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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Re: [cameroon_politics] CAMDIAC, CODE,et le CCD se sont retrouvés à Paris : déclaration de leurs travaux du 22 Novembre

Bonav, I feel you and understand perfectly where you are coming from but unfortunately I don't agree with you and here is why:

I am one of those Cameroonians who feels very free to interact with everyone (anglo, franco, bami, beti, nordistes et que sais-je encore). I attend Bakweri, Blakossi, Mankon, Sawa, Beti, Bassa, Bafang, Nde, Manyu etc Cultural Group meetings. I cannot begin to tell you the "In-Fighting" (4 PAWA) that goes on in most of these groups. A President comes to the end of his two or three year mandate and instead of handing over peacefully, he decides to go and form his own association with some of his supporters. We are very intolerant and PAWA HUNGRY. One small example: Lenang Menoua refuse to even sit on the same table with their brothers of Lemou-Bafou. All dem na daso Dchang Foreke peepee oh ana one kontri-tok>>>That is just one out of many cases. I cannot even start to tell you about Upper and Lower Bayang, NDE original and NDE authentique, SAWA Ngondo and SAWA International, Amical Bassa or Nyong & Kelle Bassa...You go figure what all this means. It is very confusing to me.

As we speak, I know about ten cases that are presently in the Court system with these our Oyigbo people trying to understand what the heck we are quarreling over. Almost all Cameroonian Cultural Groups suffer from this dilema. The same goes for our various Political Associations. Anglophones don't trust Francophones and vice versa. So long as these adventurers (CODE, CAMDIAC, CCD or whatever they are called) don't have a platform that convinces the majority Cameroon Diaspora, they will continue to be regurgitating stale unproductive Communiques and Ultimatums from their hide-outs in Paris with no impact on the general Cameroon population.

Bonav; you are a very intelligent and well behaved guy: Tell me in all honesty; other than "Fait quoi Fait quoi Biya doit Partir" what are these fellows proposing as an Agenda for the new Cameroon? What is their Manifesto? The truth is one day one day Biya must Partir, whether he likes it or not he go partir...BUT how is that a Political Slogan for a country that needs all hands on deck to rebuild and heal? What plans do these fellows have on Education, Agriculture, Industrialization, Road Infrastructure, Urbanization, Poverty reduction, Health Care, Scientific Research, the ubiquitous Franc CFA, Diplomacy, the over-bearing influence of France into our Internal affairs, Curbing Corruption, les filles Bassa et Ewondo qui degainent sur les rues de Douala, La Feymania, Akwara businek, Loisivite...and much more. You tell me sincerely. Prof. Bonaventure, You are a University Professor. Am I right or wrong?

I don't have any problem with a bunch of troubadours sitting in a circuit or gargotte in Paris and having a feel-good, free for all discussions, but they should not be speaking in my name. Na all that. Let them not associate all of us in their so-called "Collectiff de la Diaspora" or whatever they say their name is. All we are asking them is to show us what they will do differently. WE have already suffered too much under the corrupt and tyrannical CPDM machine and we will not accept a new RDPC in another name. WE don't want to hear: "Que Biya parte d,abord et nous verons la suite apres" Ngang Ngang. We no go gree. Man no go kommot frying pan go enter for chimney. A ce niveau j'encourage mon oncle Biya de "Caller" sur la chaise de Djimtete Camerounais. Some man na ngrung beep?

From: "Bonaventure Tchucham [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>; CAMNETWORK List <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] CAMDIAC, CODE,et le CCD se sont retrouvés à Paris : déclaration de leurs travaux du 22 Novembre

Ta Mfar Mishe,
it all has to start somewhere and we should not neglect any effort whatsoever undertaken by any one, be it a handful people.
Let's encourage any initiative however unsignificant it may appear in the first light!

These are sincere Cameroonians wanting the Best for their beloved Country. That's what counts.

What will strenghten Biya is to see that there's no unity among the progressive forces fighting to oust him!

Let's think about that!

