[MTC Global] Skills & VET - The Swiss experience-....Why are they so Rich?

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From: Krishan Khanna <krishankhanna.iit@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Skills & VET - The Swiss experience-....Why are they so Rich?
To: "Prof. Bholanath Dutta" <bnath.dutta@gmail.com>
Cc: Ramesh Vemuganti <vemugantiramesh@gmail.com>

Dear Bholanath

I am pleased to send you a soft copy of the book titled- Why are we so Rich?

Dr. Strahm proves beyond doubt that ONLY because of Highest Quality Skills and Vocational Training have made Switzerland of what it is now.

Feel free to circulate to your 15,000 members.

Best Wishes,

Importance of Vocational Training & Skills

Only a highly trained work-force will guarantee Quality, Low Cost, High Productivity & Competitiveness of the Economy


Greetings from i Watch


Adequate focus on Vocational Training & Skills is still missing in India. Hardly 5% of our work force is formally skilled. In S.Korea it is about 96%. In Japan, USA and the EU it is about 60% to 90%. Something which you know for a long time and on which you and your team are working right earnestly.

The main purpose of this note is to reinforce the importance of Vocational Training & Skills.

I am pleased to inform you about Dr. Strahm's (from Switzerland) book on the importance of Vocational Training. This book really celebrates the German Dual System. The original version of this book in German - "Warum wir so reich sind" is in 350 pages. It means "Why are we so Rich?". 

You can get an abridged English version copy of this book by downloading it from our attachment.

 Kindly see the entire book and read in detail, if possible. It is about 70 pages with a lot of graphics.

This book also reinforces the work being done by i Watch in India since the last 22 years. We concentrate on empowering our people by relevant education and vocational training.

i Watch has the rights to publish this and modify as well as translate into 22 Indian languages. Hardly 8% of Indians understand English. All our publications are also in 12 Indian languages. I am in touch with Dr. Strahm and his associates in Bern since the last 3 years..

We plan to bring out a book titled "Vocational Education is the Key to Growth & Prosperity". We will use most of the facts from this book and chapters from our book, Transforming INDIA, on education & employment. 

In fact our existing book – Transforming INDIA, is meant for mindset change of the Civil Society as we feel that 80% of our Youth should go in for Skill building and not for a University education!

Dr. Strahm is now working on a new Version...it will be ready sometime in 2014....same theme...but changing the heading to make it MORE HARD HITTING...."Only University Education could be a Dead End to Growth and Prosperity"...( or concentrate on Relevant Education and Vocational Training for Real Growth & Prosperity).


India has 40,000 colleges but only 10,750 VET centres (ITI & ITC). 

Switzerland has 6,000 VET centres (for 8 million people), Germany has 100,000 VET centres(for 82 million people), Japan has 150,000 VET centres(for 129 million people) and China has 500,000 VET centres (for 1342 million people), 70% VET centres are in Rural China to upgrade and skills of  the rural population. 

VET means vocational education & training.

Look forward of meeting you again.


With Best Wishes & Warm Regards,

Chairman & Founder       
i Watch                         
211, Olympus,
Altamont Road
Mumbai - 400 026
Cell: +919821140756


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