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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Re: [cameroon_politics] @Manu:RE:FEN// AMERI Don't waste any more money. CA NO.2 TO CHINA? LIES - NUMBERS DON'T TELL THE STORY HERE

 "We want to cry more than the bereaved?" OR "Try to be more Nigerian than the Nigerians!!!.

From: "Martin Tumasang [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:59 AM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] @Manu:RE:FEN// AMERI Don't waste any more money. CA NO.2 TO CHINA? LIES - NUMBERS DON'T TELL THE STORY HERE

Is there really a need for all these excuses?. We want to cry more than the bereaved?. China is more than America in GDP PPP, period. America is more than China in GDP nominal, period.
Who is richer or wealthier than the other is irrelevant. In China you can remove perhaps 350 million people who are of the same standard of riches as the 350 Americans whilst the remaining 1 million are poorer so comparing who is richer when there is so vast a difference in the population is not a useful analysis.
Remember when a Chinese Premier visited Britain and to the surprise of all, told the British, that he has more people speaking fluent English than the British. i.e. more than 65 million Chinese speak fluent English so who owns the language?. I think such comparisons are not helpful.
America was at the top and far away from China. China has caught up within a remarkably short period and over taken in some aspects but not all but the direction it is going, the final results are certain. The when is doubtful but history has taught us that it will be sooner than later considering the speed of the catch up in the past few years.
Later day immigrants can cry as much as the want but power is moving east. In Africa it cannot be clearer. Power is with those who are building the Great Land Bridge.
Copycats or not, each player has a game plan. The hyena and the leopard do not have the same hunting strategy but both end up with a game to eat. The West might start, partake and end wars to claim the spoils, China might refuse to fight and concentrate on the spoils, whoever wins. One technique is not inferior to the other. They are both dangerous hunters.

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 14:23:11 +0000
Subject: Re: [cameroon_politics]FEN// AMERI Don't waste any more money. CA NO.2 TO CHINA? LIES - NUMBERS DON'T TELL THE STORY HERE

      Yours was so comprehensively written  and right on the "money".  It would be difficult, even for an American,  to add anything to this debate without  repeating most of what you've already said. Hey! we're all thankful that a new "sheriff" is in town to help police the world. 
     Up until now, China has been acting  like a typical opportunist (vulture) They like to standby and wait patiently until fights are over before jumping in to enjoy the spoils...the'll wait until American has spent billions on developing technologies before either embarking on cyber spying or coming up with fakes. Yep, the opposite of; "AUTHENTIC IS CHINESE" 
     The world just entered a new dawn, now that China has become the #1 economic superpower of the world, we can't wait to see some leadership in other areas other than "COPYCATTING"!!!!

P/s..l don't know much about the Chinese. A Ghanaian friend who entered the US via China once told me that...their women's (Whatchamacallit) follows the same contours and shape of their eyes. Eh!!! Don't quote me on that.!!!!!*:-h wave
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From:"Divine Rhyme [cameroon_politics]" <>
Date:Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 4:23 AM

America has been the wealthiest nation on earth for a long time and will continue to be so for another long time to come. The quantity of money owned by China has nothing to do with the wealth it has at the moment and this situation will continue until the last Chinese decides not to emigrate to America for a better life. I live in Austria and despite its size and population and GDP, its a far "wealthier" country than China. The facts are clear through the number of Chinese seeking for permanent residency in Austria - who even outnumber the entire Austrian population.
Visit Austria and even go to the most remote villages  - there you will find a modern hospital,  high school, water supply, decent housing, road network, supermarket, fire station, even car dealerships and all those comforts found in the large cities.The highway network in Austria is comparable to that of any country of the developed world. If every country had to put an end to its social responsibilities to its citizens, the story would be largely different. That is also why the excitement about Nigerian economy GDP being  better than that of SA is just a deceitful tale of figures  
So the claim that Chinese economy supersedes  that of the US is one of the situations where numbers  alone do not tell the whole story. I think American GDP would be very different if government did not divert resources to provide for social security, subsidized housing, transportation, education, healthcare, research grants etc. It would also be different if government did not divert resources to be maintaining one of the best highway systems in the world, and also the complex road and railway network that allows people to travel from state to state or county to county.  Inspite of USAID shortcomings, the American GDP would be very different if much resources were not diverted to these kind of programs. 
Americas successes should be lauded and so  we should be fair enough not to ignore that because of some of its shortcomings. 
If China was to divert resources to do just a quarter of what America does to its citizens and the world, China will be reduced to a third world country just within a week.

From: "Greig Batey [cameroon_politics]" <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 6, 2014 7:50 AM
Subject: [cameroon_politics] Fw: [MINCAM] It's official: America is now No. 2 to China

Call them copy cats or whatever. To copy is better than being jealous.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Julius Ngwendson [MINCAM]" <>
Sent: Friday, December 5, 2014 8:32 AM
Subject: [MINCAM] It's official: America is now No. 2 to China


It's official: America is now No. 2 to China

Need Jesus?
Julius N. Ngwendson


Posted by: Martin Tumasang <>

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