Re: La Republique du Cameroun Expels Southern Cameroons

Pa Fru Ndeh!
This is coming from you? Hah!

(UN Trust Territory of British Cameroons):
The Parliamentary Opposition, ...forged for itself a new role noteworthy for its dignity; and the government,..never attempted to withdraw...the legal recognition that was its due. Thanks to this...West Cameroon has won for itself the prestige of being the one place in West Africa (if not all of Africa) where democracy, in the British style, has lasted longest in its genuine form. 
--Prof. Bernard Nsukika Fonlon, The Task of Today, p. 9

On Wed, 3/18/15, 'Pa Fru Ndeh' via ambasbay <> wrote:

Subject: La Republique du Cameroun Expels Southern Cameroons
To: "Cameroon Politics" <>, "Ambasbay CamerGoogleGroup" <>
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 9:11 AM

in Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free
in Malaysia - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopediaSingapore became part of
Malaysia on 16 September 1963, Malaysia being a new
political entity formed from the merger of the Federation of
Malaya with ...View
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Singapore in MalaysiaFrom Wikipedia, the free
SingapuraState of Malaysia← 
1963–1965 →
FlagCoat of
armsSingapore in its location
relative to Peninsular
1°22′N103°48′ECoordinates: 1°22′N 103°48′EGovernmentLegislative AssemblyYang
di-Pertuan Negara - 1963–1965Encik
Yusof bin IshakPrime
Minister - 1963–1965Lee Kuan
YewHistory - Singapore
joins the Federation16
September 1963 - Singapore declares
August 1965Today part of SingaporePart of a series on
of SingaporeEarly
history of Singapore (pre-1819)Kingdom
of Singapura (1299–1398)Founding
of modern Singapore (1819–26)Straits
Settlements (1826–67)Crown
colony (1867–1942)Battle of
Singapore (1942)Japanese
Occupation (1942–45)Sook
Ching (1942)Post-war
period (1945–55)First
Legislative Council (1948–51)Maria
Hertogh riots (1950)Second
Legislative Council (1951–55)Anti-National Service
Riots (1954)Internal
self-government (1955–62)Hock Lee
bus riots (1955)Merger with
Malaysia (1962–65)Merger
referendum (1962)Operation
Coldstore (1963)Race
riots in Singapore (1964)MacDonald
House bombing (1965)Republic
of Singapore (1965–present)ASEAN
Declaration (ASEAN) (1967)1969 race
riots of Singapore (1969)Operation
Spectrum (1987)East Asian financial
crisis (1997)Embassies
attack plot (2001)SARS
outbreak (2003)2013
Little India riot (2013)TimelineRiots Singapore
portalvtePart of a series on
of MalaysiaPrehistoric
of Muslim states[show]Colonial
and emergency[show]Independence[show]By
topic[show]Timeline Malaysia
became part of Malaysia on 16 September
1963, Malaysia being a new
political entity formed from the merger of the Federation of
Malaya with North
Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. This marked the end of
a 144-year period of British
rule in Singapore, beginning with the founding of modern Singapore by Sir Stamford
Raffles in 1819.The
union, however, was unstable due to distrust and ideological
differences between leaders of the State of Singapore and
the Federal
Government of Malaysia. Such issues resulted in frequent
disagreements relating to economics, finance and politics.
The United
Malays National Organisation (UMNO), which was the
political party in power in the Federal Government, saw the
participation of the Singapore-basedPeople's Action
Party (PAP) in the Malaysian
general election of 1964 as a threat to its
Malay-based political system. There were also majorracial
riots that year involving the majority Chinese
community and the Malay community in Singapore. During
a 1965
Singaporean by-election, UMNO threw its support behind
the opposition Barisan
Sosialis candidate. In 1965, Malaysian Prime
Minister Tunku
Abdul Rahmandecided upon the expulsion of Singapore from
the Federation, leading to the independence of Singapore on
9 August 1965.[1]Contents  [hide] 1 Background2 Racial
tensions3 Disagreement4 Expulsion5 See also6 References7 Further
readingBackground[edit]The People's Action
Party (PAP) won the first
election in Singapore after the
tensions[edit]Racial tensions increased dramatically
within a year. They were fuelled by the Barisan
Sosialis's tactics of stirring up communal sentiment
as the pro-Communist party sought to use
means to survive against the crackdown by both the government of Singapore and
the Federal
Government. In particular, despite the Malaysian
government conceding citizenship to the many
