Re: THOUGHT OF THE DAY - Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Beware// Dr. Tums // Re: @ALL: RE: (Boh Herbert) We have something dear to die for!

Mr Tchucham,
There is a Code of Decent Conduct on the Internet called -POSTING PRIVILEGE and the violation of POSTING PRIVILEGES.
Let me demonstrate this to you.
If a bunch of homosexuals are discussing their business and you are not a homosexual then it is in your best interest to stay out of the conversation.
You, sir, you are a busybody who pokes his nose in issues that do not concern you.
Not being an Anglophone, what the hell is your business poking your frog nose into these matters?

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Bonaventure Tchucham [cameroon_politics] <> wrote:

"Na tok dey bring tok. I don't believe in sugar-coating or embellishing stuff. I have arrogated to myself the maxim and mantra of telling it the way I see it and standing by what I feel is the TRUTH. I know many who will disagree with whatever I say bicos "Na daso Fight dem sabi"...But who cares? Ih go hard dem." (MISHE)

Bro you can say that again and again. That's the kind of ethical mindset that a country like ours needs.

For the rest you've said it all and I endorse every single word you've written.
Dr Simon Munzu has been my teacher (Droit Penal Special) and I believe that he is a honest and sincere human being.

If you're not honest to yourself, you're preparing the way for your own disater!!
Enjoy your sundy,
Bonaventure Tchucham

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

De : "Mishe Fon [cameroon_politics]" <>
À : "" <>; ambasbay <>; cameroon politics <>
Envoyé le : Dimanche 3 août 2014 7h05
Objet : [cameroon_politics] Re: [camnetwork] Beware// Dr. Tums // Re: @ALL: RE: (Boh Herbert) We have something dear to die for!


Ngia Paul Wallang and Ngia Maitre Tumasang

I usually share your perspectives on a lot of issues BUT I sincerely think your "analysis" on this particular subject is flawed. You (ngia Paul) wrote:
"The majority of SC are saying that they don't care for the manner in which you are approaching the sensitive SC Independence quest". Massa Paul, let us go back only a few years and start from AAC1 to the last documented meeting of any significance on the SC subject (It took place Yesterday). WE have observed various metamorphosis due to personal egoistic tendencies that have led to the present lethargic state of affairs. Where are all the BSC, AMBAZONIA, AMBAZANIA, FRBSC, SCARM, SCYL, CAM, SCNC, PRSCP...and all the other derivatives that have sprung up as contingency dictates. When the leaders of these "Movements" are voted out of office for what ever reasons, they turn around and create a new SC Liberation "Front" as the only legitimate Mouth Piece of SC. Everyone wants to be the "Leader". How possible is that?

Go and make "Niang" in Ambazonia "circles" if their "Life President" Chief Gorji Dinka will not send you "Thunder". The Youth wing (i.e the Big Mop side) of SCNC has been led by the same "Youths" for the past almost twenty five years...Just add 25 + the 30years they had as real youths then = we have Youth Leaders now aged almost 60 years. These Youth Wing SCNC activists have refused to relinquish PAWA. How controversial is that? Is that Democracy or DEMOCRAZY?

Am I being understood so far?
Na tok dey bring tok. I don't believe in sugar-coating or embellishing stuff. I have arrogated to myself the maxim and mantra of telling it the way I see it and standing by what I feel is the TRUTH. I know many who will disagree with whatever I say bicos "Na daso Fight dem sabi"...But who cares? Ih go hard dem. Let them bring it on.

I endorse 120% the analysis Dr. Munzu presented to his august audience in juxtaposing the positives, the negatives/setbacks, the way forward and the end game scenario. It was the point of view of one of the (few anglophone) architects of the present Cameroon "Tripartite" Constitution, a versatile Law Professor, a retired UN senior administrator and a very honest human being. He repeated several times that "I am not selling or promoting any Agenda". The guy was very pragmatic and down to earth.

So I ask you again; "Where did you dig the statistics that majority of SC don't care...? Are we talking about the same SC that I interact with on a daily basis in their various Cultural settings? Please give me a freaking break. What poll did you conduct to arrive at such a sweeping assertion?

When was the last time you attended any SC (of any cardinality) forum?

When was the last time you gave your "widow's mite" to maintain the SC "Governmental" structures?

