Mishe Fon,
        You may take the opportunity to ask Fr William Neba who is still out there in Etats, when his sabattical or study stint out there ended - I think his Bishop appointing him some months ago as Parish Priest in Bambui meant that he was on his way back home.
       The wind whispered that he is the one ostentatiously patronising the CWO out there! Surprising because for more than seventeen years, he was chaplain of the CWA back home, in those days when he rode the crest of the Bamenda Archdiocese as Secretary of the Archbishop.
      If while out there, he saw enough to switch allegiance and support a dissenting arm (if it just a new creation, then there is no reason why both groups should be at loggerheads), then he is best placed to pacify the feuding clans, especially by explaining his motives, which to many appear insidious. De ting surely don pass Bishop dem.

From: 'Divine Rhyme' via ambasbay <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 9, 2014 4:12 AM

Mishe Fon,
Dis one go strong. Do you want to respond to this? I think you better not because its going to be a very messy confrontation. Since the writer has decided to mention SW/NW issue inside , I think its time to throw in the towel and let go this debate.  But wusai you comot for start  for tell woman dem story? Arata die, na yi mop. Take care
Have a nice day

From: "Mishe Fon [camnetwork]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 9, 2014 4:49 AM

After reading the "Little bit of Historical perspective" a very close friend of mine was completely "pissed up" with me and asked me to publish with immediate effect this rebuttal.I must admit that I am not a historian and I apologize for any factual "errors" I may have inadvertently slipped into my narrative. It was not deliberate and I welcome all reactions to set the record straight. I deliberately left out the name of the author as this was a private exchange.

"Mishe Fon; You have disappointed me with this your "history". This is the kind of fraudulent agenda that is breaking up the Catholic church in Cameroon. Let me set the record straight. For your information, the Founding National President of the CWA was Mrs Josepha Mua. Mrs Foncha was appointed Honorary Chair because she was the wife of the Prime Minister John Ngu Foncha. The Secretary, from inception was Mrs Anoma Rosaline. Amongst other founding members were: Mrs Lafon Angela, Mrs Mary Lebaga, Mrs Mary Nangah. I repeat, Mrs Foncha was NOT a Founding member. Equally Mrs Effiom Lucy, Regina Epule and Rebecca Ekema came in after the association had been formed. (If as you claim in your write up that Mammie Foncha was the alpha and omega of CWA, why was she incapable of creating a CWA branch in Yaounde when her husband became Vice President of Cameroon for the many years and resident there?) Good question.

Pope John Paul II gave a recognition award to all the Founding members of the Cameroon CWA...Can you tell me why Mammie Foncha was not on that list? You guys are funny. You just write anything that comes into your head. Yes, Mishe Fon, I am very angry at your trying to distort historical realities. Some of these ladies are still alive. What does it cost you to call them and find out the truth.

Another blatant Lie in your write up was the "WCCWO". Nothing of the sort ever existed. The CWA was born when Honorable P M Kale...a Presbyterian (West Cameroon Speaker of the House of Assembly) died. His death was organized mainly by the women of CWF (Christian Women Fellowship). During the "wake" Mrs Mua and Chilla asked themselves: "If na we man die so, wetin we go do?" That is how they rallied Mrs. Lebaga, Anoma, Nangah and Lafon; contacted the clergy including the Bishop in Buea and CWA was born. This thing about Ma Foncha going to London or America to get inspiration is just Fiction from your very fertile mind. In conclusion, the CWA was an idea inspired by Mrs Mua Josepha and Mrs Chilla. No more no less.

Let me tell you; CWA meetings were held at the RCM school premises in Buea where Mrs Mua was head-mistress. Majority of these women were primary school teachers in Buea (most of them married to these West Cameroon top dignitaries as you rightly opined). Remember in those days, some of those meetings were held with "Bush Lamps" as there was scarcely any electricity in Buea.

