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Friday, November 28, 2014

Re: Okada riders take hostage; beat up Company Commander in Fundong

So sad that our people still continue to suffer under the scotch of occupation and recolonization, while some people are interested and only think on how to replace the old guards and continue in the muddy stream of oppression and exploitation. That said, Ahidjo and the French could not have succeeded without the expressed and covert collaboration from some Southern Cameroonians. Though this part of the story is always left out not to expose those who betrayed the people and hijack the sovereignty and independence of Southern/West Cameroons, the young generation will one day know the truth.
In the absence of any constituted leadership or those who still claim to represent the masses, and like abandoned sheep the people need to take their self defense and interest into their hands and check the unruly behavior of these overzealous and foreign impostors. The use of all means possible to defend the arm less and vulnerable is a right to be defended.
Ebai G

2014-11-28 17:01 GMT+01:00 ngwang gumne <>:
Some of these crooks need to be treated in the manner of the Boyo Bike Riders.
May I share a similar story that happened in Nkambe in 1963 when the genedarmes were just jntroduced into the Southern Cameroons.
They were just catching and beating people who passed on their way to the market. One day, an exsoldier called Jacob Tangem(RIP) went to confront the Brigade Commander. The ommander had gone out. Mr Tangem caught the Commander's dog and left it in pieces.
When the Commander-one Atangana returned and heard what happened to hs dog and who did it, he chickened out. Maltreatment of citizens also ended.
It will be remembered that the gendarmerie in Cameroun is a post-independence introduction designed to maintain French influence.. It was not supposed to extend to the SC, but when Ahidjo and the French decicec to take full control of "West Cameroon", in order to control the politics and the economy, they introdced  those measures which were alien to Southern Cameroonians. They also extended the administratin which infuriated Prime Minister Jua; until he passed away, they never saw eye-to-eye.
They also decided to be recuiting  Southern Cameroonians to be doing the dirty work for them. That is why you have our boys as DOs and Prime Ministers.
The Boyo Bikers deserve praise from all of us.
ngwang gumne
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 at 2:11 PM
From: "'Edwin' via ambasbay" <>
To: "FREE AMBAZONIANS" <>, "SCNC North America" <>, "Ambazonian emancipationists" <>, "Cameroonians Proper" <>
Subject: Okada riders take hostage; beat up Company Commander in Fundong

Okada riders take hostage; beat up Company Commander in Fundong

Added by Cameroon Daily Journal on November 26, 2014.
Tags: FundongOkada ridersteaser
Unemployment in must of Cameroon has opened a thriving trade in motor-bike transportation

Unemployment in must of Cameroon has opened a thriving trade in motor-bike transportation

By Deng Eric Meleh

Cameroon Journal, Fundong, Nov. 26 – Company Commander of the National Gendarmarie for Boyo in the North West Region, Captain Pasale Ernest had a very difficult day today, Wednesday Nov.26th, following a clash with bike riders, popularly known as Okada, in the division's chief town of Fundong.

In what appeared to have been a meticulously planned people's coup against the Captain by the Okada riders, vexed over the Captain's decision to impound a bike carrying zinc during the evening hours of Monday Nov.24th and requesting the sum of 25.000FCFA for kick-backs before he could release the bike and zinc, the riders took the laws into their own hands and barricaded the main road in Fundong central town at about 11am, vowing not to let go until the captain releases the bike and zinc.

The rider whose bike was impounded masterminded the protest. He said that the owner of the zinc was on his neck pressuring him to produce his zinc and that he was adamant to the fact his bike too was in the keeping of the Company Commander.

When Captain Pasale got news of the riders'action, he rushed to the scene and began giving orders for the road to be cleared. The riders, who insisted that the road will only be cleared on grounds that he releases the zinc, beat up the Captain when he tried using force. As the beating began, he removed his gun threatening to shoot but the riders warned him, stating if he did, they will kill him and set his office ablaze.

The administration of Boyo was immediately informed of the situation and Manchang Nicholas, the SDO and his Second Assistant immediately rushed to the scene accompanied by the D.O for Fundong, Commissioner of Special branch Boyo, Superintendent of Fundong Principal Prison, the Mayor and others.

The riders, who were bent on having the zinc released to the owner, had, however, taken the Captain hostage before the arrival of SDO Manchang and his delegation. He rebuked the riders suggesting "no matter what, you have no right to take the law into your hands, and more especially on a security officer. If you lay your hands on him then you have beaten the state." he intimated. He succeeded in bringing some order but the riders insisted the excesses of the Company Commander must be checked.

One of the riders who talked to the Journal narrated how "this man (the captain) has been disturbing us since he came to Boyo. Can you imagine he goes out for control and takes 500frs every time from everybody on the road? He even went as far as taking my colleague's phone who could not settle the control, saying, when he pays, the phone will be returned to him."

The SDO for Boyo has convened a crisis meeting in Fundong on Nov. 27 to address the issue.
Sent from my iPhone


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