Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [C r e a t i v i e w s] Re: [camnetwork] Africans & Gay Porn

To wind down this conversation and move on to more palatable issues.. it would seem that the pede-raty perverts are not satisfied with being ignored. I would also seem that there is a particular breed of African migrants who, once they touch base in some Western outback, now start crying more than the bereaved. These other tragedies do not pick up the positive values of the West. They rather wander into the ghettos and start spewing stuff from the sewers with reckless abandon. How pathetic! Like I said before the faggots would now venture into the parlour and take a seat. Whose rights is being violated here, their right to their anus or my right to breathe some clean air? Listen people, the African should now rise up and demonstrate some truly militant rejection of the spread of perversion. Not so much because we hate people but because of the consequences.
See something: A matter of causality or the same causes producing the same effect with shouting proofs ie the overt demise of the US of A aka pervert nation.
 Leviticus 18: 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.  23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.  24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. 26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: 27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)
 28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.  29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.  30 Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.
Of course it is in the interest of Africa, like Russia, not to be defiled by Western decadence.
Samira Mesumbe, do not teach us your language.


The Source of my Strength
Bishop David Oyedepo says, "Christianity is not a religionl. Christianity is a manifestation of the supernatural:  supernatural wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, power-stamina, righteousness-morality, and spirit. I am a born-again Christian, a prophet, a proof and manifestation of that power. I am a vibrant winner, an overcomer, a victor. I can do ALL things through HIM which gives me strength. I lead. I speak wisdom to my generation.

On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 7:59 PM, "Samira Ed i [CreatiViews]" <> wrote:

Thank you for the heads up, My dear bruv Val. Sometimes, it seems as if one needs to reiterate the bleeding obvious because some people are simply impervious to different ideas, and live permanently in their own echo-chambers. I also understand that some Africans atypically take a topic like homosexuality to edit their normally morally debased positions through high fallutin hypocritical statements.

Tabong Kima, you wrote, "Samira, I thought you were going to cite some serious meta-analytic studies to buttress your claims..."

No, I wasn't. Forgive me for not feeling particularly generous, Tabong Kima. I'm very conversant that I'm writing in a seriously non-academic forum, with a very adult population—most of whom are set in their geriatric ways—some even 50+ years and counting and in the 21st century. I'll refer you once more to my opening statement about the availability of facts and factoids on the internet—which brings me pointedly to the view that I'm also very aware of the medium I'm usingthe internet! Normally in my natural state of being, I would be apologising for being terse, but I will not. This is Camnet. You've been led down to the stream, it is your responsibility to swim, sink, drink or deny -- and remember remember the 4th of November!

When I scratch a hasty email in the morning before hitting the road— off to earn my keep, I don't have the time for a long treatise. I won't do anyone's research for them. I know the facts. YOU find yours.  However, If I was aware that you and I were having a direct exchange, maybe I'd have felt generous enough to cite examples as I addressed you. However, I've give you this credit—you don't seem like one of those hissy-fitty hecklers on Camnet, who'd throw a load of dunk in order to be heard and read. So I'm obliged to give you something of an opener.

This is not a new topic on which I have argued convincingly and analyzed brilliantly to educate my fellow Africans. H o m o s e x u a l i t y : The African Position I've cited the works of the foremost world-renowned scientists on this topic and researchers like the Canadian biologist Bruce Berghimil; whose seminal work titled, " Biological Exuberance ," shows proof  of sexual diversity in the animal kingdom— It is a definitive guide to animal sexual behaviour from a large pool of species across all the continents across all the species. It attests to the naturalness of homosexuality. This book  delivers convincingly—go out and buy it and educate yourself and your fellow denyers.

I'm sure that thing you wrote about Aristotle is hilarious and edifying. I must be having a non-funny day.
If age ain't nothing but a number, is a jail just another room?

On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 12:42 PM, "SAIDOU [camnetwork]" <> wrote:


"Who would want to be sexually deviant, different or weird, if they could help themselves"

My dear Samira,

I am glad you qualify it as deviance, different and even wierd. Which means it is out of normal norms, if I may use such an expression, as you acknowledge.

Kleptomaniacs tell us that they cannot help themselves.
An armed robber caught here in Dla said he could not help it.
Some Boko Haram insurgents say they cannot help it when they listen to the call of some wierd imam asking them to slaughter any non-moslem within a 50km radius, and that Allah will reward the murderer.