I equally agree with you that the Mutengene uprising took place and there was more to the story than just the Bamenda / South West issue. I am sure you even failed to mention the name of Mrs Nangah Mary as one of the Founding members because she  was of South West extraction although married to a Bamenda man.

Another example which still occurs to this day: Why was the 50th anniversary of the CWA celebrated instead in Bamenda when its birthplace was in Buea? That is the problem with the Catholic Church. Always telling lies to suit their agenda. I am sick and tired of all these manipulations.

When Mrs Foncha finally settled in Bamenda, she arrogated to herself the title of CWA President (for almost 25 years) until she was dethroned and voted out in Douala at College de la Salle, replaced by Mrs Zamcho Florence. You guys should not be distorting our history. Mrs Prudencia Chilla was the second chair after Mrs Mua followed by Mrs Atabong. Mr. Fon, get your facts right before going to the public. Don't get me wrong. Mammie Foncha is a very nice  soft spoken and God fearing woman just like her husband was.

Thank you very much.

Let me start with a little bit of History before we discuss the topic of the essay.

The CWA was CREATED by an inspiration from Ms Anna Nangah Atanga who eventually became the wife of the Prime Minister of Southern Cameroons Dr. John Ngu Foncha. Her role as "SC First Lady" enabled her to create a couple of Women's Organizations. As a devout Catholic, she was impressed by the various Catholic Women's Organizations she interacted with during her "Official Trips" to the USA, the UK and the rest of Europe. She inquired about affiliating her small group of friends worshiping with her at the Buea Diocese; to the World Union of Catholic Women's Organization (WUCWO) headquartered in Paris, France. That is how in 1964, the West Cameroon Catholic Women's Organization (WCCWO) was formed.
The Founding members included mostly the wives of top West Cameroon Politicians, Ministers and Civil Servants who were resident in Buea at the time. A few names readily come to mind: Rosaline Anoma; Joanna Ngong, Lucy Effiom; Rebecca Ekema; Mary Lebaga; Prudentia Chilla; Nathalia Jua; Josepha Mua; Elizabeth Tumanjong; Dorothy Atabong; Emerencia Fonlon; Regina Epule; Lafon Angele and a few more I cannot recall right away.

Small cracks (as can be expected) from an all women's organization started surfacing within the young group and at the inaugural launch of 4th May 1964, only FOUR members decided to attend as others boycotted the elections. However, elections were held and the following members were elected:

Chair: Mrs Anna Foncha ; Vice Chair: Prudencia Chilla ; Secretary: Dorothy Atabong ; Vice Secretary: Emmerencia Fonlon

Sometime in 1968, Ms Anna Foncha was forced to go to Yaounde where her husband was now Vice President of Cameroon through some Political machinations and calculations. Meantime in 1967, the WCCWO assumed a new name: The Organization was now called; the Catholic Women's Association CWA. Yes revisionists Historians might want to tell you otherwise, but I got my story directly from Mama Foncha at her Nkwen residence and it is recorded. CWA only made its apparition in the Bamenda area in 1970 when the Fonchas started their "Forced Retirement Journey" back home to Foncha Street, Nkwen. By this time the CWA had solid roots in Victoria, Mamfe, Kumba, Tiko, Manyemen, Muyuka.

Enter the MUTENGENE GROUP: Most die hard Catholics would not mention this episode in their historical narrative but a group of hard core Catholic Women (of SW origin) led by Mrs Dorothy Atabong could no longer tolerate the "over-bearing and controlling" nature of their "Sisters" of Bamenda origin always "lording" it over them. Some of the Reverend "Fathers and Bishops" did not help matters as they took sides and was it not for the timely intervention of authorities of the Vatican, the situation could have degenerated.

The CWO or the CWA as per their by-laws and letter of incorporation are Faith-Based Organizations that operate under the umbrella of the Catholic community or Catholic church. Their Aims and Objectives are very laudable. In Cameroon, they have been a force of Good…Health Care, Education, Agriculture,  etc. It is worth noting however that that there are many CWOs and CWAs worldwide. Creating an Organization dubbed CWO should not be taken as the end of the world for the catholic Church. They should tolerate their members who have a contrarian view but are working towards the upliftment of mankind.Na all dat. No more no less.

