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Tuesday, November 4, 2014


If you open your eyes, you will realized that Thoko Banda is the Idiot, not Robert Mugabe.
And it is totally wrong to compare Robert to Blaise.
When our source of information is the media, we can never make a fair and objective judgement.
Travel around, visit Burkina Faso and Visit Zimbabwe, your perspectives would change.
I do not advocate for dictators, yet there are some that do some good to their people than others.
Hint: Any dictator that is hated by the west, must be doing something right for his people or selfish towards the west.
Mind you, no leader can ever satisfy every citizen, even in great democracies, there is great dissatisfaction and uprisings.

On Monday, November 3, 2014 6:12 PM, 'Greig Batey' via ambasbay <> wrote:


November 3, 2014 By conyeani Leave a Comment
thoko-banda-bWe should applaud the refusal of the Malawian diplomat who has refused his posting to Zimbabwe, having called Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe an "Idiot" in 2006.  Thoko Banda, the diplomat, was surprised to hear from the press that he had been posted to Zimbabwe as Malawi's High Commissioner (Ambassador) to Zimbabwe.  He was not earlier consulted about being sent to Zimbabwe, though as a diplomat he is supposed to serve wherever his country wants him to serve.
"I am sure there are other Malawians more amenable to serving at that particular post at this particular time," Thoko Banda said  With Mugabe's lawlessness in terms of political opponents, imagine what would happen to Ambassador Banda if he sets foot in Zimbabwe and Mugabe unleashes his thugs on him, not even talking his former secretary/cum wife who is tearing Zimbabwe apart on her blatant ambition to succeed her husband as president.
In an interview with Germany 's The Foreigner magazine in 2006, Banda was widely quoted as having said, "Zimbabwe has an idiot — I am sorry, I know you are recording — but they have an idiot for president.  This guy Robert Mugabe, I hope that he lives a long time, so that one day he can go before an international tribunal. He is a horrible man."
Banda who has served in Japan and Germany for Malawi, said he has extensive human rights advocacy and and :I would never sell out my human rights commitments just for a position."
Millions of people like Thoko Banda in Burkina Faso just chased out another Robert Mugabe; and eventually dictators like Mugabe masquerading as leaders would eventually suffer the same fate.

November 3, 2014 By conyeani Leave a Comment
thoko-banda-bWe should applaud the refusal of the Malawian diplomat who has refused his posting to Zimbabwe, having called Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe an "Idiot" in 2006.  Thoko Banda, the diplomat, was surprised to hear from the press that he had been posted to Zimbabwe as Malawi's High Commissioner (Ambassador) to Zimbabwe.  He was not earlier consulted about being sent to Zimbabwe, though as a diplomat he is supposed to serve wherever his country wants him to serve.
"I am sure there are other Malawians more amenable to serving at that particular post at this particular time," Thoko Banda said  With Mugabe's lawlessness in terms of political opponents, imagine what would happen to Ambassador Banda if he sets foot in Zimbabwe and Mugabe unleashes his thugs on him, not even talking his former secretary/cum wife who is tearing Zimbabwe apart on her blatant ambition to succeed her husband as president.
In an interview with Germany 's The Foreigner magazine in 2006, Banda was widely quoted as having said, "Zimbabwe has an idiot — I am sorry, I know you are recording — but they have an idiot for president.  This guy Robert Mugabe, I hope that he lives a long time, so that one day he can go before an international tribunal. He is a horrible man."
Banda who has served in Japan and Germany for Malawi, said he has extensive human rights advocacy and and :I would never sell out my human rights commitments just for a position."
Millions of people like Thoko Banda in Burkina Faso just chased out another Robert Mugabe; and eventually dictators like Mugabe masquerading as leaders would eventually suffer the same fate.

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