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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Re: [MTC Global] UGC has failed, scrap it, says HRD committee Akshaya Mukul, New Delhi:

I get hurt to state that the pioneer of modern age are but a few British ICS
officers who started railways, explored our treasure in the forms of caves,
books, temples, natural resources, etc. These officers learnt Sanskrit,
studied our scriptures and did something for the public.

As against this scenario, can we introspect how many IAS Indian Officers
during the last 67 years (almost half of the British regime in this country)
got involved in a real sense in public welfare? From districts level to
AICTE to UGC or name any public organization, we find the bureaucratic
officers at the helm of affairs least bothered about public well-fare.
Simply ill-luck. The basic reasons are: we emphasized much on political
freedom rather than that of social reformation and individual dividend even
at the cost of nation is the attitude of some intellectuals.

On Wed, 01 Apr 2015 15:01:53 +0530 Richard Hay wrote
>Its high time a National Higher Education Authority is established in India
which, we feel, would save our country and in particular, the higher
education institutions which are lagging behind in most of the significant
 parameters of good governance and good performance. Along with that
the ubiquitous and overbearing influence of NAAC also may be got rid of.
These are the white elephants which have spent so much money mostly for
wasteful expenditure while the institutions were starved of funds for real
development. Had they been instrumental in producing the top performing
universities in the global ranking in India, we could have praised them for
the achievement. Their method of operations is both archaic and antiquated,
and we do not know whether they have been following the  UGC in UK
 even though UGC (UK)had changed for the good as times have changed.
Neither they have been able to provide the leadership to  improve the
General Enrollment Ratio nor correct the mismatch between graduate skills
and market demands. Even in the UAE, Indian universities are not held in
high esteem when compared to universities even from smaller countries. In
these circumstances, we feel , an efficient  NHEA would be most
suitable to address the complex problems faced by the institutions in higher
education. Its the need of the hour to stem the rot in the higher education dismantling UGC and set up the new machinery to make higher
education a real engine for economic growth and thereby to meet the 21st
century challenges. May be they would have run out of ideas to rescue the
system from further depredation.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:18 AM, Prof. Bholanath Dutta
TIMES OF INDIA, Ahmedabad. 1/4/2015

UGC has failed, scrap it, says HRD committee, Akshaya Mukul, New Delhi:

One of the first committees set up by HRD minister Smriti Z Irani to review
the working of the University Grants Commission (UGC) has said the regulator
has not only “failed to fulfill its mandate but also has not been able to
deal with emerging diverse complexities“ and should be replaced by a
National Higher Education Authority.

Headed by former UGC chairperson Hari Gautam, the committee has said any â
€œreshaping or restructuring“ of UGC will be a “futile“ exercise, as
will be amending the UGC Act.Therefore, it has recom mended the setting up
of a new authority through an act of Parliament and prepared a draft bill.
Till such time a body is set up, the panel says, the HRD ministry can bring
about changes in UGC through an executive order.
Ministry sources said the recommendations were “far-reaching“ and â
€œwill be looked into seriously“.Among the committee';s other suggestions
are a national research aptitude test for admission to PhD and doing away
with the 10 year criterion for professors to become vice-chancellors. It has
also emphasized teaching of yoga and transcendental meditation.
The two-volume report submitted to the ministry says UGC is “plagued in
the main by reductionism in its functioning“. “It (UGC) has side-stepped
its function of being a sentinel of excellence in education and embraced the
relatively easier function of funding education.“ Headed by former UGC
chairperson Hari Gautam, the committee says the UGC staff is unhappy as only
“few find favour and are delegated with powers to perform in important
areas while many of them are left out with hardly much to contribute... It
is said that they are pushed around through an element of fear and
threat.The overall impression is that there is a man-made crisis which seems
to be cause of unhealthy ambience and poor performance of UGC.“
Coming down heavily on the functioning of the top levels, the committee says
the UGC chairperson “should be advised to strictly keep a vigilant track
of the various performance areas“ and “assess the contribution at all
levels“. The chairperson, it adds, should spend more time in his “seatâ
€œ than go around the “country and the world on occasions that have not
much relevance for the system he governs“. The committee has recommended
that the chairperson';s performance “be assessed once after three years
and then at the end of his tenure of five years by a committee constituted
by HRD“.
Prof. Bholanath Dutta

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