Catholic Immigrants in the United States from Cameroon have since wanted to extend their Religious practices and customs to where they reside, In 2003, CWA-USA was formed with 12 members. The pioneer executive was headed by a certain Ms Hilda Tantoh. In 2014, CWA Cameroon claims to have branches in the USA: in Boston, Dallas, Minnesota, Los Angeles???, Miami, N Carolina, Delaware, Houston, Atlanta, Virginia and five branches in Maryland (Baltimore, Bowie, Silver Spring).
Now; let me talk like a concerned member of the Cameroon Community based here in the Maryland region. (For the sake of full disclosure, my wife is the President of CWO; I have friends and family on both sides of the "Divide" and I have not been mandated by anyone to speak on their behalf. This is purely a personal opinion and I don't talk for or against any particular agenda. I am for PEACE Na all dat I speak for myself only).

(For those who don't know, there is a serious problem in the Cameroon Catholic Church in the United States revolving around a serious FIGHT between the Catholic Women). I would put this problem or lack of a solution to this very easy to solve "issue" squarely on the backs of the Clergy in Cameroon. From the Bishops down to the Cameroon Reverend Fathers and the authorities of the CWA in Bamenda and to some extent those in the United States. Just like during the "MUTENGENE CWA UPRISING", you guys took sides with the "women" instead of convening the feuding "Mammies" for a Reconciliation Meeting. You exacerbated the disdainful name calling by practically adding more "kerosene" to the already burning house. Whether you like them or not, these women are a Force for good to the Church and humanity if their "Spiritual Directors" actually direct them spiritually.

There is a Cameroon Catholic Community in the Silver Spring, MD area known to the Arch-Bishop and cardinal of Washington DC with a Community typically Cameroonian type Mass once a month at that location. I am completely flabbergasted to understand as a lay Christian that "My Bishop" from Cameroon comes to the USA to visit the Washington DC area and for whatever reasons decides to "Celebrate Mass" on the same day that the CCC is having their monthly Mass. In other words, our Cameroon Bishop Boycotts "his people". This is not only ridiculous but it begs for an explanation from these "Men of God". I will continue to marvel at the idea that the Catholic church has refused to evolve with the times. What is this Top-Down Conservative approach to doing business that the Catholics in Cameroon think they can ram down the throats of their ex-parishioners? Catholic christians in the USA through their alumni associations: SHESANS, LESANS, SASSE, BIROCOL, OKOYONG, St, Augustine, St. Bedes and even the CWA and CWO raise Funds, donate their hard earned monies for various projects back in Cameroon. These Associations are not obligated in any way shape or form to "Give Back" anything but they do so out of the kindness of their hearts. How does someone tell ME who should BENEFIT from the MONEY I am donating? Yes I can seek advice on best practices but I would not be dictated on ways and means of spending my own money.

This brings me back to the CWO/CWA conundrum. These women not only know how to Raise Funds for their various projects back in Cameroon, but they are a formidable source of uniting a Church that is fast establishing its irrelevance. Why would the Catholic authorities in that country not prioritize sending a "High Powered" delegation to resolve this very embarrassing problem for the church? Why are the Bishops (who are almost becoming almost a permanent "mobile" fixture in terms of visits to the USA) so conspicuously SILENT on this very vexing issue in the Cameroonian community? Have some of the Women Executives of the church hierarchy in Cameroon become too powerful and out of control? Has the Church lost control of its Mission and members?

They could not resolve the LESA, OKOYONG even SHESA (Construction Project Wahala) and now this very ugly Fight between the catholic Women. Some in the Cameroon community erroneously believe that "Finances" are at the route of these problems and that the Church has failed because it wants to be at the center of all MONETARY transactions. Personally, I have faith in the Church and its leaders believe that there are very honest people in Church who would come up and stop this nonsense.

Mishe Fon


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