Dear George, 
Thank you for your short analysis. If I venture an opinion it is because your write up has some common sense approach to the problem. For a long time I have decided not to react to any write ups from the so called Ambazonia in general and the likes of Julius Acham in particular. The reason is that all the time what we hear from Ambazonia and Acham is how in 1984 Biya gave us independence by changing the name of the country from the United Republic to Republic of Cameroon. We read how in 1992, Ambazonia won an originating summons case in the Bamenda High Court. When asked to produce the records of the so called 1992 case, they present nothing. I have lived in Cameroon most of my live, specifcally in Buea, the capital of British Southern Cameroons. I have never heard of a single meeting convened by Ambazonia, talk less of a demonstration like what the SCNC tries to do all the time. When different groups including SCNC and SCAPO went to the Abuja High Court to plead our case, Ambazonia was not there. When the same groups and reputed individuals went to Bandjul, Ambazonia was not there. When late Foncha, Muna, Sam Ekontang Elad, Simon Munzu etc went to the UN to plead our cause, Ambazonia was absent. So what is their own approach? Simply analyzing what the 1984 Decree means without more? 
    Mr. Acham and some of us seem so scared that Yang falsely alleged that SCNC is Boko Haram! What is wrong with that. Intelligent people will know and understand that those are mere scare tactics employed by colonizers world wide at all times. They will probably know that the ANC was declared a terrorist organization by the illegal regime in South Africa. The ANC fought their battles and today rule South Africa. ZANU was declared a terrorist group and outlawed in Rhodesia. Today they rule Zimbabwe. The group that took Southern Sudan to independence was declared to be terrorits etc. The mere declarations or insinuations by Yaounde that SCNC is Boko Haram should not worry us much. 
    Poor Acham with his shallow mindedness declares that the SCNC is dead! Poor boy, the SCNC is not dead. That is the only group the Yaounde regime fears to death. That is why Yaounde is constantly arresting its members, putting them in jail, maiming and killing some of them. Yang says the SCNC is Boko Haram because they fear the SCNC. The Yaounde regime has in past thirty years not made any statement to condemn Ambazonia because in the lectionary Ambazonia does not even exist.  I have read many contributions decrying the existence of many factions of the SCNC. I personally will like to see one singe SCNC but let us ask ourselves why the many factions. The factions have only one goal. Their differences are just because of leadership. There is something positive even in the factionalization. Leadership is changing hands because there is open debate. When was the last time Ambazonia held an election into its leadership? Sometimes, active liberation movements have problems of leadership too. That is why in Zimbabwe, ZANU was split into two. The Muygabe faction that won the day in the end was ZANU-PF (ZANU-PATRIOTIC FRONT)
   If truly Ambazonia is interested in the independence of our territory, they have to do just two simple things. 1. Ambandon this notion of fighting for the name of an unborn child. They have been told millions of times in past by all the other groups that the name issue should come last not first.
2. They have to accept that leadership of the struggle for Southern Cameroons is more than one individual, Fon Gorji Dinka. Any other person can assume leadership if it is the people's wish. British Southern Cameroons was not made for HRH Gorji Dinka, he is just one of the million citizens of that territory. Lastly let all the groups that claim to be fighting for the liberation of our territory get on the ground in our occupied territory where they will confront the real enemy, not on computer key boards. If la REpublique du Cameroun arrest as many Ambazonias as they have arrested SCNC activists for example, their jails will be overwhelmed. If nothing , that will draw attention of international human right groups to our cause.

On Saturday, July 5, 2014 6:10 AM, George Ebai <> wrote:

