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Thursday, February 26, 2015


I want to remind u that I know u only on cyberspace but the rest of is have been on ground zero since the start of this fight. Fon Dinka whom I very much respect has been pulled in the mud for quite a while by the likes of u. I care very little when I meet paper tigers I'll rather be worried if I hear that you had joined the fighting ranks. People who talk too much can and will never deliver.

Sent from my iPhone

On 2015-02-26, at 2.36.PD, Julius Acham <> wrote:

Keep recycling in denial. These are 2010 and 2011 mails. You know better.
Everyone is ready to celebrate liberty even if SCARM brings it or your Dr. Chia British Cameroons.

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 9:05 AM, 'Samuel Laikenjoh' via ambasbay <> wrote:
SG et Al, leave Ambazonians alone. If their premiss is that the SCNC and the SCYL were founded by La rep du cameroun to kill our liberation struggle then all your efforts to educate and debrief are an overkill. Nothing will change the mindset of our compatriots who were God sent and only they can be right in the approach to our liberation struggle.
 Back on memory lane, they were first on the field but fielded poor players that could not convince the home crowd. In fact the true Ambazonians we knew were the P.M. Shufai Blaise Berinyuy and Alexander Muchuo. They joined the ranks of CAM as it then was because it had a viable home base and this information was communicated to His Royal Highness then to join the Movement and even lead it in the future but unfortunately he had already crowned himself Head of State with neither state nor citizens and would not listen to any of us. All of us have in one way or the other interacted with His Royal Highness and have quietly withdrawn because even the alliance with SCARM could not work.
Heed to the advise proffered by Barrister Berinyuy and push ahead with your agenda as if the whole cause depended on you alone. What we need is liberty.
We as a people have not called on British Southern Cameroonians to steer clear of any elections organized on their territory by occupiers nor have we warned those parading the whole world as would be candidates to an election that had already been won by the incumbent.They are deceiving our masses and prolonging their agony.
 For those of you who read " La Peste " by Albert Camus you will remember that the vaccine discovered by Dr. Rieux instead of wiping away the plague that hit Oran, prolonged the sufferings of those who had already been hit by the virus. The analogy here is that trying to cure the ills of la republique is prolonging the agony of Southern Cameroonians and no one indeginous Southern Cameroonian should dream to ever rule la rep.which is the preserve of France. An Upper Voltan may be ruling the Ivory Coast it is because the whole world has been blinded to the machinations of the French but they are learning their lesson in Libya.
None of the socalled leaders of the International community has called on our coloniser to leave for he is thirty years already in power. Different treatments are metted out to different countries depending on the particular interests of the socalled international community leaders in the said dictatorships.
Let us trot on as if the cause depended solely on us and bother less about these distractions. We shall move on with the determination to fight as a team and not in dispersed ranks.
Aluta continua.

--- On Tue, 2/8/11, Ayaba Cho Lucas SOUTHERN CAMEROONS INDEPENDENCE <> wrote:

Date: Tuesday, 2 August, 2011, 19:50

Justice Mbuh,
I did not mention HCB because it does not exist and i have made this clarification before. I am also pretty sure that the masses of our people are now fully debriefed on these issues and can for the first time make a judgment on the validity of some of the postings from Ambazonia. I have worked tireless in this struggle building bridges and will never give up on it based on the principle of truthfulness and selflessness. I worked tirelessy for the Washington 2001 meeting and I continue to do the same for every effort aimed at bringing our people together. I am also a legal scholar who is well briefed on public international law. I understand its implications not only on the statist ontology that had defined international Relations but also on its contemporary adjustments as diiferent agencies are drafted in as legal personalities. gorji's case remains the worst within the recent history of the HRC when it comes to issues dealing with our struggle. The simple reason is that as a Lawyer Gorji failed to interprete international instruments. He attempted judicial activism at the international level and got a red nose. He did the same in bamenda and got a red nose which he has consistently paraded as a judgment.By trying to use International law as a way of getting legitimacy he created a very bad case law for our people. He never needed to use an  international adjudication body. He just needed to be humble and seek legitimacy through either popular consent or trustworthy and credible leadership. My one advice for you is to be true to power and tell Gorji to stop all what he is doing. The danger in all these manipulations for you as an individual is disastrous. Remember that once gorji leaves the political scene, you risk a life of struggle being flushed down the drain because all along Gorji subverted your own sacrifice to advance his selfish politcal agenda.  I will always respect him as one who stood up at a time when few could dare. But I will never allow Gorji to use lies against our people as a propaganda tool for power. I will tolerate lies as a propaganda tool against the vicious occupier but against those who have known nothing but deceit and distortion of history, it is unacceptable. It is time you realise the damage that has been done to all the efforts we as a collective have stood for. In this struggle, at this moment, we need leaders who are able to make historic compromises to advance the general good.

