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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Re: RE: [MTC Global] [Weekend Big Debate] Sex Education in School

One problem with Sex Education in School is....if the Teacher is
in-house, there would be a little compromise or partiality towards
some students and the close proximity shared by teachers with students
also could result in accusation/finger pointing as I have realized
this during my stint in NGO where people who were supposed to
educate/protect the children were found to be exploiting them. There
was a recent case of such mis-happening in an NGO in Pune & Chennai as
@ Stephen: I would definitely like to see this correlation in some study unless of course it is your personal opinion.  I am trying to see the connect between the sex education and child abuse.A good sex education in fact prepares the child for abuse and how to handle it.
In a "home" like the one you mention children are from the most vulnerable backgrounds and adults make use of it


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Stephen Narayanan <> wrote:
Dear Academic Luminiaries,

The Topic as such is no doubt highly debatable as one hand we have the
so called Modern Socialite Generation and on the other hand are the
older generation who follow the Traditional belief which they have
grown up with. But Modern education system which requires students to
browse for projects exposes them to things at an age which perhaps
would be in appropriate for them and the unmonitored contents thus
distort their understanding which is at a nasal stage. By 7th, 8th
grade : say age of 12/13.....students are visiting sites...have
Facebook, We Chat friends and parents have no or little control as in
nuclear family both working parents hardly have time to spend on
monitoring the progress of the child. With the changing world it is
not necessary to change the values which have withstood the rigours of
One problem with Sex Education in School is....if the Teacher is
in-house, there would be a little compromise or partiality towards
some students and the close proximity shared by teachers with students
also could result in accusation/finger pointing as I have realized
this during my stint in NGO where people who were supposed to
educate/protect the children were found to be exploiting them. There
was a recent case of such mis-happening in an NGO in Pune & Chennai as
In my view the best option would be roping in Doctors from reputed
Hospitals who can have an interactive slide presentation and
educational talk on starting from basic of Touch ( good and bad touch
differentiation ), dealing with bullies, safeguarding self against
advances...etc. this could be done with a Male & a Female Doctor so
that both male and female students would be able to open up with their
doubts. No doubt the content would need to be whetted by the School
authorities but this will go a long way in putting to rest the
uncertainties and doubts that young minds develop.
Media is always trying to encash on any statement by Ministers whether
good or bad and they are more concerned with their trp's than coming
together to bring a change in the society and mindset of communities
which is the need of the hour..Similar exercise could be held in
communities in evening classes for boys ( young adolescents )  & girls
seperately which would go a long way in transforming the society and
curbing the crime against women.

Warm Regards,
Stephen Narayanan

*Stephen Narayanan*


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