How is the Francophone ordinary citizen responsible for the President signing "Pacts" with France on Finance, Military cooperation, Monetary transactions, Telecommunications shenanigans, Health Care, Insurance, Administration etc.

How is the Francophone ordinary citizen responsible for the so-called "In Fighting and bad blood between NW/SW, SW/SW, NW/NW.

By the way; where is the guaranty that these "Anglophone Leaders" of today (who display so much Intolerance and arrogance) from simple dialogue/conversation) would not be more dangerous DICTATORS tomorrow?
I have been and still am very critical of the Cameroon Administration which by and large is basically majority Francophone SUPPORTED by a tiny hand-picked Anglophone Elites. These few Anglo people have absolutely no consideration for their SC brothers and sisters. They owe their allegiance to "he who appointed or nominated them" to their various eject-able offices. For fear of being sacked by their boss, they will come up with all manner of deceitful stratagem to appear CREDIBLE. Some of them are even worse off than their Francophone counterparts. I can give you names if you want.

In conclusion: I agree 100% that there is an ANGLOPHONE Political problem which is completely different from the "Suffering" that both Francophones and Anglophones are subjected to on a daily basis in Cameroon. I equally agree again that WE Anglophones have botched and badly presented the Political Problem due to lack of trust, unnecessary in-fighting, selfishness, greed, grandiosity, Kongossa, Do Me, I Do You, Tribalism, Nepotism...and many more isms.
If I am opportuned to be invited to the next meeting...I will attend...To Learn some more.

Mishe Fon

Shey Ebini,
           You cannot seek freedom for Southern Cameroonians without listening to the concerns of the people you claim to fight for.

           The majority of SC's are saying that they don't care for the manner in which you are approaching the sensitive Southern Cameroon independence quest. Why don't you listen instead of digging your heels further away from what they are saying?

          Are you certain the 'Force of Argument' means talking to Francophones? Let me remind you that these Francophones are the same people you want to break away from. These are the same people who for over 50 years have not seen anything wrong with your second hand status. To have the simplemindedness of inviting them for an elevated bourgeois discuss about your impending break away. Imagine that.

        Shey, I can safely declare today that no right thinking Francophone wants the resources and resourcefulness of  Southern Cameroon gone.....even through the goodness and well wishes of The Shey.

       Shey, Beware of the pained eyes of the voiceless; they have heard that same discussion far too many times and are listless of your inaction or fear of it.



From: "noelebini [camnetwork]" <>
To: " [camnetwork]" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 2, 2014 2:56 PM
Subject: RE: [camnetwork] Dr. Tums // Re: @ALL: RE: (Boh Herbert) We have something dear to die for!


Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: " [camnetwork]"
Date:08/02/2014 1:15 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [camnetwork] Dr. Tums // Re: @ALL: RE: (Boh Herbert) We have something dear to die for!

Their behaviour not in shouting or in walking out BUT IN ATTENDING SUCH A USELESS MEETING IN THE FIRST PLACE. (Dr. Tums)
Dr. Tums,
I agree with you on the above wholeheartedly. They are lucky that they even had the chance to leave without being "lynched" by the so-called organizers.
My father used to repeat a Catholic doctrine prayer to me every time I made excuses of being in a wrong company that had ended up in fracas. He would say - "If you deny Satan, you deny with all ya heart".
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Tumasang [camnetwork] <>
To: camnetwork <>; <>
Cc: cameroon_politics <>; ambasbay <>
Sent: Sat, Aug 2, 2014 11:15 am
Subject: [camnetwork] @ALL: RE: (Boh Herbert) We have something dear to die for!

Dear ALL,
I fully support the lambasting of the two SCNC members who walked out of the meeting after shouting at others hence making the meeting to close.

They must be discredited and ridiculed for the behaviour. Their behaviour not in shouting or in walking out BUT IN ATTENDING SUCH A USELESS MEETING IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Are they trying to reinvent the wheel by attending such a useless conclave?. What could be the possible outcome of such a diabolical meeting except perhaps accidents on the way home by those visiting from Cameroun if the meeting was not abruptly terminated?.

The time to dialogue with francophones on a personal level is over. Whether personally a francophone has done this wrong or not is not in question. The issue is that of sovereignty of Southern Cameroons and not about francophone/anglophone relationship.

In International Law, international boundaries are not based on relationship between neighbours, being same tribe, being same people etc. An international boundary that is treaty based like that of Southern Cameroons can cut through a tribe, through same people and even through a house where the bedrooms can be in one country and the sitting room in another country.

