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Thursday, November 27, 2014


I am not justifying the choice made by government in anyway. I don't have enough material to substantuate any argument on that. I cannot attempt any debate with you about the issue. but all that I wanted to say is to disclose the hand that rocks the cradle. The Chinese would not enter Cameroonnand  and start taking decisions for us. But with the financial might behind them, an inefficient government would easily yield to Chinese preasure to do whatever they want.  It makes little sense as one writer tried to argue, that the Chinese could not have decided anything in Cameroon which has a parliament that can do that. Yes there is the parliament but also there is the weight of money.  Depending on the situation one can easily outweigh the other.

From: "Ofege Ntemfac [camnetwork]" <>
To: CAMNETWORK list <>; ambasbay <>; FREE AMBAZONIANS <>; cameroon_politics <>; SDF <>; "" <>; africanworldforum <>; Cameroon Review <>; scmg-noticeboard <>
Cc: shesausa <>; sdf-forum <>
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2014 1:18 PM

Emmanuel Fon,
Often economic issues are precise and do not offer room for speculation.
The Kribi Port is a Mineral Port.
Its construction is warranted by the extra-large volume of minerals discovered in East Cameroun.
Projections for a railroad to Nkambe is warranted by the large iron ore deposits around the Donga and Mantung area.
Other minerals as well.
The Bulu breed now have power in Cameroun. they have organised themselves to drag projects their way.
One would think that anglophone prime ministers would rally us to fight for some of the projects that we deserve but no.
Often we see the flint in the eye of the con-colonizer without taking time to measure the role that our very own people - anglophones - have played in delaying or subverting major projects.
Go figure the role that one Achidi Achu and one Atanga Nji Paul played in undermining efforts to, at least set up a Cement terminal at the Victoria Port.
Go figure the role that a bunch of daredevil anglophones are playing in undermining efforts to construct decent lodging in the University of Buea.
That these are Graffi folks is most revealing.
Now, this is why you must not speculate any further.
See this Public Service announcement and very present on the site of the Support Fund for partnerships in Cameroun.

Les Administrations sectorielles sont invitées à se rapprocher du Conseil d'Appui à la Réalisation des Contrats de Partenariat (CARPA)
Dans le cadre de l'exercice budgétaire 2013, le Gouvernement présente aux investisseurs privés nationaux et internationaux les projets ci-après à exécuter en partenariat public-privé dans le Domaine du Transport.
Il s'agit de :
Les Administrations sectorielles sont invitées à se rapprocher du Conseil d'Appui à la Réalisation des Contrats de Partenariat (CARPA)
So what are we doing about pushing these projects forward rather than blowing hot air on free cyberspace?