We can go on and on.

No, Samira, it is not out of ignorance or hate or some other thing. However, if I am charged on this score with bigotry, then the charge will be very correct.

So be it.

If it means keeping Paul Biya in power so that homosexuals should be chased out of Cameroon, believe me we shall support him, no matter how much he damages other things.

But UK and the USA accepts them, why can such beasts not just go and stay there??? I do not smoke, but I will never go and shut down all cigerette companies. Simple: you do not smoke inside my car or in my palour.

Not in Cameroon.
University of Yaounde I,
Yaounde, Cameroon
237 99 91 69 34
237 22 81 91 10

De : "Samira Ed i [cameroon_politics]" <>
À : "" <>; C. R. E. A. T. I. V. E. V. I. E. W. S. <>; Cameroon Politics <>
Envoyé le : Lundi 3 novembre 2014 23h18
Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [C r e a t i v i e w s] Re: [camnetwork] Africans & Gay Porn

I used to think that those Africans who were hostile towards homosexuality did so from ignorance. But no more. In the 21st century, when we have the benefit of information technology, it is tragic for people to hold bigotted views, without giving themselves the opportunity to get the facts. Homosexuality is not a lifestyle choice. Who would want to be sexually deviant, different or weird, if they could help themselves?

There simple fact that this characteristic is present in other life forms which are not human attests to the natural occurence of the trait. Homosexuality is a natural state of biology. If you're not one, how do you know that the aspect of being gay is not natural to other humans?

This brings me to another point. Many Africans are notoriously intolerant. In fact, I have seen situations where just people a person is old, they're accused of being witches and wizards. Those who're physically or mentally disabled treated with extreme unkindness. That is why in some parts of Africa, twins and albinos are murdered. There's another side to the hostility some express towards gay people; it is self-hatred. Psychologists have also discovered that some men with latent homosexuality hate it so much that they find solace only by persecuting gays. Cases of bible-pounding preachers abound, who dedicated their life's works at the crest of this persecution.

It is unfair, it is ignorance, it is unkind, hypocritical in many cases, and a glaring reflection of uncontained bigotry that some people express irrational hatred against innocent beings. There was a time when very beautiful, light-skinned women with what is called "pussy eyes," in Africa were called mermaids. Today, some women actually transmogrify to look like that.

Get the education on what homosexuality is, and don't deny or lie to yourself about these facts. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it is untrue.
If age ain't nothing but a number, is a jail just another room?

On Tuesday, November 4, 2014 3:57 AM, "SAIDOU [camnetwork]" <> wrote:


There is NO EQUATING THAT STUFF TO POLYGAMY. There is the parable of the ten wives waiting for a husband, some with oil in their lamps others with no oil in their lamps.

I have not heared anywhere that some anuses were waiting for a man to come and appreciate them!!!!

Homobeasting is a lifestyle there in Europe: let it remain there. polyandry remains in India or what. We remain here with our polygamy.
University of Yaounde I,
Yaounde, Cameroon
237 99 91 69 34
237 22 81 91 10

De : " [camnetwork]" <>
À : "" <>
Envoyé le : Lundi 3 novembre 2014 14h16
Objet : Re: [cameroon_politics] Re: [C r e a t i v i e w s] Re: [camnetwork] Africans & Gay Porn

Indeed it is a lifestyle choice, just like polygamy, which is a behavior and a choice between consenting individuals.  Corruption is a lifestyle among certain populations and accepted as a way of doing business among Cameroonians. Do we stand by and see this reap the very fabric of our society? The consenting parties are liable for this crime.

Laws are generated from generally accepted societal norms. Do we just go ahead and legalize corruption in Cameroon as a way of doing business? Unlike the unitary family nature of western lifestyles and families , the African  family  is based on extended relations. Can we agree that homosexuality hurts that support system.