A learned guy as Munzu has two points driving his life.
1) Irrespective of the merits of the case of Southern Cameroons, he does not want Cameroun to be separated. He loves a big country.
2) He believes decolonization of Southern Cameroons is a difficult and rather long process and we should be practical and take any alternative which is immediate and easy to achieve i.e. to remain colonized but with better conditions to better our colonized lot.

Those two SCNC guys, particularly a respectable guy like Larry Eyong was accepting such a useless invitation for what purpose?. To convince Munzu to change his mind from a love of a big country made of colonized people?, or to convince the francophones to liberate Southern Cameroons and commit economic suicide?.

A meeting called involving francophones can only have an agenda to discuss how we can live in peace after separation of the diabolic union that never was, and the equitable division of assets so that peace can reign in the Gulf of Guinea. Munzu has stated clearly in the past that he is not on the side of Southern Cameroons so the stupid attempt to draw him out for a debate or to try to force him to change sides is "sans objet".

AAC1, AAC2 etc., Southern Cameroonians have spoken amongst themselves and have decided their future direction. Any further talks is about how to implement the future direction. A legendary confusionist/self seeker who invites people to start re-inventing the wheel by starting again from zero and start talking with fran cophones on useless agenda does so at his own risk. Larry Eyong and his co-voyager went to such a diabolical conclave in their personal capacity and not as SCNC or as Southern Cameroonian. Banjul said the government should dialogue with Southern Cameroons/SCNC/SCAPO and not for any rogue character to start organising personal dialogues between Southern Cameroons, SCNC and francophones or La Republique du Cameroon citizens.

If anybody wants to talk, let him publish the agenda and if division of assets and peaceful co-existence post any separation is not on the agenda, then we are not interested in such devilish talks. We cannot "go for before, for back." for another decades. 



CC:; ambasbay@googlegroup
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 07:36:37 -0700
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: (Boh Herbert) We have something dear to die for!


From a "zero notes taken", I think your recollection of the discussions are on point and captures the essentials of what was debated upon. I would join you in thanking the hostess, the always beautiful "Ms Patience, daughter of Pah Lucas" for being so gracious and accommodating at such such notice. Dr. Munzu, the guest speaker was equally very tolerant and respectful of the myriad of conflicting points of view that emerged. Many thanks to Mr. Ebini for this effort. While this was not a "structured conclave", I think it was an important first step that may eventually pave the way for further "structured debates". Tolerance should be the guiding principle. Shouting and Screaming at the top of your voice has never won new advocates. I personally believe, we Southern Cameroonians have a legitimate Political problem with La Republique du Cameroun BUT if we have to rely on individuals who cannot sit face to face with their peers, LISTEN, DIALOGUE, DEBATE (responsibly), LEARN...then we still have a very long way to go. What I witnessed yesterday was pure madness from my two SCNC brothers. YES, Mr. Larry Eyong Etchaw in my humble opinion owes an apology not only to the guest speaker but to the convener and to all other members who responded to the invitation. To all the others who simply "vamoozed because of Larry's outbursts", I say to them "Man No Run. Wuna no fia. Na so we broda dey tok. Larry na popoh don Repe. Na daso say dat ngopna njimtete old peepoo 4 Yawinde don papley we 2much 4 feepty something years. If wuna noba hia, make I tell wuna today: Larry yi problem na over-sense (the boboh has two hot PhDs) Qui dit mieux?".

What I took home was the indictment from Ms Patience on our Diaspora population (Anglophones from NW and SW) intolerance level. She lamented that we are quick to destroy each other and this was manifested right infront of our eyes by the comportment of the two SCNC "leaders" who unceremoniously shouted their way out of the meeting causing many other participants who were invited to equally walk away. She wanted such meetings to involve more youths and women as they are the wave of Cameroon's future. Our youths seem completely disconnected from Cameroon's historical reality.

A rhetorical question from a participant caught my attention. He asked Philip: "Moi je suis Francophone. Est ce que je t'ai fait du mal personellement parceque tu es Anglophone? Dites moi la verite...Est ce que je suis ton ennemi parce que je suis Francophone? And he concluded with: "Les multiples problemes Camerounais c'est LA FRANCE. Lutter meme contre le regime de Biya c,est un faux debat. Biya est un pion de l,hegemonie Francaise. No more no less.

