region after pulling down la Republique
 Cameroun Flag. (The Guardian Post, No. 0614 of June 11, 2014
 p. 10).
 Boko Haram flag is not British Southern Cameroons Flag. Our
 restoration bid is anchored on history, culture, legitimacy
 legality and we are not interested in annexing even an inch
 of la
 Republique territory. We will not even take if given.

 c)    La Republique du Cameroun forces have
 exchanged fire with Boko
 Haram insurgents and there have been reported casualties on
 sides. All these have taken place in la Republique du
 territory, none in British Southern Cameroons. SCNC members
 even under
 the most inhumane torture have never confronted their
 torturers with
 stones and sticks.
 d)    Arms have been discovered and agents of
 the Islamist terrorists
 arrested e.g. Adji Issiaka - arrested in Waza, Far North
 Region. All
 these have taken place in la Republique du Cameroun
 e)    Negotiations for the release of those
 kidnapped have taken place in
 la Republique territory.
 f)    Boko Haram is not only in Nigeria;
 there is the Cameroun Boko Haram
 and Yaounde can only hold negotiations with Boko Haram on
 territory and never that of a neighbouring country.
 Lauding the call of SDF on President Paul Biya to read the
 writing on the wall and submit to the CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUE
 under the
 Good Offices of the African Commission we appeal to all men
 and women
 of influence, the AU, the EU, The Commonwealth, the
 Francophonie, and
 the UN to mount pressure on President Paul Biya to save
 Africa from
 another Rwanda genocide by respecting the repeated words of
 wisdom for
 dialogue with the British Southern Cameroons.

 Highly appreciative of the renewed position of the SDF
 Chairman Ni John Fru Ndi and NEC and other political
 leaders, we call
 on all men and women of conscience who fear God, not to see
 problem as that of the SCNC and the Biya Government. It is a
 of the two Cameroons, Africa and humanity in general. While
 we may
 blame President Paul Biya today for refusing to obey the
 Commission Ruling, history and posterity will judge you men
 and women
 of good conscience guilty of betraying British Southern
 Cameroons and
 humanity in general FOR REMAINING SILENT!

 We salute the patriotism and good conscience of all Muslims
 Christians alike who have vehemently condemned Boko Haram.
 To Yaounde
 and its agents, it is an incontrovertible fact that
 blackmail will not
 transform an illegal occupation of a former UN Trust
 territory into a
 legal component of la Republique du Cameroun. And no people
 surrender to foreign domination and alien rule for ever.

 Peace does not come from the barrel of the gun, imposition
 proconsuls and stationed occupation forces to keep a
 subjugated people
 in perpetual bondage. No one gets the Nobel Peace Prize on
 the blood
 of the innocent and mass graves consequent upon a genocidal
 war. No!
 Such great men and women are change agents, are believers
 defenders of democracy, the rule of law, the equality of all
 men and
 nations, large and small. They are builders of peace based
 on justice.
 They are people who bring sun shine to the broken hearted.
 Men and
 women fit for Oslo are people who love and work for greater
 They sacrifice self and live a shared life!

 The SCNC will not surrender to blackmail, intimidation,
 life-threatening detentions and extra-judicial killings by
 Republique du Cameroun. Our inherent right to
 self-determination is
 protected under international law.

 Done in Buea, this 24th Day of June, 2014.

 National Chairman (SCNC)

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