To hell with a homosexual lifestyle.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 3, 2014, at 12:04 PM, "Tabong Kima [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

I think comparing a homosexual to a left or right handed, a dwarf, or skin color is like comparing apples and oranges. 99.9% of homosexuals have had intimate relations with their opposite sex and decided to become homosexual for one reason or another. Even while professing to be homosexuals, most of them are heterosexuals in contrast to the biological impossibility of being a black man today and a white man tomorrow or being a dwarf this week and a giant next week. Homosexuality is a life style choice and all the science out there attempting to impose a scientific grounding to it is junk. Personally,
I have nothing against homosexuals or homosexuality, after all, like the Pope said; Who am I to judge them. So long as the the act is between two consenting adults it is ok. Placing it at a moral equivalency level of racial discrimination is what I find nauseating. 
Kima Tabong

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 3, 2014, at 1:32 PM, "Samira Ed i [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

Who says homosexuality is a sin? Who makes homosexuality a sin? Being a dwarf, being wall-eyed, being retarded, left-handed or right-handed is not a sin, why should homosexuality be a sin? Religion is not a moral, legal, scientific, cultural or social arbiter.
If age ain't nothing but a number, is a jail just another room?

On Monday, November 3, 2014 6:21 PM, "Albert Usumanu [camnetwork]" <> wrote:


Desmond Tutu knows the God who is love cannot be homophobic. If he is true to his beliefs, he also knows the Holy God hates sin and unless the bible is open to interpretations, homosexuality is sin.
The most venerated among us are never a substitute for scriptural truths.

Albert Usumanu

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 3, 2014, at 9:07 AM, "Valentine Mungyeh [cameroon_politics]" <> wrote:

The venerable Desmond Tutu said and I quote:

"I'd rather go to hell than worship a homophobic God"

Take this as profound food for thought from a man who has exercised the open-mindedness it takes to understand humanity in its totality.
v. mungyeh
Never explain yourself. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it. /Anon.

On Monday, November 3, 2014 3:01 AM, "Samira Ed i [CreatiViews]" <> wrote:

"The attempted link between "goggle gay porn" and homosexuality in Africa is pseudo science and absurd." Achi Nfor

Achi Nfor,
Your points of rebuttal are by no mean scientific and in some cases make absolutely no sense. What is more scientific than the collection of data? And you've raised unrelated issues like begetting children which have no bearing on the points I raised about the existence of homosexuality amongst Africans. If proof of heterosexuality was birthing or the reproduction of one's kind, why are some heterosexual couples childless? Do you know that homosexuality exists in lower lifeforms beside humans? The last question was to debunk your assumption that homosexuality is attributable to behaviour or culture.

You contradict your position here with your own words:

"However, it's most instructive to observe that heterosexual couples will naturally produce children with some abnormalities, like mental retardation, deformities and homosexual tendencies" Achi Nfor

Are you by any stretch of discrimination excluding the great African race from these natural phenomena, which you've unwittingly observed above? The acceptance of the same natural outcomes after a sexual encounter between Africans is being smart; putting Africa on the same concourse of social and anthropological level as the rest of humanity. We may be a race apart, but we are biologically not as disparate as other races. 

The Caucasians, the Asians, the Arabs etc have studied the vast diversities amongst their species, while Africans continue to bury their heads in the sand in denial. We cloak everything under a false canopy of our much vaunted morality, but then look at how callous and vile some Africans are. We are by no means homogenous in everything, including our skins in both colour and texture.

Here's a bold cliché that never fails to make an appearance, which I saw coming a long mile away:

"The black man (African) has been enslaved, colonized, exploited and now homosexuality is being shoved down his throat. And some people say it's OK....
Homosexuality is a chain termination step, it's the beginning of extinction." Achi Nfor.

Big Sigh! Please, don't be an alarmist. One person's homosexuality does not affect another's heterosexuality. We can count on people like you to go forth and multiply, and to ensure the continuation of the human species, should we not? By the way, I don't know whether you realize that most of the anti-homosexual laws which have been adapted and made draconian in most African countries were first passed by the Colonial administrators. The imposed religion which is alien to Africans was swallowed whole, with almost obsequious acceptance. Our capacity to lie seamlessly to ourselves is unmatched and not an anomaly amongst Africans. If this is a concensus of the masses, count me out, and my offsprings too.
If age ain't nothing but a number, is a jail just another room?

On Sunday, November 2, 2014 11:00 PM, "Achi nfor [camnetwork]" <> wrote:

"Black People,
Here's another memory juggler for you. Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon like being born black, white, retarded or even a dwarf."