There were many more interesting exchanges. For a start, I think it was a highly successful gathering.

From: "Herbert Boh [camnetwork]" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Cameroon Politics <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 2, 2014 4:34 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [AFOaKOM] We have something dear to die for!

FYI - At least three dozen members of the Cameroonian Diaspora (Anglophones and Francophones alike), some of them members of the CPDM, SDF, and/or SCNC; and of more organizations met earlier this evening for an "unstructured discussion".

At the initiative of Christmas Ebini, who also hand picked those invited (mostly resident in the Washington, DC Metro Area), Dr. Simon Munzu (visiting from Cameroon), served as the main discussant in what was generally a cool if often heated or even bad-tempered dialogue.

The topics discussed touched, among other things, on: 

(i) the state of the colonial construct called Cameroon;  and,
(ii) how to deepen understanding of and win more support, notably from our Francophone brethren, for the Anglophone Problem.

Predictably, it turned to be one of those sessions that show just how unnecessarily divided we are at times on issues that ought to unite us; how thin our patience is for listening to political views that contradict our own beliefs; but also how passionate and committed our people (no matter their political cause) remain to the daunting overall task of bringing real political change, liberty and freedom to Kamerun; the Cameroons; Cameroon; Cameroun; Southern Cameroons or La Republique du Cameroun.

Perhaps on no single topic was disagreement more vociferously expressed than on what participants each understood to be the "end game". This was understood by some to be a return to the two-state federation; as action before the international community (UNO, for example) to bring about recognition for the sovereignty or in favor of the restoration of Southern Cameroons; or joint action to ensure that the benefits of liberty, freedom and autonomy flow to and benefit not only Anglophones but the Francophone brethren as well.

An argument to the effect that another plebiscite or action before the United Nations to cause independence to be respected, first raised by Dr. Munzu in a newspaper article published in Cameroon but due to be more holistically dealt with in an upcoming paper (pledged by Dr. Munzu) fired up SCNC representatives at the session. The latter countered by recalling that over 40 countries have gained international sovereignty since 1990 and what if they can, then so can Southern Cameroons.

A walk-out from the discussions staged by the SCNC representatives triggered several statements of condemnation from participants, several of whom felt disrespected and some of whom described the walk-out as revealing of intolerance to political dissent on the part of the SCNC.

The central argument by Dr. Munzu was the need for a critical review of what decades of action have achieved; the need to remain practical; and the urgent need to ensure that support for the cause is more widely shard by French-speaking Cameroonians.

Calls for meaningful action to ensure that Cameroon obtains true independence from colonial France; calls to integrate an approach that is more inclusive of the younger generation of Cameroonians; calls for Anglophone elite, especially those in the active service of the regime, to quit denying the existence of the Anglophone Problem; and calls to iron out differences between Francophones and Anglophones; but also between North Westerners and South Westerners to ensure more unity in the fight were issued, among others.

Boh Herbert
PS: Summary account written from memory and based on  absolutely "zero notes" taken during the session.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 2, 2014, at 12:13 AM, "Wanaku Verdzekov [AFOaKOM]" <> wrote:

Bobe Njousi,
Thanks for rebooting the classroom.

On 8/1/2014 11:11 AM, Njousi Abang [AFOaKOM] wrote:
Dear all,
A Komrade wrote this hotmail. It remains alive even till date. Savour
the contents once more. Great pieces need revisiting from time to
time. They prepare us for a future with a difference. Read on:

On 3/1/2014 9:03 AM, Herbert Boh wrote:

Dear Bonav,

Permit me to open by stressing anew all the respect I have for you and
Dr. Yagnye. "Chapeau!" not only for what you stand for and profess
publicly, but also for what I consider to be a genuine effort on your
part to understand the Southern Cameroons Problem.

It is my belief that we have educated each other on this and Africa's
struggles and that we are right to seek leads from the aborted efforts
of our forefathers in Cameroon. In so doing, we must objectively
consider why they failed.

We have often fallen short of understanding each other, provoking on
occasion the kind of I would dare say justified dismissive one-liner
from Professor Tatah Mentan, whose views I rarely do not share. Here
are a few historical facts and guideposts that could help our

1. Our peoples (be they the peoples of Cameroons or the peoples of
Africa) were not one


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