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Saturday, November 22, 2014

[MTC Global] Why do I Care?

Dear friends,

Good morning.


Why Do I Care?

posted by Michael Thomas 
Why Do I Care? by Michael Thomas
When we talk about things like human survival or even the corruption of our states and institutions, the question which I think some people ask themselves is: why do I care?
You care because the only thing real in your identity, the only thing independent of your context, of your experience, of your conditioning, is the fact that you are human.  Differences in psychology are largely differences in intensity and frequency, not in the existence of phenomena.  We are all sharing different shades of the same human experience, which itself is a specific shade of conscious experience itself.
These gargantuan problems threaten to make not only our personal lives more difficult, but to rob us and future generations of the very possibility of developing themselves fully as humans. They threaten the continuation of not only civilization, but also the human species itself.
Everything that came before us, which created the conditions we live in, the means to communicate globally and quickly, stems from humans doing what we are good at: creating and communicating outside of the here and now.
We are likely the only species on this planet able to communicate abstractly: to communicate independently of the context and about events beyond this moment in time.  Which allows us to learn not only through seeing, but also through synesthesia – where information in one dimension, like sounds or visual data, are experienced as another form of cognition, like emotions or pictures- for instance language: which can adapt and change drastically even within one generation and display novel ideas.
We are each a microcosm of all of humanity. We posses these talents of abstraction, of synesthesia, which are likely foreign to most if not all other life on this planet, and can use them to benefit all of us.
This means that we should be able to put ourselves in the shoes of not just the humans living now, or those living in the past, but also the coming generations. Generations whose lives and wellbeing are being put in jeopardy. You care because it is not just your life that will suffer if problems continue to get worse, but billions of other versions of you, just living different lives. You care because these issues, these problems, effect the REAL you and not just the construct; your perceived identity.
Imagine yourself as a prism receiving this data and reflecting it onto the people you meet in the world, who themselves continue to reflect it onward. In the end we can create a vast network of informed individuals, instead of a sea of people so similar as to make their perceived differences seem ridiculous. In times where our futures, and even the future of our species, stand in limbo: can we afford to seperate ourselves and not work together?
You care because everything you are, everything anyone related to you is, is dependent on humans existing and them being a part of this.  Because we are threatening our own long term survival, threatening to destroy everything which lets you be you, let us communicate this information to each other.  Informing your friends and family is really a key in helping reach everyone, in helping us save ourselves.  Only after we bridge the perceived differences -which are often real, just largely minor- can we effectively organize to solve the bigger problems.
As research indicates: when information reaches 10% of people it then quickly reaches over 90% of the people (Syzmanski, 2011). So we have the capability to overcome these issues, organize for real solutions, and expose real problems. We just need to get on doing it.

With regards,
Dr. K. Sampath Kumar,  B.A. (Economics), BGL, M.Com., M.Phil., Cert. A.I.I.B.,
MBA (Finance), MBA (HR & Marketing),  ACS, FCMA, Ph. D.,
, SSN School of Management
C/o. SSN College of Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR)

Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
Landline :  044-24860668
Mobile    :  9094405733
Success consists of getting up
just one more time than you fall
-- Oliver Goldsmith

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