Out of the night that covers me. Black as the Pit from pole to pole. I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.In the full clutch of circumstance. I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the Horror of the shade. And yet the menace of the years finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.



Ayaba Cho Lucas

National Secretary General and

Founding father

Southern Cameroons Youth League (SCYL) 
Visit us online:,

"It is in truth not Glory, nor riches, nor honour that we are fighting, but for Freedom- for that alone which no honest man gives up but with life itself" Declaration of Arbroath; Scotland 1320

Freedom Fighters Don`t Quit (FFDQ)".


Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 10:10:28 -0700

within the nexus of African Politics, you are right, except you still do not understand the implications of the ICCPR Ruling. Its implications are huge, indeed humongous! Since you  have not understood it until now, there is no need explaining anything to you.

You failed to mention HCB/28/92 upon which my response was based.
You also fail to understand the added value my discharge and acquittal added to all you have said, in addition to the ignored HCB/28/92.

Ayaba, you sound as optimistic as your were ten years ago with the WDC Capitol Summit, where you submitted your vote that the resolutions be sent to the home front for approval! Where are we since then sir?

Remember that when you play such games to let time pass, it is not only our own time that passes, yours too. It was such posturings that have some devoted soldiers of your walloping in jail and we have not explanation except reading contradictory reports of who betrayed who and flew to America, etc.

Some of your foot soldiers are dying without anyone firering a gun shut at their funeral--Akuma at Ntarikon to name just that unfortunate son of Mankon!

I think if SCYL, led by you and Akwanga were serious they and you would not be talking over the internet at all!

Just remember that and continue with your search for a solution to our demise.
If one morning upon waking up, Ayaba and Akwanga have thrown some brimstone and we hear kim-kim-kim, etc, and see the enemy fleeing, we shall sing hallelujah! Shall we not?

Your continuous denigration of Ambazonia and her leadership when indeed you have only jailed inmates to show for your rhetoric is a spank on your own face, not us!

Has anyone deceived you--for I think you like to be deceived a lot--that we need permission to expel an illegal landlord that LRC constitutes?
Haba Magida, Haba!
Justice M. Mbuh

THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA (UN Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons)
The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form. -Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

--- On Tue, 8/2/11, Ayaba Cho Lucas SOUTHERN CAMEROONS INDEPENDENCE <> wrote:

