Re: [MTC Global] Copyrights for Ph.D Research questionnaire

I never published my questionnaire.
But I did give the dimensions and factors measured....

Publishing questionnaire can take place only in one instance when all the results are being published. Or

The questionnaire is newly designed and a survey was done to validate and check reliability of the survey instrument.

Obviously some result must have come out of such a analysis. Then you can publish the questionnaire along with the validity and relability the statistical analysis of each item in the survey instrument.

This in case a new questionnaire has been designed.

In case the questionnaire has been sourced from some pre-published research. Only the name of the questionnaire and source(s) needs to be mentioned.

My questionnaire was new. Not designed before but its statistical reliability and validity testing was very difficult. So I didn't publish it although it has content validity.
When I do publish..I will be using the survey results to access the validity and reliability.


Dr. Padma

MTC GLOBAL- Educate, Empower, Elevate
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