Hello Mishe Fon,
Are we sure somebody is not impersonating Mr. Paul Ayah?
From: "Mishe Fon mishefon@yahoo.com [camnetwork]" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>
To: "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "Mishe Fon mishefon@yahoo.com [ACCDF]" <ACCDF@yahoogroups.com>; Cameroon Politics <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 12:38 AM
I am as confused as you all are on Mr. Ebini's response. Ebini affirms that Justice cum former PAP Opposition Presidential candidate Ayah Paul is right in saying that "SCNC" people are jealous of him (Ayah) for attaining Public Service highest rank "Index 1400". Mr. Ayah, a political leader no doubt, who goes as far as calling his critics; Idiots, should be ashamed of himself. I thought that Mr. Ayah's outrage should have alarmed Mr. Ebini, but hell no; he takes sides with the learned man of Cameroon Politics. Who is that politician in his right frame of mind who calls his critics names and expect such critics to ever one day be convinced and swayed to "vote for him".Mr. Ayah might have a point about the dysfunctional nature of the SCNC, but to start trading insults with your "constituents" is tantamount to political suicide,He never for once in his Facebook diarrheal outburst mentioned the issue of whether he was actually elected SCNC Chairman or not in the minuscule Kumba conclave. On the contrary he went on a tirade to vilify his critics. I think what he and Mr. Ebini forget is that as a "Public Figure" a certain amount of decorum is expected even in the midst of provocative language from an expectant public. Exchanging "Insults" with "we the people" does not for a serious politician make. Calling your "constituents" names like "Kandurungwa shegeh!" is disgraceful, uncouth, childish and beneath the dignity of political leaders. I honestly don't know what is "Right" about insulting those who have a contrarian opinion to yours.
From: "NDI MANJONG ngahndi@yahoo.com [camnetwork]" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>
To: "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "Mishe Fon mishefon@yahoo.com [ACCDF]" <ACCDF@yahoogroups.com>; CAMNETWORK List <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; Cameroon Politics <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup <ambasbay@googlegroups.com>; Accdf Accdf <accdf@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 11:37 PM
Shey Ebini, He was very correct on this one as opposed to which ones that he was very wrong on? Now that Ayah the long awaited messiah has said there never was a messiac kingdom for him to bring, let each devil double down on what it can to take the hind most.NDI MANJONG
From:"noelebini noelebini@yahoo.com [camnetwork]" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>
Date:Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:08 PM
Subject:[camnetwork] RE: IN A SUDDEN TWIST, SCNC proposed Chairman AYAH PAUL FINALLY "COMES CLEAN" BY BLASTING THE SCNCMy dear friend, on this one HRM the Honorable Paul Ayah is very correct and on point about SCNC and I agree with him. Those of us who oppose the system in Cameroon have shown that we are incapable of anything better that noise making and inflated egos and that includes me. We cannot even productively talk to each other.Christmas EbiniSent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone-------- Original message --------From: "Mishe Fon mishefon@yahoo.com [ACCDF]"Date:03/30/2015 9:24 PM (GMT-05:00)To: CAMNETWORK List ,Cameroon Politics ,Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup ,Accdf AccdfSubject: IN A SUDDEN TWIST, SCNC proposed Chairman AYAH PAUL FINALLY "COMES CLEAN" BY BLASTING THE SCNCIn an article posted on Facebook, the Honorable Ayah Paul, Chairman of PAP, Supreme Court Advocate and previously elected Chairman of the SCNC finally gives the long awaited answer to a question from a Journalist after his government appointment a few months ago concerning his Southern Cameroonian detractors. This is what the honorable gentleman had to say about the SCNC he was elected by some individuals in Kumba to lead:Yes, indeed! SCNC is noise; more noise, and much more noise! Pretenses; more pretenses, and much more false pretenses! And truly, SCNC is everyone for themselves!THE GRAPE IS EVER SOURI have read for close to four months some repetitive trash, laden with utter disrespect for my person, from some hungry, envious, jigger-infested wretched failures . For all that time, I have remained in my usual equanimity. But as our model, Christ, could not help calling Peter satan and telling Peter to get behind Him, I believe that the time always comes to speak the language of the inferior people. I think one clearly sees just how some alien Southern Cameroonians are so intelligent and clever that they are ever first in every competitive exam in Cameroun! Even as I write these words, they are crying for a fairer system of competitive exam that can allow the dullards they are a chance to serve Cameroun.But at the same time, they are labouring under tantrums just because Ayah has clocked index 1.400: the highest in the public service of the very Cameroun they are hungry to serve, but they are tantalized on account of their dullness. If they are better than or even just equal to HRH Hon Lord Justice Ayah Paul, why are they weeping and lamenting for four months for Ayah to lead them? Is that not sufficient admission they are hopeless mediocrities?You only know a grape is sour when you can't get it! ...Kandurungwa shegeh!Ayah Paul__._,_.___
Posted by: Mishe Fon <mishefon@yahoo.com>
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