This is an interesting observation. Let's take the logic a little further. A black man with a black woman will mostly certainly beget a black child. Same will hold true with a heterosexual couple of white or other complexion. A homosexual couple will produce nothing. It's a dead end. However, it's most instructive to observe that heterosexual couples will naturally produce children with some abnormalities, like mental retardation, deformities and homosexual tendencies. These abnormalities may require significant medical or psychiatric interventions to fix them. Homosexuality requires the latter. 

If homosexuality is a natural phenomenon like being born black or white, then it's fair to assume that heterosexuality is equally natural. However, not all heterosexual relationships are allowed. Incest or rape, for example, are not allowed in most societies even though these may be NATURAL sexual acts. 

The attempted link between "goggle gay porn" and homosexuality in Africa is pseudo science and absurd. There is no cause and effect relationship here. For comparison, what are the goggle numbers for heterosexual porn? Who exactly, i.e. racial distribution, is behind the computer viewing gay porn? Are the viewers mostly from hotels or homes? Is there any evidence that those who viewed gay porn in the countries you've listed are homosexual or became gay after viewing the porn? Could these be curiosity seekers who may want to be informed about homosexuality? There is no statistical significance to the "goggle gay porn" data.

The black man (African) has been enslaved, colonized, exploited and now homosexuality is being shoved down his throat. And some people say it's OK. Well, it is not acceptable. For once in the history or creation of the black man, we ought to be able to draw a line in the sand and refuse to cross it. Homosexuality is a chain termination step, it's the beginning of extinction.


From: "Samira Ed i [camnetwork]" <>
To: C. R. E. A. T. I. V. E. V. I. E. W. S. <>; C. A. M. N. E. T. W. O. R. K. <>; Cameroon Politics <>
Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2014 2:57 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] Africans & Gay Porn

Black People,
Here's another memory juggler for you. Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon like being born black, white, retarded or even a dwarf. So no matter how much you deny it, African homosexuality has been in existence for as long as there are Africans. It is therefore hypocritical of many African countries not to recognize this reality, and accept the rights of sexual minorities. It is an act of pure evil especially an abuse of the rights of a minority of its citizens to be discriminated against for reasons of sexual orientation which is not criminal. The proof of this latent trait has been exhumed from the result of searches online.

When people are driven underground, where they are denied expression of what is natural to them, the truth will still come out from the shadows - or as it is with the case of homosexuals -- out of the closet.

A recent search result for the countries which Google gay porn websites the most have produced some shocking results. The top 3 countries are in Africa where harsh laws have been passed against homosexuality. The first 6 have extemist religious conservatism in parts or in the whole country. The question remains, why do Africans continue to be so callous and hostile towards homosexuals, when these people are not criminals? In fact, criminals are better treated in some African countries than gay people. It is typical of African hypocrisy to encourage pretense and self-righteousness, with a vaunted sense of moral superiority, while carrying out the most unspeakable savage and barbaric acts on its own people.

The results of the regional interest for gay porn speak the naked truth

You'll never guess which country Googles gay porn the most

Regional interest
South Africa

A surprising country has topped Google's rankings for searching for pictures of gay sex.
Anti-gay laws and strong social stigma appear to be doing nothing to abate the curiosity of everyday people – with Kenya's searches for gay sex outranking those of all Western countries.
Kenya tops the Google trends rankings for both 'gay sex pics' and 'gay porn pics', with an extraordinarily high search index.
South Africa came second, follow by Nigeria and Pakistan – with the US and UK ranking a distant seventh and eighth.

92% of the Kenyan population agree that homosexuality is 'unacceptable', while having sex "against the order of nature" in the country can carry a prison sentence of up to 21 years.

The Anti-Homosexuality Bill would introduce harsh punishments for homosexuality, with life imprisonment or the death penalty for 'aggravated homosexuality'.
The bill's author, Edward Onwong'a Nyakeriga, said: "The petition aims at providing a comprehensive and enhanced legislation to protect the cherished culture of the people of Kenya, legal, religious and traditional family values against the attempts of sexual rights activists seeking to impose their values of sexual promiscuity on the people of Kenya.
"There is need to protect children and youth who are vulnerable to sexual abuse and deviation as a result of cultural changes, uncensored information technology, parentless child developmental settings and increasing attempts by homosexuals to raise children in homosexual relationships through adoption, foster care or otherwise."


If age ain't nothing but a number, is a jail just another room?





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