Chinese immigrants after independence, in Singapore the
Chinese disdained the Federal policies of affirmative action, which granted
special privileges to the Malays guaranteed underArticle
153 of the Constitution of Malaysia. These
included financial and economic benefits that were
preferentially given to Malays and the recognition of Islam
as the sole official religion, although non-Muslims
maintained freedom of worship.Malays and Muslims
in Singapore were being increasingly incited by the
Federal Government's accusations that the PAP was
mistreating the Malays. Numerous racial riots resulted, and
curfews were frequently imposed to restore order. The
external political situation was also tense at the time,
with Indonesia actively against the establishment of the
Federation of Malaysia. President Sukarno of Indonesia declared
a state ofKonfrontasi (Confrontation)
against Malaysia and initiated military and other actions
against the new nation, including the bombing
of MacDonald House in Singapore in March 1965 by
Indonesian commandos which killed three people.[3] Indonesia also
conducted seditious activities to
provoke the Malays against the Chinese.[4] One of the more
notorious riots was the 1964 race
riots that took place on Prophet Muhammad's
birthday on 21 July, near Kallang Gasworks;
twenty-three were killed and hundreds injured. More riots
broke out in September 1964. The price of food skyrocketed
when the transport system was disrupted during this period
of unrest, causing further hardship. The Singapore
Government later named 21 July each year as Racial
Harmony Day.Disagreement[edit]Main
article: PAP-UMNO
relationsThe Federal Government of Malaysia,
dominated by the United
Malays National Organisation (UMNO), was concerned
that as long as Singapore remained in the Federation,
the bumiputera policy
of affirmative action for Malays
and the indigenous population would be undermined and
therefore run counter to its agenda of addressing economic
disparities between racial groups. One of the major concerns
was that the PAP continued to ignore these disparities in
their repeated cry for a "Malaysian
Malaysia" – the equal treatment of all races
in Malaysia by the government which should serve
Malaysian citizens without any regard for the
economic conditions of any particular race. Another contributor
was the fear that the economic dominance of Singapore's port would
inevitably shift political power away from Kuala
Lumpur in time, should Singapore remain in the
Federation.The state
and federal governments also had disagreements on the
economic front. Despite an earlier agreement to establish
a common market, Singapore
continued to face restrictions when trading with the rest of
Malaysia. In retaliation, Singapore did not extend to Sabah
and Sarawak the full extent of the loans agreed to for
economic development of the two eastern states. The
situation escalated to such an intensity that talks soon
broke down and abusive speeches and writing became rife on
both sides. UMNO extremists called for the arrest of Lee
Kuan Yew.Expulsion[edit]Lee Kuan
Yew and Tunku
Abdul RahmanOn 7
August 1965, Prime Minister Tunku
Abdul Rahman, seeing no alternative to avoid further
bloodshed, advised the Parliament of Malaysiathat it
should vote to expel Singapore from Malaysia.[1] Despite last-ditch
attempts by PAP leaders, including Lee Kuan Yew, to keep
Singapore as a state in the union, the Parliament on 9
August 1965 voted 126–0 in favour of the expulsion of
Singapore, with Members of Parliament from Singapore not
present. On that day, a tearful Lee announced that Singapore
was a sovereign, independent nation and assumed the role
Minister of the new nation. His speech included
this quote: "For me, it is a moment of anguish. All my
life, my whole adult life, I have believed in merger and
unity of the two territories."[5]Under constitutional
amendments passed in December that year, the new
state became the Republic of Singapore, with
the Yang
di-Pertuan Negara becoming President, and the Legislative Assembly becoming
the Parliament of Singapore. These
changes were made retroactive to the date of Singapore's
separation from Malaysia. The Malaya
and British Borneo dollar remained legal tender
until the introduction of the Singapore
dollar in 1967. Before the currency split, there
were discussions about a common
currency between the Malaysian and Singaporean


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