Dear Ambazonians/Southern Cameroonians
we have been reading these pleas over and over with no positive
reaction and no way out! I  appreciate what the Fon and colleagues
have done since 1984, which of course laid the legal bases of the
struggle and to deny this will be sheer intellectual dishonesty. My
problem like others  I had the chance of talking to since 1991, is if
an old method  of  selecting the leadership is not appropriate or
appreciated due  to the procedure , why cant this be changed  to
embraced a more conducive and collective approach as was adopted  in
1993 with close collaborators like Prof Anyangwe, Barrister Elad and
Dr Munzo?
I would say without fear of being contradicted,  that whenever Prof
Anyangwe a respectful founder and  collaborator of Fon Gorji Dinka
brought documents  of  Ambazonia from the UN,  London, America,
Nigeria etc, these documents were fully discussed in CAM meetings, and
though I was only a teenager, I did follow the arguments closely
during  these  meetings and later in the SCNC Council sessions. I also
witnessed the arguments presented by senior leaders including late Pa
Foncha,  Prof. Mbu,  Pa Mukong,  Mr Zuma, Dr Yongbang  and others
concerning  the self  imposition approach  and invited  the Fon  to
join the team but he decided to walk away from  CAM and the SCNC.
The 1984 judgment  against La Republique would have been adopted under
a more selected leadership including the Fon or after a due process of
election not selection. The insistence to be the president of the
unborn Republic because he initiated and risk his life is what kept
and is keeping other groups and activists away from the Ambazonia
Restoration Movement, even though we all  believe is the best approach
to restore our independence if and only if the old method is abandon
to adopt a more conventional method.
As young leaders on whose shoulders lie the struggle and also feeling
the pains and suffering of our people, permit me to appeal to the
respected  Ambazonian Movement,  the several SCNC factions,  the
independent  governments in Exile  and all Southern Cameroons diaspora
civil society groups to accept the progressive opinion of a collective
leadership  that will move us from the present stalemate to action,
by convening  a Constituent Assembly, where a framework of  a
Transitional Government can be put in place without anyone assuming to
be president/Head fo State  of the yet to be recognize state until
after  due process of  the transformation of  existing groups into
political parties and call for UN/AU  Supervised elections of our
future leaders from the Precincts, LGAs, Counties to the Zonal
Assemblies and then a national Assembly. (DETAILS TO BE WORKED OUT BY
The outcome of this process will enhance the needed credibility  from
our people in the struggle and the doubting thomases including those
in the service of La Republique  to see reason in the endless efforts
of all leaders. I also believe in any struggle senseless blackmail and
exclusion does no good to the aspiration of our people but only  a
sense of selflessness and not egoism will prove  and realize our
collective destiny as a people.
The international community and  our sympathizers can understand out
motive for freedom and independence that will guarantee a peaceful
transition without the scramble for power and insecurity, as presently
in South Sudan, Erithrea and other such experiences across the world.
Where independence has been transformed into a gallery of warfare and
unnecessary competition.
God save and bless the Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia
Ebai George
Pro Independent Activist

2014-07-05 4:06 GMT+02:00, Julius Acham <>:
> People,
> For so long, HRH Fon Gorji Dinka , who in 1985 alongside Prof Benard Fonlon
> and Prof Carlson Anyangwe, formed the Ambazonia Restoration Council (ARC),
> had warned us that sticking to SCNC or other groups  makes it easier for
> LRC to tie the group to  terrorist movements such as Boko Haram, Al Quaeda
> etc. We did not listen. Today it is what is happening and we are crying
> wolf. Oh my People, What will it take for us to see the sense in what HRH
> Dinka is doing? For how long will we be wandering in confusion and
> specialising in blame games and death threats, and write ups? Good for
> reading postings do not mean anything at all because we are talking to
> ourselves. The UN does not understand our language.
> Biya gave us Independence by the Grace of God in 1984. According to the
> International Law of Creation and dissolution of States, SENEGAMBIA being a
> case in point, we have to Restore our identity--AMBAZONIA (Former Bristish
> Southern Cameroons, Former West Cameroon). There is no way that asserting
> our identity utilizing the AMBAZONIA MODEL that LRC or any of its
> representatives can label us terrorists. See Why don't
> we listen? Why?
> The Prime Minister, I see maybe be reminding us that we are going to the
> wrong direction. As usual we are quick to condemn him to death not
> reflecting on what we are also doing. As if, we are immune to condemnation.
>  We are making it difficult for those who sympathise with us to help us.
> The world will continue to watch us complain and whine and reinvent while
> LRC deepens her roots. Compatriots, can we stop being in love foolishly
> with any group and let a Government speak? The SCNC is dead and too feable
> to take us to Independence. I am sorry, this is the TRUTH.
> JA
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