Repeat this after me ma own Don Grand Mishe:


You see, it's an easy thing to do, so simple BUT very encouraging to those who are desperately longing for change in Country, and are actually trying very hard to get there.

I know, I know, Gabonese and Togolese, talk less of Burkinabes are doing quiet better.


On est ensembre!
Bonaventure Tchucham

Les deux clefs principales de la Science:

"Il n'y a qu'une seule Loi, et Celui qui travaille est Un.
Rien n'est petit, rien n'est grand dans l'économie divine."

"Les hommes sont des dieux mortels
Et les dieux sont des hommes immortels."

De : "Mishe Fon [cameroon_politics]" <>
À : "" <>; CAMNETWORK List <>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <>
Envoyé le : Dimanche 30 novembre 2014 19h08
Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] CAMDIAC, CODE,et le CCD se sont retrouvés à Paris : déclaration de leurs travaux du 22 Novembre

Vraiement mes freres Camerounais me font Lap beaucoup. Alors que les Gabonais se debrouille tant bien que mal a faire bouger les choses chez eux a Libreville; les Togolais sont en ce moment meme en train de vouloir eradiquer le nom d'Eyadema une fois pour toute dans les rues de Lome...que font les Camerounais? Ils se reunissent dans un "Circuit" dans un cachot quelque part dans les enclabures de Paris pour nous pomper "les Communiques" tout en degustant les poissons fumes ou braises, poulets Deje de mama Magne Leocardie.

Apres la nouriture et biensure la boisson et enfin le me-nioxxement, ils vont tapper la poitrine "Fait quoi Fait quoi Biya doit partir". Apres cette enieme "seance de travail", ils prennent quelques photos pour concretiser leur deplacement et dans la soiree ils se retrouvent tous encore soit dans une autre gargotte Parisienne ou en boite de nuit avec des petites.

C'est vraiement dommage ce qui arrivent a nos "opposants". C'est comme ci on nous a larguer le "popoh badluck". Avec des pareils "opposants" better Biya reste meme la ou il est. Malchance. Na wetin be dis sef? Ou sont les Um Nyobe, Abendong, Ndongmu et autres Saidou Kassala de cette generation? En vous voyant exposer vos inepties en publique, je peux vous rassurer que tonton Biya "no hap heure" et se fiche eperdument de vos multiples reunions inutiles Parisiennes. Mais pas contre, si les sauveteurs, etudiants de Yaounde et Douala disent que trop c'est trop et ils descendent dans la rue, na dia wuna go hia popoh bulu 4 popol yi mop..."ah moot Belinga Mevoutou, Valisse diplomatique ane he. Bebele zambwe, Me tam ke. Bia hen okiri. Kol ma misse".
Ta Mfar Mishe Fon
NB: Ils n'ont qu'a m'insulter comme d'habitude but who cares. I say what I see.

From: "'Ngassa H. Lewe' [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: cameroon_politics <>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 12:51 AM
Subject: RE: [cameroon_politics] CAMDIAC, CODE,et le CCD se sont retrouvés à Paris : déclaration de leurs travaux du 22 Novembre

Bjr Bro,
J'apporte les corrections souhaitées.. Le temps de reposer mes vieux os après les avoir trémoussés des heures durant cette nuit... C'est samedi parait-il. Sourire.. Mais je fais la correction de suite...
Bon dimanche.
Ngassa H. Lewe.

Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 18:20:53 +0000
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics] CAMDIAC, CODE,et le CCD se sont retrouvés à Paris : déclaration de leurs travaux du 22 Novembre


Bonjour Guy,

Tu as oublié le DNK.

Il y-t-il moyen de corriger rapidement ?


De : "'Ngassa H. Lewe' [cameroon_politics]" <>
À : cameroon_politics <>; Uni-Douala <>; "" <>; Tontine <>
Envoyé le : Samedi 29 novembre 2014 18h59
Objet : [cameroon_politics] CAMDIAC, CODE,et le CCD se sont retrouvés à Paris : déclaration de leurs travaux du 22 Novembre


Posted by: Bonaventure Tchucham <>
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