Date: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 12:25 PM

The only valid judgement to be enforce is that premised within the legal remit of violation of the sovereign territorial space of another state and the utilisation of systematic impunity to exact surrender from those who legally own and inhabit that state. The violation of the secret tenet embodied within the principle uti possidetis demands no court judgement. And if it would that would not be within the jurisdiction of the occupying regime. Secondly the enforcement body of the ICCPR is a Committee and not a court. It expresses opinions and does not pass judgment. Thirdly the opinion expressed on the Gorji Communication did not uphold any judgment. This is what the committee concluded:
'Insofar as the author claims that his and his people's right to self-determination has been violated by the State party's failure to implement the 1961 plebiscite, Restoration Law 84/01, the 1992 judgment of the High Court of Bamenda, or by its "subjugation" of the Ambazonians, the Committee recalls that it does not have competence under the Optional Protocol to consider claims alleging a violation of the right to self determination protected in article 1 of the Covenant. (5) The Optional Protocol provides a procedure under which individuals can claim that their individual rights have been violated. These rights are set out in part III (articles 6 to 27) of the Covenant. (6) It follows that this part of the communication is inadmissible under article 1 of the Optional Protocol'.( accessed 02.08.11)
So if you have included this in your Dissertation as you stated in your writeup, be aware that you risked be charged for untrustworthiness. Once the researcher is deemed untrustworthy, he/she violates the secret tenet of researcher/data validity premise. By deiberately distorting facts for political games either to advance a personal political agenda, you risked being a victim of the Strawman fallacy. I am not here to defend SCAPO, RG or SCNC but because we are presently in a coalition I will state the following; the deposition made by Professor Carlson Anyangwe in Communication 266/2003 is a well researched piece of work which cuts across any personal interest and advances the general good as has never been done before. The Human rights section of the communication was not an invention to uplift any individual to foot of state. It was a documented reality of the impunity with which our people including Gorji had and have been subjected to by the occupting power. The section on self-determination is equally impressive for its rigour and argument. And most importantly there is a Committee opinion genuinely published for everyone to read, reference, rebut or acclaim. And those sections which the plaintiff does not agree with have been appealed. Ambazonia has been exposed and humiliated for distortion and manipulation. And if Gorji was facing any Committee to validate his work, he will leave a disgraced man and possibly in handcuffs. We run the ground and now cyberspace is no longer a cheap talking shop. We have vowed to face this distortion here now and for ever. And henceforth any individual we consider an ally, a sympathiser or a partner who is attacked by these Nchindas, it will be our responsibility to respond.

Out of the night that covers me. Black as the Pit from pole to pole. I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.In the full clutch of circumstance. I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the Horror of the shade. And yet the menace of the years finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.



Ayaba Cho Lucas

National Secretary General and

Founding father

Southern Cameroons Youth League (SCYL) 
Visit us online:,

"It is in truth not Glory, nor riches, nor honour that we are fighting, but for Freedom- for that alone which no honest man gives up but with life itself" Declaration of Arbroath; Scotland 1320

Freedom Fighters Don`t Quit (FFDQ)".


Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 07:44:01 -0700


Dear Dr Gumne.

The gist of your Abuja judgment is that it calls on Nigeria to get the UN to take up the question independence for Southern Cameroon 

First of all France, the face behind the mask called Cameroon and its NATO partners would not let item be put on the UN agenda. Moreover, by so doing Nigeria would also automatically raise/fear the question of independence for the Northern Cameroon. So you would agree with me that Nigeria would not initiate any such steps and we are not in a position to compel Nigeria do so.  

The second judgment you say you took to our leader HRM Fon Dinka is that of Banjul, which was a collective effort of SCAPO and SCNC SCARM and SCYL and RG. You yourselves now admit that it was not worth all the resources spent on it.

So you would agree with me that there no judgment from the SCAPO and SCNC SCARM and SCYL and RG which we in the home front can attempt to marry with those won by our leader HRM Fon Dinka. Here is a the gist of it:

The United Nations Tribunal of Human Rights decision in the case of Fon Gorji-Dinka –v- Cameroon CCPR/1134/2002 upholds the judgment of HCB/28/92 as the best attempt at domestic redress. which failed only because Cameroon government does not respect the decisions of its own courts on human rights (Monism/Gilding Betty, etc).

I repeat: The UN upholds the judgment of HCB/28/92 as the best attempt at domestic redress.  And the said HCB/28/92 among other things

(a) declares that the occupation of Ambazonia by Cameroon is an act of aggression

(b) and orders  all elements of Cameroon rule to be expelled from Ambazonia .

Sir, I am not a lawyer but hold a Masters in International Affairs (though working on a dissertaion on International Law and Conflict, ABD). However, in terms of our collective rights, the UN Charter Article 51 gives Ambazonia (the victim of Cameroon aggression) the right to use force, whether alone or with the assistance of any willing countries or NGOs or even mercenaries to flush Cameroon totally out of Ambazonia. Get the gist?

You would therefore agree with me that we have one and only one judgment to enforce. Anyone who cannot see this certainly does not see nothing worth discussing.

Thank you Sir.

 Justice M Mbuh

THE LEGACY OF AMBAZONIA (UN Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons)
The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form. -Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

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