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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Re: African governance gains slowing, Somalia ranked bottom - index

Not surprising for countries that claim to be democratic but won't adopt the basic democratic principles. What do you expect when you continue to have a culture (informal education) of traditional unelected (undemocratic) chiefs. Democracy isn't something whose basic tenets you pick and choose. There's no such thing as an African democracy. This has been the biggest lie of all times. Study after study, results after results prove this. Heck, this study shows that all countries we've looked at as doing well in Africa sometimes regress. If you don't adopt the basic tents, you're basically playing tumbu-tumbu.

All of Western Europe, Canada and the U.S. have adopted all 11 basic tenets of democracy. Needless to say, those countries exemplify the best functioning of democracy. Until African nations do things like no other african country has tested before, no african country will hold any true democracy which will ultimately improve the living standards of its peoples. You can take 1 million years of this same old hybrid democracy, it will never work. Heck, not even Europe or the Americas have perfected democracy, but they're faring way, way better than us.

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