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 7:26 AM, Divine Rhyme [camnetwork] <> wrote:
Recently the Cameroon CPDM government led us to believe that in Mr.  Biya's Great Realisations by 2035, the choice of Kribi for the deep seaport in place of long standing preference for Victoria, government had made  an economically wise judgement given the current trends prevalent in the country. From almost all Anglophone  "independent news" sources this decision "by" government was once again another slap in the face to Anglophones who see themselves always slighted by government in development programs. I thought so too, but now I don't. The Construction of a Shipyard in Victoria and the Deep Seaport in Kribi is far from being Cameroon government decision -  and more so, a shipyard in Victoria would still result to huge economic benefits for the locality. But for some childlike fantasy of deifyng Mr Biya that had been government objective since he came to power,  the CPDM government decided to score cheap points for Mr Biya in keeping the real facts from the Cameroon public who to this day are still believing that Mr Biya and his CPDM government have a dream about an emerging Cameroon in 2035. They have nothing to do with it,  but given the way things are evolving on the continent of Africa  in general at the moment, the fact that Cameroon will have a very great economic boost by 2035 is a reality, but the CPDM government has absolutely nothing to do with it!! Let me explain how.
    Let me draw your attention to an issue which the Cameroon people have largely been ignorant of but which the government has not left any stone unturned to exploit it for political gains. Right under the noses of the Cameroon people the CPDM government has exploited a truth with with the most vicious agenda of perpetuating themselves in powerand giving My Biya a legacy and legitimacy which has been so elusive from him for over his 30+ years in power. All of us have been listening to advertisements on CNN by various governments inviting people from every part of the world to come and invest in their country. Serbia is the latest with a powerful advertisement using its future entry into the EU as a full member, as the reason why individuals, companies and other countries should consider making such investment. I don't have to dwell on that but I am sure such invitations by various nations is not new to us. Let me shift gears here by drawing your attention to "propaganda" unleashed by the CPDM government before the last presidential, and then the senatorial and municipal elections. Especially during the presidential elections the airwaves in Cameroon and any other possible news organ were all inundated with propaganda from the CPDM government of Cameroon  how will emerge from poverty by 2035 and be transformed from an agrarian economy into mid tech industrialized one. According to the propaganda Cameroonian towns - from North to South , and from East to West will be connected by Railway lines and modern road infrastructure. One must the dumbest person in the world to even imagine that such fantasies will ever be a reality in Cameroon - even in the next 100 years. Would these things be wished with a magic wand, or real physical effort would put for their realizations? At about the same time I read several articles by Kenyan writers how by 2035 Kenya will become the East African economic powerhouse if not the African. 2035 again and by Kenya? What is so special about this year 2035? Did the Cameroon government just borrow a page from Kenya's development program? Such a bold and optimistic program can make sense in Kenya with visible attempts by the government to improve its politics, economy and the welfare of its citizens. But how does Cameroon fit into such a bold positive and advanced method of thinking? Even when I read an article published from an authoritative source in Kenya about the a proposed African Land Bridge, I initially failed to make any connections. But this was because the article was written in a way which one would be driven to believe that it  was more of a wish than a project that had already been long in planning. Well, just recently I came across an article which in very great detail explained what the project is all about - those behind it and how far its planning has gone. So from what I gathered, although such a concept had been in the minds of even our western colonizers/partners, for almost a century, it is only China's recent economic emergence that has made it a reality. Then I started connecting the dots. The decision to construct a deep seaport in Kribi instead of Victoria now made sense to me. The government of Cameroon had very little in making that decision. This Deep Seaport will be linked to another deep seaport in Kenya - Lamu, by a double gauged Railway line - The Great African Land Bridge! .., The economic impact in such a gigantic undertaking is beyond any economic agenda our CPDM government can ever dream about. What helped me to easily connect the dots this time was my recent visit by accident to Kribi. In Kribi I saw a town in total overhaul. New streets are constructed seemingly going to nowhere all over the town. The streets are unusually wider than those of our typical Cameroonian towns. Hotels are just coming up like mushrooms all over the place. While in Kribi I just thought they had a very forward thinking mayor. But when I returned to Europe and happened to read that article on the Land Bridge, it is then in hind sight that  I realized that the streets being constructed in Kribi are wider and more solid than what I have experienced in any town in our dear Cameroon. Even France and other western economies have not been able to stop China from advancing with this project. It will be among one of the world's greatest economic projects - comparable only to to the Suez and Panama canals and the Trans Siberian Railway. It is impossible to actually gauge the economic importance of this gigantic project and which will even be getting greater as the years go by. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE COMPLETED BY 2035!!! It's easy now to know how CPDM propaganda settled on that date which to most of us at the time was a magical decision given their track record. But how can anybody explain why such a very important economic issue can be viciously hijacked by this government with such a catastrophic legacy behind it for the last 30 plus years? Instead of inviting the world to come and invest in Cameroon because such a gigantic project would be the magic wand they have been waiting for for decades, their myopic vision cannot allow them see the benefits of such a project any further than how it can help keep the CPDM in power by winning the next elections - something they would win any way since they alone can decide who wins what in any elections in Cameroon. They are so desperate for legitimacy in such a way that they would end at nothing to sacrifice the welfare of the state to win just any little bit of it. 
In Kenya, the progress of the project is quite visible although some delays have been experienced by  popular objection from the population by government decision to destroy an ancient national  park and a heritage building very dear to the Kenyan people. The unstable political situation in South Sudan and in Central African Republic has forced the Chinese government to even abandon their policy of non interference in domestic politics of partner nations. That are very engaged now in hammering out a lasting peace in South Sudan. They too have been very instrumental striking a compromise in the warring factions in the CAR. In the case of Cameroon they are concerned with the threats of terrorism not only from Boko Haram but  from possible instability due to power transition  given the unpopularity and an uncertain succession plan of the 32 year government of the CPDM. But the project is at  a "no turning back" stage at the moment. Too much has already been invested in Cameroon and Kenya - which are the target points of interest in the entire project.
2035. Welcome to an emerging  Cameroon and Africa at large.


The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.


Posted by: Ofege Ntemfac <>
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